Ye Feng put away the free test token of the Bu Tian Pavilion. Riding on the old wolf, he continued to move towards the second ancestral land. During their journey, they encountered batches of powerful beasts. After they killed many fierce beasts, they finally arrived at the border of the Stone Kingdom.

"I feel like I'm going to break through."

"Do you want to open the first cave?"


"Don't open the first cave yet. Do your best to suppress it. Refining the body is the main thing."

Along the way, the strength of the four of them gradually became stronger as the fierce beasts they ate increased. First of all, Shi Hao showed signs of breaking through the blood-moving realm. Under Ye Feng's guidance, he always suppressed his own cultivation and did not break through the blood-moving realm.

Not only Ye Feng and the other four, the strength of the old wolf has also changed dramatically. It is no longer the same as before. Now the old wolf is so glad that he made the right decision at the beginning.

After 300,000 miles of travel, Ye Feng and the other four finally arrived in the territory of the Stone Kingdom, a ruined ancestral land.

The sun on this ancestral land is very big and the sunshine is abundant, but the dilapidated manor seems to be in a state of desolation. Many buildings are about to collapse.

"Be careful, don't enter like this. If someone is waiting here for us to fall into the trap, it must be very dangerous and there is no chance of survival." Shi Hao analyzed.

"What are you afraid of? Since you are here, don't hide. What do you think I am here for?" Ye Feng asked back.

"Brother Ye Feng, didn't you say that you would leave a way out for the Rain Clan?" Shi Hao asked in surprise.

"I did say that. But now, we must give them a warning." Ye Feng smiled.

The second ancestral land of the Shi Clan was originally a place of exile. Ordinary people could not enter. Only those who were prominent in the Shi Clan and committed serious offenses would be exiled here.

There were some servants in the manor, but it still looked particularly deserted, like an abandoned place. Desolate and lonely.

"Young Master, the last ancestor is about to pass away. He won't live for many days. You will have a hard time in the future."

"You are talking nonsense. Grandfather will not die."

"Then wait and see."

In the desolate courtyard, a servant was chatting with a teenager. In his words, he called that person the young master, but his attitude did not take the so-called young master into consideration.

"I heard that the young master is not the descendant of Shi Ziling. His real identity is the blood descendant of the old monster who is about to pass away. He is just taking his place here."

"It is possible that if he is really the descendant of Shi Ziling, he will suffer more disasters than this. It is impossible to be as simple as just having a broken leg."

This place is like a cold palace. Some servants have been bribed by people outside. For the Shi clan criminals who were exiled here, the servants would not treat them as masters at all. Some of them not only did not treat them as masters, but also took benefits from outside and beat those imprisoned here.

"You are not allowed to talk nonsense."

"Young Master, you are so sick, and you are actually suffering. I think, after seeing the old man off, you might as well die."

"Okay, stop talking. Judging from his face, he won't live long. He must be a short-lived ghost."

"Who are you talking about?"

While these servants were chatting, four children and a fierce beast broke into the desolate yard.

"Who are you?" A servant asked. His body was surging with light, and he even had the cultivation of the Blood Moving Realm.

"Shi Hao, protect him. Pi Hou, you and Lao Bei take my pill and go to give it to the old man." On the way here, Ye Feng casually refined an improved version of the pill.

The pill is the same as the pill that Xiao Li, the second brother of Xiao Yan in the Doupo plane, took. However, it does not corrode human life, but increases human life. Due to the lack of the Fountain of Youth, otherwise, the effect of restoring life would be even better.

Ye Feng believed that with his pill, the old ancestor mentioned by the servants would not die.

"Er Meng, defeat them. I don't need to do it, right?" Ye Feng asked.

"It's just the Blood Moving Realm. Brother Ye Feng doesn't need to do it. Just leave these thirty or so people to me." Shi Er Meng's voice fell, and his speed suddenly increased. He punched and kicked, attacking the servants in the Blood Moving Realm.

These servants were not strong, and the highest strength was 30,000 pounds. They were not Shi Er Meng's opponents at all. They were defeated by Shi Er Meng in three rounds and two moves. Some people with less physical resistance were killed by Shi Er Meng on the spot.

"Quick, send a signal. Call the Rain Clan, Shi Hao is back." A person shouted urgently. Then a firework shot up into the sky. A dazzling pattern formed in the sky. It looked like the shape of a spike-tailed swift.

"Hey, swallow this pill." Ye Feng stretched out his hand and threw a pill to Shi Hao's substitute. The pill has a therapeutic effect and has a miraculous effect of growing bones. For symptoms like sloping feet, the treatment effect is particularly significant.

After a while, Shi Ermeng had defeated all the servants in the manor.

"Take it!"

Ye Feng threw a sword to Shi Hao's substitute and said, "Kill them."


Shi Hao's substitute was stunned, and the sword in his hand fell to the ground.

"They all have their own way of death, kill them. This is a world where the weak are preyed on by the strong. If you don't kill them, they will kill you. Now, pick up the sword on the ground and kill them." Ye Feng ordered.

"I... I can't do it." Shi Hao's substitute shook his head in pain.

"Brother Ye Feng, don't force him." Shi Hao didn't want his stand-in to be so unfree. He couldn't help but speak out against Ye Feng.

"I didn't force him. I was just teaching him how to be a man. The world here is very dangerous. If you don't even have the courage to kill, how can you protect the people you want to protect. If you are so weak, you will only become the kind of person bullied by others." Ye Feng said.


Shi Hao felt that what Ye Feng said made sense. He didn't continue to confront Ye Feng.

Shi Hao's stand-in picked up the sword in his hand and stared at it infatuatedly. He was still struggling in his heart.

"Hahaha, you are finally here. It seems that the patriarch was right to keep this upgrade."

An extremely proud voice came from outside the yard.

After a while, many people in white entered the yard.

The leader was a middle-aged man with a good temperament and obviously not weak in realm.

"Kill them!" the middle-aged man shouted.

As the middle-aged man in white came here, the children of the Rain Clan began to kill Shi Hao, Ye Feng, and Shi Ermeng. And Shi Hao's improvement.

"These scum, I, Lao Bei, can handle them by myself."

Lao Bei had eaten people before. He glanced at Ye Feng, and when he saw Ye Feng nod, he flapped his wings and killed the Rain Clan disciples who were attacking them.

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