Douluo Dalu: My system is not convinced again

Chapter 65 Tang San: I know it's fake, but unfortunately I have no evidence

The night was quiet.

Under the trees of the Xingdou Great Forest, Zhu Zhuqing, Ma Hongjun, Oscar, Dai Mubai and Tang San surrounded Zhao Wuji, Ning Rongrong and Ye Feng.

Zhao Wuji opened his eyes from his practice, stood up from the ground, looked at Ye Feng lying on the ground, and asked with concern: "Is Ye Feng still not awake?"

Ning Rongrong shook her head and looked at Ye Feng with worry. Half a day had passed since Xiao Wu was taken away. During this half day, Ning Rongrong tried all kinds of ways, but she just couldn't wake up Ye Feng.

Zhao Wuji walked to Ye Feng's side, stretched out his hand, and grabbed Ye Feng's wrist. With his eyes closed, he carefully felt Ye Feng's physical condition. He frowned and said: "After suffering a palm from the Titan Giant Ape, his internal organs were only slightly shaken. It's not that he hasn't woken up yet. Could it be... his brain was shaken?"

Zhao Wuji said a possible reason why Ye Feng has not woken up yet.

Oscar was stunned when he heard Dai Mubai's words, and worriedly said: "Teacher Zhao, will Boss Ye become an idiot from now on?"


Ning Rongrong was stunned, her eyes were dull, and she looked at Ye Feng lying on the ground dumbly.

Zhao Wuji looked solemn and replied: "This possibility cannot be ruled out. There are such precedents in the soul master world. Some soul masters have suffered brain trauma and have become idiots since then."


Ning Rongrong looked anxious, her eyebrows were furrowed, and she looked down at Ye Feng and kept calling: "Impossible, how could Senior Brother become an idiot. Absolutely impossible."

On the other side, Zhu Zhuqing and Ma Hongjun were also worried about Ye Feng's injuries after hearing this. Tang San and Dai Mubai, for some reason, felt a faint sense of pleasure in their hearts. Tang San and Dai Mubai seemed to hope that Tang San would become a useless person from now on.

Tang San walked to Ning Rongrong, patted her shoulder gently, and comforted her: "Rongrong, don't be sad. The matter has not yet come to a conclusion, and there is no conclusive evidence to prove that Ye Feng will really become an idiot. If Ye Feng is still awake, he certainly doesn't want you to be so sad."

Ning Rongrong ignored Tang San's words, and held Ye Feng's hand intimately, calling out: "Brother, wake up quickly. I am Rongrong, Ning Rongrong, your junior sister. Wake up quickly!"

No matter how Ning Rongrong called, Ye Feng did not respond at all.


Suddenly, a voice came from one direction.

Tang San, Ning Rongrong, Zhao Wuji and others looked at the owner of the voice. It turned out that Xiao Wu was back. Xiao Wu was unharmed, and her eyes stared at Ye Feng lying on the ground.

"Xiao Wu, you are back." Tang San said in surprise.

"Yeah." Xiao Wu nodded.

"Didn't the Titan Giant Ape hurt you?" Tang San asked questioningly.

"Do you really want it to hurt me?" Xiao Wu asked back.

"Xiao Wu, you're joking." Tang San smiled awkwardly.

Tang San looked at Ye Feng lying on the ground, and was secretly delighted.

Ye Feng and Xiao Wu have always been very close. Whenever Tang San wanted to get close to Xiao Wu, he would be disturbed or stopped by Ye Feng. For Tang San, now is good, his chance has come. Once Ye Feng dies, Xiao Wu needs to choose her other half again. This is an opportunity for Tang San.

Perhaps, this is one of the reasons why Tang San was happy that Ye Feng was unconscious.

"Xiao Wu, how did you escape from the clutches of the Titan Ape?" Zhao Wuji asked curiously.

"I don't know what happened. The Titan Ape grabbed me and ran into the forest. Not long after running, I heard a bull roar. The Titan Ape was very nervous and threw me away." Xiao Wu said on the way back, and she had already thought of the words.

"Bull roar? What kind of bull roar can make the Titan Ape nervous?" Zhao Wuji asked in confusion.

"I don't know either. I only know that the Titan Ape roared and stunned me before leaving. When I woke up, it was gone. Then, you say it was a coincidence that there were many soul beasts stunned by the Titan Ape not far from me. Among them, there happened to be a ten thousand year soul beast that was suitable for me. So, I killed that soul beast and obtained its soul ring." Xiao Wu replied.


Zhao Wuji looked at Xiao Wu with a dull look.

"Is this okay?"

Ma Hongjun also looked at Xiao Wu in amazement.

Xiao Wu's strange experience, even novels dare not write like this.

"I thought I was dead. I didn't expect that I would survive, absorb the soul ring, and recover my physical strength, and I came to you immediately." Xiao Wu continued to explain.

"Xiao Wu, you are really lucky." Oscar said enviously.

"Maybe this is the reason why those who survive a disaster will be blessed in the future." Xiao Wu smiled, looked at Ye Feng who was still lying on the ground, and asked with concern: "What happened to my brother?"

"Xiao Wu, don't worry."

Zhao Wuji comforted Xiao Wu and said sadly: "Ye Feng has been in a coma since he was attacked by the Titan Giant Ape. He might...may become an idiot."


Hearing this, Xiao Wu's eyes widened, walked to Ye Feng's side, squatted down, and called out: "Brother, wake up, I am Xiao Wu. Open your eyes and look at me."

After Xiao Wu finished speaking, Ye Feng's eyes really opened slowly.

Cough cough

Ye Feng coughed twice.

"Brother, you are awake." Ning Rongrong said happily.

Cough cough

Ye Feng continued to cough twice. He looked at Ning Rongrong with guilt in his heart.

In fact, Ye Feng had woken up a long time ago. He had just been pretending to sleep. No matter how Ning Rongrong called, how could she wake up a person pretending to sleep.

Ye Feng heard everything the teachers and students of Shrek Academy said just now. The reason why Ye Feng didn't wake up was because Xiao Wu hadn't come back yet. In order to prevent Xiao Wu from finding them in this forest, Ye Feng could only pretend to be unconscious on the ground.

"Xiao Wu, are you okay?" Ye Feng asked.

"I'm fine." Xiao Wu smiled.

"It's really strange. Rongrong called so many times just now, but Boss Ye didn't wake up. Xiao Wu, you just called once, and Boss Ye woke up." Ma Hongjun exclaimed.

"Maybe this is a coincidence!" Xiao Wu smiled. She had a feeling that Ye Feng's coma was fake.

On the other side, Tang San's heart trembled. Tang San looked at Xiao Wu and Ye Feng. He always felt that Ye Feng and Xiao Wu's behavior was strange. Tang San couldn't tell why Xiao Wu and Ye Feng's behavior was strange. Tang San had a hunch that Xiao Wu's capture and Ye Feng's coma were fake.

The speaker was unintentional, but the listener was intentional.

Ning Rongrong listened to Ma Hongjun's words, glanced at Ye Feng, and finally looked at Xiao Wu. Her eyebrows were slightly frowned, and there was a jealous look in her eyes. Ning Rongrong was jealous of the relationship between Ye Feng and Xiao Wu.


Zhao Wuji said happily: "Everything is finally safe. Xiao Wu got her fourth soul ring by accident. Next, we need to help Ye Feng and Tang San get their fifth and third soul rings. Experience, continue."

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