Shenghun Village has beautiful mountains and clear waters, with birds singing and flowers fragrant.

In the back hill of Holy Soul Village, the deceased ancestors of Holy Soul Village are buried.

According to burial customs, the tombstone must be engraved with the person's birth and death dates, as well as various information about his parents and children. However, on the mountain behind Holy Soul Village, there are two very strange tombs. There are only four simple characters on it: Ye's Tomb.

In front of these two cemeteries, stood an old man who looked to be in his sixties.

The old man is slender but energetic, his clothes are clean and tidy, and his hair is combed meticulously.

The old man looked at the tombstone and said to himself with emotion: "You two, I really have no choice. I have been beaten and scolded. He still wants to become a soul master. Today, I don't know who he worshiped as his master. How can I do it?" He issued a black card and threatened to go to Notting City to study on his own! "

"Originally, before you died, I promised you that I would not let him become a soul master. The development of things is really unexpected. I really can't control him, so I can only let him go to Notting City Junior Soul Master Academy to study. ”

"His talent is really good. He has an innate soul power of level 20. Maybe, our Holy Soul Village will produce a second Soul Saint! This time, let me be the master. If you want to blame, then Just blame me.”

Old Jack became more and more excited as he talked, and couldn't help but stretch out two fingers towards the tombstone.

"You finally agreed!"

The sudden sound startled old Jack.

Old Jack asked and looked around, only to see a child climbing up the tree at some point on a big tree seven meters away from him.

"Ye Feng, come down here." Old Jack shouted.

"I should have been allowed to study a long time ago." Ye Feng used his hands and feet to climb down from the big tree neatly, stood next to old Jack, and asked: "Grandpa Jack, why don't you tell me now, my parents How did he die?"

"How did he die? Of course he died of illness." Old Jack's eyes flickered, obviously hiding something. Then he said: "Ye Feng, you can prepare lunch by yourself. I'm going to Notting City for a run."

"Why are you going to the city?" Ye Feng asked doubtfully.

"Of course it's because of your registration. This time I go to the city, hoping to get another place for a work-study student. After all, our village is also the village where the Soul Saint was born." Old Jack replied.

"Grandpa Jack, I have money to sign up!" Ye Feng took out the black card given by Ning Fengzhi.

A black card is a status symbol. Only when your assets reach a certain level will you be given such a savings card by a financial institution.

"Grandpa knows you are rich." Old Jack touched Ye Feng's head with kind eyes, and continued: "It's just that your life is still long, and there are still many places to spend money. Being a work-study student can save five coins per semester. Where’s the gold soul coin!”

three months later

Tang San persuaded Tang Hao and agreed to let Tang San study. Old Jack also secured two places for work-study students. Together with Ye Feng, we happily arrived in Notting City.

Originally, Ye Feng insisted on not working as a work-study student, but he couldn't win over the thrifty Old Jack, so he had no choice but to agree to Old Jack's request. Entered the Junior Soul Master Academy as a work-study student.

"Xiao San, Ye Feng, after you two enter the academy, please do not leave the academy without authorization. Grandpa will come to pick you up after the semester is over."

"Grandpa Jack, are you leaving so soon?"

"A hotel is not something that poor people like us can afford to live in. You two must strive to do your best. When grandpa sees you again, I hope you have become a soul master."

Old Jack stretched out his hand, touching Tang San's hair with one hand and Ye Feng's hair with the other. Next to them, there happens to be a hotel that looks good.

Yes, it is a higher level hotel than a hotel.

"Wait for me." Ye Feng broke away from Grandpa Jack's touch and quickly walked into the hotel. After a while, he walked out again.

"Ye Feng, what did you do in there just now?" Old Jack asked curiously.

"Take it!" Ye Feng stretched out his hand and handed a card to Old Jack.

"What is this?" Old Jack asked curiously.

"Key card. Used to open the hotel room door." Ye Feng replied.

"Key card? Have you booked a room?" Old Jack looked stunned and looked at Ye Feng in surprise.

"Nonsense. Didn't you see it's going to rain? If you have a cold or a fever, wouldn't it be troublesome for me to take care of you? Listen to me and stay one night before leaving. Even if you rush on your way now, you won't be able to come back before dark. Village." Ye Feng said in a serious tone.

For a moment, Old Jack felt that the six-year-old child in front of him did not look like a child, but an adult.

"Nonsense. This is a hotel. I heard you need a gold soul coin for one night." Old Jack said in pain.

"Not one, but two." Ye Feng corrected.

"What, two?" Old Jack looked surprised and quickly handed the door card to Ye Feng, but Ye Feng didn't accept it at all. He yelled helplessly: "Go back to me quickly. How much food can you buy with two gold soul coins?

"It's impossible. Once the payment is made, this hotel will not be responsible. You can't return it now even if you want to." Ye Feng said with a smile.

Ye Feng didn't say that it wasn't that he couldn't refund even if he wanted to, but that he threatened the clerk. If someone else took the room card to refund the money, and the clerk dared to refund, he would leave a bad review and complain to the clerk.

"You kid!" Old Jack looked at the key card in his hand, not knowing whether to feel happy or in pain.

After a while, Old Jack, Tang San and Ye Feng followed the main street to the only junior spirit master academy in Notting City.

From a distance, Ye Feng and his friends saw a tall archway. The archway was twenty meters wide and ten meters high. It was made of hard rocks.

Under the archway were two iron gates, black and made of fine iron. Through the iron gates, you can see a winding path leading directly to the interior, with tall trees on both sides.

In the center of the archway, there are four big characters: Notting Academy.

As soon as Old Jack led Tang San and Ye Feng to the gate, they were immediately stopped by the young man guarding the gate.

"What are you doing? Is this a place where you country people can come?"

Although Old Jack's clothes were neat, he looked like a country person in Notting City.

"Young man, we are from the Holy Soul Village. These two children are part-time students sent by our village this year. Do you think we need to go through any formalities?" Old Jack smiled apologetically.

"Can a golden phoenix come out of a grass nest? Can someone in a small village have soul power? I have been a doorman for four years, but the academy has not had part-time students for many years. Are you fakes?" The young man questioned with a mocking tone.

"This is a certificate issued by the deacon of the Spirit Hall." Old Jack handed two certificates to the doorman.

"Hey, Spirit Hall Blue Silver Grass? Or innate full soul power? Funny, really funny... Spirit Pear Blossom, innate full soul power level 20... Funny, really funny. I have been a doorman for so long, and I have never heard of a student with innate full soul power. The other one is also innate full soul power level 20. Why don't you just forge an innate full Title Douluo?" The doorman took the certificate and looked up and down a few times. His tone was extremely sarcastic, and finally he threw the two certificates on the ground without any hesitation.

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