Shengdan City, the headquarters of Danta.

Today is a very important day for Shengdan City. The Alchemy Conference, which is held once every 100 years, will be held in Shengdan City.

The champion of each generation of Alchemy Conference has left a great reputation in the history of Douqi Continent. Without exception, this also makes the gold content of the Alchemy Conference champion infinitely magnified. Whoever can become the champion of this Alchemy Conference will surely add a glorious chapter to the history of Douqi Continent in the future.

"Xiao Yan!"

Ye Feng's mouth curled up slightly.

Since helping Ye Xinlan's Ye family to keep the seat of the elders of Danta, Ye Feng did not go to the Skeleton Mountain Range immediately, but played in Shengdan City for several days, waiting for the arrival of the Alchemy Conference.

Ye Feng exuded his soul perception and found Xiao Yan hidden in the dark army of contestants.

Xiao Yan did not surprise Ye Feng at all. He still came to Shengdan City to participate in this Alchemy Conference as in the story line.

On the high platform of the Alchemy Conference, a group of elders of Danta sat. Now we just need to wait for the arrival of the three giants of Danta, and then this much-anticipated Dan Conference will officially begin.

Ten thousand tripods rise together, and ten thousand fires are born together.

"Participating in the Dan Conference means you have obtained the qualification to compete with the heroes of the continent. This is a recognition of strength. Ten thousand tripods rise together, who can be the master? Just imagining such a scene in your mind can make your blood boil. I originally wanted to be an alchemist, but ended up becoming a poison master. If you can choose, who would want to be a poison master that everyone fears?" Xiao Yixian muttered in a low voice. There was quite a regret in her tone.

In Xiao Yixian's heart, she originally wanted to be an alchemist. As fate would have it, she ended up becoming a poison master.

"So what if you're a poison master. All medicines are poisonous. Poison can harm people, but it can also save people." Ye Feng paused, and suddenly showed a teasing look, and asked: "Xiao Yixian, do you want to participate in the alchemy meeting?"

"Can I?"

"Of course you can. You just need to pay the money to register for the alchemy meeting. They don't care about the other party's identity, especially whether the other party is an alchemist or a poison master. The final assessment is based on the grade of the pill first, and then the purpose of the pill. The pill you refine is a poison pill. Even if the purpose is not as good as others, you just need to beat the other party in terms of grade." Ye Feng explained in detail.

"Can I...?" Xiao Yixian still questioned her own ability.

"Xiao Yixian, if I say you can do it, you can do it."

"Ye Feng, but I can't make pills."

"Xiao Yixian, if I say you can do it, it's okay if you can't."

Ye Feng stretched out his hand and pointed at Xiao Yixian's eyebrows. All the methods of refining poison pills below the tenth grade all gathered into a gray light, which penetrated into Xiao Yixian's mind from Ye Feng's fingertips.

It was visible to the naked eye that there were many words and images flashing between Xiao Yixian's eyebrows.

"These are all recipes for poison pills. But... I don't have spiritual roots of wood and fire attributes, how can I make flames to refine pills?" Xiao Yixian looked at Ye Feng expectantly.

She hoped that Ye Feng could change her fate. Even if it was to refine poison pills, as long as he could refine poison pills, he would be a qualified alchemist.

There are two harsh conditions to become an alchemist.

First, the soul perception is extraordinary.

Second, have fire and wood spiritual roots.

These two harsh conditions prevent most people from becoming alchemists.

Xiao Yixian is a doctor in Qingshan Town, and her soul perception meets the standard. The only thing that prevents her from becoming an alchemist is the second condition. She has no fire spiritual roots, nor wood spiritual roots. Therefore, she cannot become an alchemist.

"If there is no flame, then use the existing one." Ye Feng smiled.

Ye Feng flipped his hand, and a cluster of colorful flames appeared above his palm.

Under Ye Feng's operation, a green flame was separated from the colorful strange fire.

"This is poisonous fire... Could it be the Netherworld Poisonous Fire ranked 20th on the Strange Fire List?" Little Medical Fairy exclaimed with a moving look in her eyes.

"Yes, it is the Netherworld Poison Fire. It is a part of my Emperor Flame." Ye Feng smiled proudly and said, "The Netherworld Poison Fire exists in the ancient Netherworld Poison Swamp. After being infected by the poisonous miasma covering the sky in the poisonous swamp for tens of millions of years, the flame consumed the endless poisonous miasma, and became a spirit in a hundred years and took shape in a thousand years. When it was fully formed, its color was green, and it was like a ghost fire passing through the miasma of the poisonous swamp. Because the flame itself was fed by the poisonous miasma and became a spirit, it is highly toxic. As long as it is contaminated by a spark for a moment, it will be poisoned, not to mention swallowing and fusion! It is precisely because of this that few people go looking for this kind of strange fire, and not many people know of its existence."

"People have two conditions for becoming an alchemist, one of which is There is a misunderstanding. "

"Battle Qi can be the energy source of the strange fire. To become an alchemist, you don't necessarily have to have spiritual roots of fire and wood attributes. If you have beast fire or strange fire, you can rely on battle qi to provide energy sources for beast fire or strange fire, and use the ready-made beast fire and strange fire to refine pills. "

"Your soul perception has reached the entry threshold of becoming an alchemist. It is a little worse than mine. If you have a ready-made fire, you can still refine pills. "

"My nether poisonous fire is temporarily given to you. In addition to the nether poisonous fire, my chaos holy tripod is also temporarily given to you. "Ye Feng waved his hand, and a gray medicine tripod appeared in front of him.

The medicine cauldron is gray in color. It was born when the world was created, and it was born from the same root as the Chaos Holy Flame. This is also the best treasure that the system gave to Ye Feng at one time after he came to the Doupo plane.

"Ye Feng, you are so good to me. I don't know how to thank you..."

"Are you moved and want to kiss me?"

Ye Feng interrupted Xiao Yixian's words and smiled mischievously.


Xiao Yixian blushed, and her little silver teeth gently bit her red lips. She clenched her hands slightly, wishing she could go up and punch Ye Feng a few times.

Ye Feng ignored Xiao Yixian's shame and anger, and gently touched his face with his hand, "Come on, if you really think so, I will be kind and will not refuse you."


Suddenly, Ye Feng felt wet on his face.

Ye Feng: "..."

Ye Feng was stunned.

A fragrant breeze blew by.

Xiao Yixian, who took advantage of Ye Feng, took Ye Feng's Netherworld Poison Fire and Chaos Holy Flame and went to the VIP seat of the Ye family among the five major families of Danta.

"I was kissed secretly."

Ye Feng's hand touched his alchemy and stared at the back of the Little Medical Fairy. After a long while, he came to his senses and asked in confusion: "She likes me?... She must like me. But when did this happen? Why don't I feel anything at all?"

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