Douluo Dalu: My system is not convinced again

Chapter 808: Flamethrower also has emotions

Ancient Suzaku's tenth attack was extremely unbelievable.

Annihilation is a sacrificial treasure technique equivalent to the Infatuation Curse. Once used, there is no way out. After use, it will ignite the user's life fire, physical fire, and soul fire.

This is a precious technique for fighting the enemy desperately.

When Ye Feng heard before that the Suzaku Immortal King among the Seven Kings of the Frontier was fighting with the Immortal King An Lan, he was shocked and doubtful that the Suzaku Immortal King could severely injure An Lan.

Now that Ye Feng has mastered the tenth strike of the Ancient Suzaku, he finally understands. It turns out that the Suzaku Immortal King used the ultimate magic of the sacrifice style. He desperately injured An Lan.

"Elimination, this is a forbidden technique." Ye Feng frowned deeply, looking at Suzaku with extremely serious eyes, and said, "Fire-breathing bird, promise me not to teach the tenth blow to anyone."

"Including Ling'er?" Suzaku asked.

"Especially Ling'er." Ye Feng said seriously.

"Ling'er is my apprentice, what if I have to teach it to her?"

"I'll kill you right now."

Ye Feng stared at Suzaku. The icy cold light made the fire attribute Suzaku shudder.

Suzaku couldn't stand Ye Feng's lonely eyes.

"Ye Feng, as for that, I was just joking with you. You took it seriously."

"Promise me."

"Okay, I promise you."

"Swear." Ye Feng demanded.

"No need. I said I won't teach her, so I won't teach her." Suzaku said.

"Swear." Ye Feng said.

Suzaku's red light flashed and transformed into human form.

"Okay, I swear by the glory of the Suzaku Clan that I will never teach Huo Ling'er the Tenth Strike of the Ancient Suzaku - Obliteration. If I violate this oath, I will make the Suzaku Clan extinct." After the oath, Suzaku asked Ye Feng curiously: "Ye Feng, it's just a magic technique. Do you use it like this?"

"You don't understand. Anyone who knows this forbidden technique will not have a good end in the end. I don't want Huo Ling'er to ignite the fire of life because of anyone." Ye Feng said.

Ye Feng has read many novels.

The women in those novels all died because of the sacrifice because they knew the magic of sacrifice.

Ye Feng didn't want Huo Ling'er to suffer the same fate in the future, so he strictly asked Suzaku not to teach the ancient Suzaku's tenth strike to anyone.

"You have mastered the True Phoenix Art. You explored the three subsequent strikes of the Ancient Suzaku. For this reason, you did not hesitate to use the original energy of chaos to generate the bone inscriptions on my bones. It was also for Ling'er, right?" Suzaku asked Ye Feng.

Ye Feng injected the original energy of chaos into her bones to strengthen her bones. Her combat effectiveness was improved to a certain extent.

Ye Feng so seriously and solemnly told Suzaku not to teach Huo Ling'er the tenth strike of the ancient Suzaku. Suzaku's eyes stared at Ye Feng with expectation and sadness.

Suzaku was waiting for some words in his heart.

She expected Ye Feng to say no.

She was touched to the bone by Ye Feng, and her whole body was touched.

Someone once said a wise saying: The fastest place to enter a woman's heart is the passage to give birth to a child.

Ordinary people say that men are not bad and women are not loving.

Suzaku was touched by Ye Feng to explore the ancient Suzaku art. There have been subtle changes in her heart. Suddenly he became concerned about some of Ye Feng's actions and words.

Suzaku was expecting Ye Feng to say it was not for Huo Ling'er. She was expecting Ye Feng to say he just wanted to get the follow-up three strikes from Ancient Suzaku.

But reality is not like this.


Ye Feng said frankly. All this he did was for Hong Huang and Huo Ling'er. Especially Huo Ling'er.

Red Phoenix is ​​the body of Red Phoenix. She possesses the Red Phoenix Art, and the Ancient Suzaku Art is just the icing on the cake for her.

Huo Ling'er is different.

Huo Ling'er originally possessed the Suzaku bloodline, which later evolved into the Fire Supreme and Bird Supreme bloodlines.

The True Phoenix Treasure Technique can only enhance Huo Ling'er's combat effectiveness, but the Ancient Suzaku Treasure Technique can enhance Huo Ling'er's combat effectiveness to a higher level.

Suzaku was unhappy.

Her red eyes stared at Ye Feng with sadness and disappointment.

"It's time for us to leave." Ye Feng said.

A golden bridge leads from inside the World Treasure Box to the outside world.

Ye Feng steps on the bridge and walks out of the World Treasure Box. Suzaku followed closely behind.

They leave the World Treasure Box, open the room door and walk out of the room.

It's quite lively outside.

The people from Butian Pavilion are here, and so is Mr. Cui. In addition to Master Gui, there is also Fairy Yuechan.

Master Gui, Fairy Yuechan and the people from Butian Pavilion came here. They came here after receiving a letter asking for help from Shicun. Turns out it was just a misunderstanding. A sun tree landed thirty miles away from Stone Village. The people in Shicun mistakenly thought that a powerful enemy was coming.

Although it was just a misunderstanding, Ye Feng still asked Shi Yunfeng to give each Butian Pavilion disciple who came to support a drop of gold liquid.

"Yuechan, we meet again." Ye Feng said.

Yuechan is still so beautiful in her white clothes.

She is proud of everything. Only when his eyes passed over Ye Feng, he paused for a moment, his eyes fluctuating.

"Well, we meet again." Yuechan responded calmly.

"Ake, how are you treated by Mr. Gui?" Ye Feng looked at the other woman.

She was dressed in black night clothes, her beard and hair were black, and her eyes were also black. He has an oval face, snow-white skin, and two daggers on his waist. She looks very beautiful.

Akko is the killer of Heaven. A saint from the kingdom of heaven.

Ake once wanted to assassinate Ye Feng when he landed on the Bulao Mountain. She failed and was captured by Ye Feng. Ye Feng used his Heavenly Eye to enter the last moment of Ake's last breath, and understood and copied all the assassination techniques that Ake had learned.

Ake's name is Zhao Ke.

Her aunt is the previous saint of the Kingdom of Heaven, Zhao Xiner. Gui Ye's first love.

Ake has not forgotten that Ye Feng secretly learned the assassination techniques of the Kingdom of Heaven. Her eyes were full of personal emotions, staring at Ye Feng coldly: "One day I will kill you."

"Ake, don't be rude." Gui Ye scolded.

"Humph." Ake snorted and stopped arguing with Ye Feng.

"Ye Feng, she..."

Gui Ye wanted to plead for Ake.

Ye Feng smiled and interrupted Gui Ye's words: "It's okay, she's just a girl. I understand."

Then the Fire Emperor and the Stone Emperor each asked the armies of the two countries to return to the court. They stayed in Shi Village as guests. And left Huo Ling'er and the princess of Shi Kingdom respectively. Everyone knew that the two of them were going for Ye Feng, hoping that their princess could develop a deeper relationship with Ye Feng.

Guiye also asked the disciples of the Butian Pavilion to return to the pavilion, and he, Fairy Yuechan and the killer A Ke stayed in Shi Village.

The leaders of the three major forces, Guiye, Huohuang and Shihuang, stayed in Shi Village. They were thinking about the Sun God Tree. To be precise, they were thinking about the World Mountain on the Sun God Tree.

Even if they could not get a piece of World Mountain stone, as long as they practiced on World Mountain, it would be of great benefit to the cultivators. They hoped to persuade Ye Feng and Shi Village, especially Ye Feng. Let them have ten places to practice in World Mountain.

Ye Feng agreed to their request.

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