Douluo Dalu: My system is not convinced again

Chapter 69 Meng Yiran and Meng Shu

On the outskirts of the Star Forest, Meng Yiran looked at the teachers and students of Shrek Academy heading towards Soto City in the distance.

Since Ye Feng obtained the fifth soul ring, no one in Shrek Academy needs to obtain a soul ring for the time being, and there is no need to continue to stay in the Star Dou Forest to experience. Meng Yiran also obtained the third soul ring, and there was no need for her and her grandparents to stay in the Star Dou Forest. So the two parties walked together and left the Star Dou Forest before they had to part ways.

Snake Woman Chao Tianxiang walked to Meng Yiran. Following Meng Yiran's line of sight, the backs of the teachers and students of Shrek Academy could no longer be seen: "Yiran, what are you thinking about?"

"I...I didn't think about anything." Meng Yiran's eyes flashed obviously.

"Those students at Shrek Academy are all rare talents, but it is a pity that they are not willing to join our family. Otherwise, within twenty years, they will definitely be able to lead the family to a new level." Dragon Duke Meng Shu couldn't help but Sighing.

"Golden scales are not a thing in the pool. Ye Feng is good, Tang San is good, and even Oscar is very good. I think those children are very talented. But, how come I have never heard of Shrek Where is the academy?" Snake Woman said to Tianxiang, her eyes showing doubts. There are so many outstanding students in this academy. As a celebrity in the soul master world, she has never heard of Shrek Academy.

"Yiran, what do you think of Oscar?" Dragon Duke Meng Shu asked.

"He's just an older kid. Some martial arts spells are very weird." When Meng Yiran thought of Oscar's weird spells, "I have a big sausage", "I have a small sausage"... Bai's face couldn't help but blush.

"I'm asking you how you feel about him." Dragon Duke Meng Shu explained.

"Grandpa, are you just messing around with each other?" Meng Yiran looked stunned. Even though she had a good impression of Oscar, the two of them still didn't know each other's horoscopes.

"Why, you don't want to?" Longgong Meng Shu raised his eyebrows and said remindingly: "That child has a pretty good character. On the way out of the forest just now, I saw that he seemed to be interested in you. Do you want to You know that his martial spirit is of the food type, so if he assists you, it will only do you no harm. Do you think his appearance is too ordinary?"

"Hmph, he's just average-looking. If you ask him to assist me, are you asking me to...let me eat his sausage every day?" Meng Yiran couldn't help but blush as he spoke. Her thoughts were led astray by herself.

"Girl, since when have you judged people by their appearance? Food-type soul masters are not as simple as you said. In our soul master world, it is difficult to meet a food-type soul master with good talent." Long Long Gong Meng Shu could not help but speak louder and reprimanded his beloved granddaughter Meng Yiran.

"Grandpa, you... don't be angry first. It's not certain whether you can see him or not!"

"Yiran, you have to think about it. The opportunity is fleeting. You are still young, so don't leave any regrets in your life." Longgong Meng Shu solemnly told Meng Yiran.

"I know, Grandpa. I...I have already told Oscar our home address." Meng was still shy. On the way out of the Star Forest, Oscar chased her fiercely and asked for various information about Meng Yiran, including Meng Yiran's home address. In the end, Meng Yiran couldn't bear it anymore and could only tell Oscar her home address.

" turns out I'm anxious." Longgong Meng Shu smiled happily and stroked his goat's beard.

"Grandpa, why do you always mention Oscar? Where is Ye Feng? Isn't Ye Feng better than Oscar? He is younger than me and is now a level 53 Soul King. Why don't you beat Ye Feng? Idea." Meng Yiran expressed his inner doubts.

Meng Yiran felt that even if her grandfather wanted to find her a husband, why did he set his sights on Oscar. Tang San's talent was more powerful than Oscar's, and Ye Feng's talent was even more powerful than Oscar's. Her grandfather did not mention Tang San and Ye Feng, but instead intended to bring her and Oscar together.

"Ye Feng already has a girlfriend. The little girl with rabbit ears is Ye Feng's girlfriend. As for Tang San, his eyes are deep, and he is obviously a very scheming person. Your character is very strong. If If you can't control him, you will only be subdued by him in your life. Fortunately, the two of them are classmates with Oscar. As long as you and Oscar get married, will Ye Feng and Tang San still stand by and watch if something happens to our family? " Dragon Duke Meng Shu replied with a smile.

Ye Feng's talent was so dazzling that he was a fifty-level soul king at the age of twelve. If Ye Feng continues to grow, he is very likely to break the record of Haotian Douluo in the soul master world and become the youngest titled Douluo in the history of the soul master world. However, Longgong Meng Shu had no choice because he knew that his beloved granddaughter would not share the same husband with another woman.

Ye Feng, Tang San, Oscar, Xiao Wu and others returned to Shrek Academy. Flender gave Ye Feng and the others a few days off, meaning to let Ye Feng and the others rest well for a few days. And explained that a new special training will start in three days.

Three days!

If Ye Feng guessed correctly, Master Yu Xiaogang will come here in three days and start training the Shrek Eight Monsters.

Even though he was on holiday, Ye Feng did not miss his practice and took the initiative to train himself. After Ye Feng got up every day, the weight he carried during running increased from 100 kilograms to 115 kilograms. I would run thirty miles back and forth every day,

It takes an ordinary person half a day to walk from Shrek Academy to Soto City. Running back and forth thirty times is quite difficult for a soul master, not to mention carrying a load of 115 kilograms.

Ye Feng would exhaust his soul power every day, and practice to restore his soul power every night. Ye Feng found that after he exhausted his soul power every day, when he waited for his soul power to recover again, his soul power would be a little more than before. Although it was only a little bit, Ye Feng's cultivation was improving every day.

Influenced by Ye Feng, Oscar, Ning Rongrong, Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing, Dai Mubai and Tang San took the initiative to cancel their vacations. Joined Ye Feng's devil training.

Of course, Oslo, Ning Rongrong, Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing, Dai Mubai and Tang San's physique and soul power level could not be compared with Ye Feng. So the six of them would only run seven times between Shrek Academy and Soto City every day, carrying a weight of 50 kilograms.

Among the Shrek Eight Monsters, only Ma Hongjun was still on vacation.

On a lookout tower at Shrek Academy, Zhao Wuji and Li Yusong, a teacher at the academy, looked at the students practicing in front of them and said happily: "They are indeed little monsters. Especially Ye Feng, who is so talented and works ten times harder in practice than when we were young. Under the influence of Ye Feng, other students are also so diligent that we don't need to supervise their practice."

Li Yusong glanced in one direction, his eyes became weird: "Teacher Zhao, you forgot someone."

"Are you talking about the fat man?"


"Where are the others?"


Li Yusong reminded Zhao Wuji.

Zhao Wuji pricked up his ears and concentrated. Faintly, he could hear the sound of a woman's moaning. His face also became weird, and he couldn't help but say with envy: "This fat man is really enviable. Other soul masters need to practice hard to improve their levels, but he is good. He can get soul power by having sex with women!"

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