"I said this one, it seems we were here first." Xiao Wu reminded.

"So what?" Dai Mubai asked proudly. He didn't even look at Xiao Wu, and it was obvious that he didn't take Xiao Wu seriously.

"It's not good, I tell you to get lost!" Xiao Wu scolded coldly.

"Very good. Haha, few people dare to talk to me like this. Come on, you all come together." Dai Mubai felt confident, turned around and looked at Xiao Wu with disdain, and mocked: "I'll give you one to get out of here." opportunity, or please show me the meaning of the word "get out."

"Let me do it, Xiao Wu."

Tang San stepped out before Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu had always had a prejudice against Tang San, and looked at Tang San with eyes full of disgust. In Tang San's inner mind, this was all caused by his difficulty in standing up in the past and giving Xiao Wu a timid and fearful image. Taking this opportunity, Tang San intended to change Xiao Wu's impression of him.

Xiao Wu stepped forward, shook her head and said, "He wants me to get out. Let me take action this time."


Xiao Wu stepped on her foot, and three soul rings appeared around her. The color is one yellow and two purple.

"Thousand-year soul ring?"

Dai Mubai looked stunned.

The first two soul rings that are standard configuration for a soul master are two yellow ones. However, Xiao Wu's second and third soul rings are purple soul rings that are thousands of years old.

The color of Xiao Wu's second soul ring is not only a thousand-year-old soul ring, but the soul ring also has four purple lines. This shows that Xiao Wu's second soul ring is four thousand years old. As for Xiao Wu's third soul ring, although it is also a thousand-year-old soul ring, the soul ring has eight lines.

The purple soul ring has eight lines, indicating that the soul ring is more than eight thousand years old.

Xiao Wu is a soul beast, and the first six soul rings can be condensed through practice. After the body was tortured by the Star Anise Ice Grass, Fiery Apricot Jiaoshu, and Ice and Fire Eyes, Xiao Wu's second and third soul rings turned into purple soul rings that lasted for a thousand years.

Xiao Wu caught Dai Mubai's shocked look in her eyes and mocked with a proud expression: "Are you scared? If you are, then show off the meaning of the word "Get out!"

When Dai Mubai heard this, his face darkened. With a sullen face, he stared at Xiao Wu. He is the third prince of the Star Luo Empire, how could he get out of the Rose Hotel? As soon as he stepped on it, a strong pale light burst out from his body.

Dai Mubai stretched his arms to both sides at the same time, raised his chest, and the bones all over his body made a thunderous sound, and his muscles suddenly expanded. Three soul rings emerged from under his feet. The color is two yellow and one purple.


Xiao Wu's tone was deep, and he chuckled with sudden realization: "It turns out that he is a soul master in his thirties. Come on, fight me. If I were afraid of you, I wouldn't call you Xiao Wu."


Dai Mubai's eyes flashed, and he asked in a flirtatious tone: "So your name is Xiao Wu. Dai Mubai, Martial Spirit White Tiger, Level 37 Battle Spirit Lord, please give me some advice."

"Xiao Wu, Wuhuntu, a thirty-third level battle soul master."

Second Soul Skill: Charm

The second soul ring around Xiao Wu's body lit up with purple light, and her eyes also lit up with a pink light. Dai Mubai, who looked at Xiao Wu, immediately fell for Xiao Wu's trick. Dai Mubai's expression was in a daze, and he stood sluggishly on the spot.

It is worth mentioning that Xiao Wu's second soul ring lasts for four thousand years. The power of soul skills of a soul ring is related to the age of the soul ring. The control-type soul skills of a four-thousand-year-old spirit ring have stronger control power than a hundred-year-old spirit ring, and the control time will be longer than that of a hundred-year-old spirit ring.

The first soul skill·Waist Bow

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Wu tiptoed and rushed in front of Dai Mubai, whose eyes were dull. He used his first soul skill and kicked Dai Mubai out hard.

Xiao Wu's first soul skill, the waist bow, can instantly increase her waist strength by 100% and increase her toughness by 50%. After the tenth level of soul power, for each additional level, the amplification effect when using the waist bow increases by one percent. Xiao Wu's soul power is now level 33, and the effect of his soul skills is 123%.


Dai Mubai, who was kicked out by Xiao Wu, sunk into the wall of the hotel like an arrow. Thin cracks appeared around Dai Mubai's sunken wall. Even standing aside and watching, it can make people feel pain.

Xiao Wu proudly brushed the bangs on her forehead with her hands, and announced with a faint arc at the corner of her mouth: "Finished, let's call it a day."

"Master Dai!"

"Master Dai!"

The twin sisters exclaimed, and when they came to their senses, they pulled Dai Mubai out of the wall.

Dai Mubai stared at Xiao Wu fiercely, his teeth itched with anger, and he shouted in a low voice: "Let's go."


Dai Mubai wanted to leave, but Tang San used Ghost Shadow to block Dai Mubai's way.

"What do you want to do?" Dai Mubai stared at Tang San.

"I don't want to do anything. If we are defeated today, I'm afraid we will be the ones to get out. Now that you lose, you naturally have to demonstrate the meaning of the word "get out." Tang San answered clearly. He kept looking at Xiao Wu. Sure enough, Xiao Wu looked stunned for a moment, and her expression when she looked at Tang San also changed to become more pleasing to the eye.

"You... don't be so arrogant. If she hadn't attacked just now, I wouldn't have lost. If you persist, I don't mind making you regret it." Dai Mubai warned angrily.

"If you still want to fight, I will accompany you to the end." Tang San smiled.

Tang San deliberately corrected his impression of timidity in Xiao Wu's mind. After hearing what Dai Mubai said, he started to fight without hesitation.

"Your name is Dai Mubai, right? You are no match for us."

On the other side, Ye Feng spoke.

Ye Feng saw Tang San's behavior and had seen through Tang San's inner purpose. How could he let Tang San have his way? Ye Feng had finally made Xiao Wu like him, and he would never let Xiao Wu like Tang San, so as to prevent Xiao Wu from sacrificing herself.


Ye Feng's mind moved, and four soul rings appeared under his feet, in yellow, yellow, purple, and black.

"Four soul rings? Soul Sect? The fourth soul ring is still a ten thousand year level soul ring?"

Dai Mubai's face turned pale, his eyes were dull. He was petrified on the spot.

Ye Feng was three or four years younger than Dai Mubai, but Ye Feng was already a soul sect of more than forty levels. And Ye Feng's fourth soul ring was a soul ring that exceeded the standard ten thousand year period.

"You want me to get out too?" Dai Mubai clenched his hands, but looked at Ye Feng with fear.

Dai Mubai is the third prince of the Xingluo Empire. Even if he has become a playboy now, he still has his own pride. Dai Mubai has decided in his heart that he will never get out of the Rose Hotel. Even if he dies, he will die in battle.

"You go."

Ye Feng waved his hand, put away his martial spirit, and said in a calm tone: "Remember, there is always a mountain higher than the other. Don't always be so domineering when you go out."

Dai Mubai was silent and looked at Ye Feng for a while. Finally, with the help of the twin sisters, he left the Rose Hotel.

"Ding Dong!"

At this point, the system's voice still rang.

"Congratulations, you have subverted the original story line. You scared away the evil-eyed white tiger Dai Mubai. Reward allocable attribute points: 10 points."

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