Ye Feng looked at the Crystal Bone Tower. All the information about the Bone Tower came to mind.

The Bone Tower is a mysterious existence with a far too great origin. The origin of the bone tower can be traced back to the Emperor's Fall era. In the terrible war, the nine-story bone tower was damaged. Its true spirit was hidden in the four-story tower. It ran to the Baidu Mountain in the lower world and absorbed various materials to recover. itself.

It was in Baiduan Mountain that Shi Hao, the Emperor of Desolate Heaven, met the Bone Tower, and started "exchanges" with this cheater again and again.

In Baiduan Mountain, Shi Hao discovered that there was a treasure phantom emitting bursts of rays of light in a valley. At this time, Shi Hao was still a naughty kid, a little kid who shouted "eat, eat, eat them all". He searched for all kinds of treasures everywhere, and naturally he would not let go of the treasure phantoms.

The Noble Phantasm in the valley is a white bone tower, floating in the air and spitting out the glow. Not only Shi Hao but also Bai Hu were interested in the bone tower, but the bone tower was too terrifying. The valley could burst apart with a flash of light, and the coveted people fled one after another. Bone Tower did not follow him and left in a hurry.

Shi Hao followed all the way in secret and found that the bone tower was smelted and forged in the center of the Earth Phoenix Fire. More than ten days later, the bone tower had absorbed the flames and had grown from the size of a fist to about an inch tall, becoming more transparent and flawless. Shi Hao stepped forward to pick it up and tested it, but there was no movement from the bone tower. He angrily wrapped the bone tower around his hair and used it as an ornament.

This was the first time Shi Hao and Bone Tower met. Shi Hao only knew that the bone tower was mysterious and terrifying, but the bone tower ignored him at all. No matter how he probed, there was no movement. Later, Shi Hao got the God-killing Stone again and hung it on his hair. Although the god-killing stone didn't know the origin of the bone tower, he felt very angry when he saw it. He automatically swayed to the other side, not daring to get close to the bone tower.

During the Battle of Butian Pavilion, the Bone Tower finally made some official noise. At that time, the ghost master fought against four pure-blooded creatures and cut off their arms one after another. Shi Hao looked at the flesh and blood of pure blood creatures on the ground and wanted to carry a broken leg, but he was not strong enough at the time and could only think about it. However, the bone tower suddenly rushed out and quickly swallowed the arms of the creatures from Yishan Mountain, Qiongqi's claw arms, the wings of the sky-swallowing sparrow, and the calves of the creatures from Nanyun Mountain. After that, Shi Hao kept studying the bone tower, but he couldn't get out the flesh and blood, so he could only chew on the bone tower every day to vent his anger.

In the end, Shi Hao could only ask Liu Shen for help. Liu Shen looked at it for a long time before he recognized the bone tower, and said, "This tower has appeared again." From this, we can see the origin of the bone tower, and the reason why Liu Shen took a long time to recognize it is because the bone tower once There are nine floors, and the appearance has changed.

Shi Hao was very curious about the origin of the bone tower. Liu Shen told him that the bone tower had appeared in ancient times and had manifested itself in ancient times, possessing unparalleled power.

Although Shi Hao still wanted to know more about the Bone Tower's past and who it once belonged to, Liu Shen didn't tell him much. He just told him that the Bone Tower was amazing and was a truly powerful treasure. That's it.

The bone tower followed Shi Hao for a long time, but there was no big movement. It wasn't until Shi Hao went to Kunpeng's Nest and obtained the holy tower built of chaotic soil that the bone tower communicated with him and asked him to give it the chaotic soil in exchange for a chance to take action. This is Shi Hao's biggest trump card and the most lethal weapon. The bone tower promises that when faced with a desperate situation, it can kill all enemies or tear apart the void and escape.

The transaction of Chaos Soil is just the beginning, the beginning of Bone Tower Pit Shi Hao. Although the Bone Tower has incomparable strength, it is always nagging, always saying that the world is balanced. For it, whatever it gains, it will lose, and equal exchange is its choice.

These words also made Shi Hao very suspicious, suspecting that Bone Tower had transferred the cause and effect to him, but Bone Tower said that he wanted to get it, so how could he not pay for it.

To Shi Hao, the bone tower was a scam. It's too troublesome to use the bone tower once. You have to pay a huge price, offer sacred materials, or exchange heavenly materials and earthly treasures. Even when Shi Hao wanted to ask Bone Tower to set up a killing formation, Bone Tower said that the cause and effect was too great and that he should prepare more heavenly materials and earthly treasures. Shi Hao was completely speechless. He wanted to ask for advice on the formation but also wanted to rob him. However, the old god from the bone tower said, "Generally speaking, I don't care about things in the world of mortals."

However, the strength of the bone tower is undeniable. The venerable Jade Demon Black Eyed Spider and the sacred bird Qingluan who roamed the wilderness were easily swallowed by it. What made Shi Hao jump in anger was that the bone tower didn't even give him a hair. It should be said that he only left one Qingluan bird feather.

I think this Shi Hao is just a man who plucks his hair. He and Bone Tower are simply a pair of cheating friends. Bone Tower often tempted Shi Hao and asked him to get magical materials for him. Normally, Shi Hao would not trade with it and would suffer losses every time.

Shi Hao is not simple either. When he becomes the Stone Queen, he opens the treasure house and confuses the bone tower to become the stone country's sacrificial spirit. Afterwards, Shi Hao and Bone Pagoda made a big fuss in the Immortal Mountain. Shi Hao promised Bone Pagoda the entire treasure house of the Stone Country, and promised that all causes and effects would be upon me from now on. The bone tower showed its power, helping Shi Hao kill the false god Qin Wu of the Qin tribe, brazenly fighting against the Five Elements Mountain, and releasing immortal creatures.

Bone Pagoda also fully demonstrated his character of plucking feathers. Not only did he plunder the treasure trove accumulated by the Ancient and Modern Mountains, but he also casually cracked the formation and looted the materials for setting up the formation. Even Shi Hao was speechless looking at it. Of course, the Bone Tower also helped Shi Hao rescue his parents.

Although the Bone Tower is a bit tricky, it can definitely be regarded as Shi Hao's good friend.

The origin and identity of the bone tower is a mystery and a very controversial issue. It is difficult to determine whether the Bone Tower is a living creature or a treasure. Shi Hao asked the Bone Tower if it was a human body, but the Bone Tower just said complacently that "the shape of the tower is also suitable for eternal existence, and it is born to be the carrier of Tao." Judging from this, it should be a living creature, and Liu Shen has always regarded him as a companion.

Although the bone tower is already very powerful, it is a broken body after all. In the last battle of the Eight Realms, the bone tower and the God of Willow fought against the mighty ones who came down from the upper realm. The Yin-Yang Taoist held a two-layer pagoda to fight the God of Willow. He had destroyed the kingdom of the God of Willow in the past. His strength was unmatched. He could even fight the God of Willow more than a dozen times, but he was finally blown up by the God of Willow.

With the death of the Yin-Yang Taoist, the two-layer bone tower became ownerless, and the leaders of various parties scrambled for it. Under the invincible attack of the God of Willow, the bone tower was considered to have merged the two layers of the tower body, and its strength became even stronger. It could control space and imprison the void.

After the last battle of the Eight Realms, the bone tower and the God of Willow entered the original gate. Later, Shi Hao got three layers of the tower body. Two layers of the broken tower were in the hands of the master of the Immortal King-level Yunxian Ridge, who had besieged and killed Shi Hao, and another layer was in a destroyed small world at a space node.

The broken tower of the small world was first obtained by Shi Hao. He searched for supreme immortal gold, repaired the tower body, and refined a nine-story pagoda. When clearing the restricted area, Shi Hao suppressed the Lord of the Immortal Ridge, refined his two-layer bone tower, put it into the Immortal Gold Tower and merged it with the layer of the bone tower inside, waiting to return it to the bone tower later.

In the final battle, Emperor Huang Tian fought against three quasi-immortal emperors alone. The nameless quasi-immortal emperor, the God of Willow, and the bone tower helped Emperor Huang Tian fight against the strongest Yu Emperor. Emperor Huang Tian gave the Huang Tower to the bone tower to help him merge into a nine-story tower body.

This is the original body of the bone tower. It has the strength of an immortal king or a giant or even higher, but it is still too far away from facing the Yu Emperor.

The nameless quasi-immortal emperor melted the remaining bones again and immersed them in the tower body. The bone tower merged with the bones of the quasi-immortal emperor to add another layer, turning into a ten-story tower body. It was the bone tower fused with the emperor's bones and the willow god fused with the emperor's fire that managed to hold back the Feather Emperor and buy time for the Desolate Emperor. However, in the end, the bone tower was shattered by the Feather Emperor, and the willow god also fell.

This is all the information about the bone tower.

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