Ye Feng continued to move forward.

When Ye Feng was ten meters away from the altar, every step he took was very difficult. Ye Feng felt a sense of déjà vu when he was here. It seemed that he was traveling through the light of the sea god.

After a few minutes, Ye Feng walked up to the altar.

He first picked up the original true bone, the purpose of his trip.

Ye Feng picked up the original true bone on the altar and stared at the bloody eyeball cautiously.

The bloody eyeball had no sign of attacking Ye Feng. Ye Feng took out the talisman bones of the original true solution that he had obtained repeatedly from the world treasure box.

When all the talisman bones were taken out, they were attracted by a mysterious attraction. They merged and became a larger bone. At first glance, it looked like a picture.




Ye Feng's right hand touched his own heart. He could feel the breath of the Wanlingtu in front of him, which made him feel extremely familiar. The intimate feeling was like coming from his close relatives.

"What's the situation?"

Ye Feng secretly wondered what was going on.

If the rune bones that recorded the original true solution before only had a little sense for him. Then now Ye Feng can truly sense the Wanlingtu floating in the air in front of him, and the breath it exudes makes him feel that this thing comes from a relative who is very close to him.

Ye Feng was confused by this feeling in his heart.

"System, tell me quickly, what is going on?" Ye Feng ordered the system in a commanding tone, and he must answer his question.

"Ding Dong!"

"The system is limited by the rules and cannot answer the host's question."

"Don't tell me it's useless. The rune bones that record the original true solution must come from a living being. It is very common to carve runes into one's own bones. I feel a kind breath on this Wanlingtu. Tell me, whose bones are the Wanlingtu?" Ye Feng discovered a secret.

The bones that record the original true solution, like the rune bones obtained by killing living beings, are actually the bones of a powerful living being.

In other words, a long time ago, the original true solution that everyone wanted to obtain, the first, middle and final chapters, were actually the bones of a powerful living being.

That creature died, and the talisman bones it left behind were snatched by others. There were pieces here and there. They were incomplete.

No matter who gets its talisman bones, unless they are immortal emperors, they will benefit a lot.

Ye Feng has lost his patience now. He feels that the owner of the talisman bones of the Wanlingtu had a close relationship with him before his death. In other words, Ye Feng had a powerful relative or friend. He died a long, long time ago.

"Ding Dong!"

"The system is limited by rules and cannot answer the host's questions."

"I said, don't give me these useless things. Tell me, who created you, and who is the creature of the original true bone?"

"Ding Dong!"

"The system is limited by rules and cannot answer the host's questions."

"Ding Dong!"

"The system kindly reminds you that the host wants to know the answer to the question. The host can go to the underground of the altar."

"Under the altar? Is there something underground?" Ye Feng asked.

"Ding Dong!"

"The system is limited by rules and cannot answer the host's questions."

No matter how Ye Feng asked in his heart, the system still repeated this sentence.

After the system gave Ye Feng guidance, it never revealed more information to Ye Feng.

In addition to the small piece of original real bone that Ye Feng had obtained, there were three bones with runes on the altar. The bleeding eyeball, the crystal skull and the golden bone palm.

Familiar with the perfect story line, Ye Feng knew that these three rune bones were left by the Immortal King.

After the death of the Immortal King, their consciousness remained on their remains. That is, the bleeding eyeball, the crystal skull and the golden bone palm that Ye Feng saw now.

In the original story line, these three pieces of bones left by the Immortal King played a pivotal role in Shi Hao's life. The power they possessed at this time could withstand the attacks of the Immortal King.

Most of the time, only the bleeding eyeball attacked the creatures close to this place. The crystal skull and the golden bone palm rarely took the initiative to attack.

"Heavenly pupil bloodline."

The bleeding eyeball sent a mental message to Ye Feng's mind.

Ye Feng also sent a mental message to the bleeding eye.

"Are you a descendant of the Tiantong Clan?"

"God will not destroy my Tiantong Clan. My Tiantong Clan still has blood left."

The bloody eyeball tacitly confirmed that it was a fairy king of the Tiantong Clan in a period older than the Willow God.

The double pupils are already invincible.

People nowadays do not know that in the more ancient times, there were Tiantongs who were more powerful than the double pupils.

It is a pity that the Tiantong Clan did not escape the dark reckoning and was almost extinct. Only a few poor descendants wandered in the nine heavens and ten realms. For example, the double pupil girl.

The double pupils belong to a branch of the Tiantong Clan. For this, Ye Feng has been confirmed by the double pupil girl.

Ye Feng also knows that in addition to the double pupils, the Tiantong Clan also has branches such as Sharingan, Byakugan, Laser Eyes and Glaucoma.

The bloody eyeball on the altar at this time comes from another branch of the Tiantong Clan - the Laser Eye branch.

The consciousness of the Immortal King attached to the remains of his eyeball clearly sensed the blood of the Tiantong clan flowing in Ye Feng's body when Ye Feng stepped onto the altar, so it did not attack Ye Feng.

When Ye Feng stepped onto the altar, he could feel the original call from his heart, not only from the original bone he had obtained, nor from the pupil with blood flowing, but from under the altar.

"Senior." Ye Feng called out.

The bloody eyeball had the will left by the powerful Immortal King.

This mysterious Immortal King came from ancient times, his body was dismembered, and he relied on his own magical powers to leave an eyeball for himself.

The eyeball was bloody, and after millions of years, the blood was still fresh.

Such ability is enough to match the honorific title of Ye Feng.

Ye Feng looked down at the ground below and asked, "Senior, do you know what is under the altar?"

"A secret."

"Well, what is it?"

"Young man, although you are a descendant of the Tiantong Clan and have the blood of the Tiantong Clan flowing in your body, the three of us are ordered by that person not to reveal a word to outsiders. We are the guardians of this altar." The Immortal King with bleeding eyes spoke in a calm voice with an unquestionable tone.

"That person? Do you mean the Chaos God?" Ye Feng raised his eyebrows and asked the three ancient immortal kings.

Let's call them the ancient immortal kings. These three immortal kings have existed for a longer time than the Willow God. Let's call them the Immortal King of Bloody Eyeballs, the Immortal King of Crystal Skulls and the Immortal King of Golden Bone Palms.


PS: Very sad, Kunlun's welfare has been reformed. Old books that have been signed for more than one year have lost the qualification to rush to the list.

Don't worry, no matter how the welfare is reformed, "Shopkeeper No. 9" will finish writing this book. There will be no messy ending, and there will be no stopping in the middle.

For friends who like fan fiction, I recommend you the book of the two female protagonists of Douluo. Wuhundianfeng, Tang San is the villain. Book title: "Douluo: Starting from the City of Killing, Flesh Becomes Saint"

For book friends who like to build their own forces and be the sixth winner in the end, you can read this book "Douluo: My System is Too Self-disciplined". Although it is a krypton gold system, it is actually a working system.

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