Douluo: Double comparison, this Yuhao is too cruel!

Chapter 203 Shrek completely collapsed! The prize quiz is open again!

After seeing this scene that appeared on the screen, all the soul masters in the gap between the planes had a look of incomprehensible expression on their faces.

Really, they really can't understand Xuanzi.

As a leading teacher, I have to protect the personal safety of the students!

And he said those words himself before!

Let the students take action with confidence, he will protect them at critical moments.

But now?

The critical moment has arrived

But why didn't he take action?

This suddenly led to the tragic death of Yao Haoxuan, the disability of Chen Zifeng, and the serious injury of Gongyang Mo!

And this result could have been completely avoided!

So after thinking about this, a group of soul masters couldn't help but began to question Xuanzi in the chat group.

Ask him what he was doing at that time! Why did you drop the chain at such a critical time!

And on the other side.

Yao Haoxuan's father became extremely sad after seeing this scene.

He never imagined that his precious son would die so tragically in the end.

In his opinion, this is all Shrek's fault!

After all, this kind of thing was absolutely avoidable.

But it was Xuanzi's dereliction of duty that led to this result.

This is absolutely unacceptable to Yao Haoxuan's father.

So at this moment, he also started to bombard him in the chat room:

"Shrek! Xuanzi! Should you come out and give me an explanation?"

"I sent my son to Shrek to learn knowledge and increase his strength!"

"I'm not here to work for you!"

"I paid my tuition fees and gave me sponsorship! I thought your Shrek Academy would do its best to educate my son."

"But what about you? You kept instilling some unnecessary ideas into him, and finally coaxed and tricked him into joining the supervisory team of your Shrek Academy, and he still worked for nothing without any pay!"

"Forget it! I don't care about these, I regard these as a test for my son. But you must at least protect my son's personal safety, right?"

“I didn’t expect that in the end I didn’t even do such basic things.”

"Shrek! Xuanzi, you really deserve to die!"

"What qualifications do you have to be called the number one academy on Douluo Continent?"

"I think you are only worthy of becoming the Black Heart Academy!"

Yao Haoxuan's father was not a great soul master. In terms of soul power level, he was only over thirty, and he was just an ordinary nobleman.

But at this moment, after knowing the truth about his son's death, he really couldn't help it.

Even though he knew that Shrek Academy was extremely powerful, he still wanted to seek justice for his son at this moment!

For this, he would not hesitate to pay the price of his own life!

So at this moment, Yao Haoxuan's father really couldn't bear it anymore, and he attacked Xuanzi and Shrek like crazy.

And this has also aroused the recognition of many parents in the plane gap.

They don’t want their children to become the next Yao Haoxuan, so they all stand up and speak out at this moment:

"Yes! Shrek! This matter! How are you going to handle it?"

"Also, as citizens of the Three Kingdoms of Douluo, we pay taxes to the Three Kingdoms of Douluo every year. After something like this happens, do the Three Kingdoms of Douluo choose to sit idly by and ignore it?"

"I think you need to help us get an explanation!"

Things started to escalate.

Even in the end, some nobles stood up and let Douluo Three Kingdoms make the decision for them.

But how could Douluo Three Kingdoms have such courage?

Not to mention that they are basically in cahoots with Shrek Academy.

Even if it wasn't, they wouldn't dare!

Because there are so many powerful people in Shrek Academy, wouldn't they be asking for death if they attack Shrek Academy?

Moreover, there is an empire of the sun and the moon that is eyeing it.

When Shrek Academy is destroyed, won't the Sun and Moon Empire take advantage of it?

So at this moment, the emperors of the Douluo Three Kingdoms all began to speak:

"Everyone, please calm down."

"We will investigate this matter carefully after we get out of the plane gap."

"Shrek Academy is an important fighting force in our Douluo Three Kingdoms. Without the help of Shrek Academy, it would be difficult for our Douluo Three Kingdoms to resist the invasion of the sun and the moon."

"I believe you don't want to be a slave to the Sun and Moon Empire, right?"

"So, please give Shrek another chance and give us more time."

"We will help everyone find out about this matter after we leave the plane gap, but before that, everyone should not continue to raise their emotions. This will only make the matter worse."

The emperors of the Douluo Three Kingdoms spoke one after another.

People's hearts were quickly stabilized.

Although many parents are still dissatisfied with Shrek Academy, they still have to give it the emperor's face.

And now the only one who can help them find justice is the emperor. They are just ordinary people. If there is a stalemate with the Douluo Three Kingdoms in the future, then this matter will really be over.

Therefore, many parents are now afraid to continue.

"Finally we didn't escalate the situation any further."

Moon couldn't help but let out a breath after seeing this scene.

Secretly he remembered the kindness of Emperor Douluo Three Kingdoms in his heart.

If it weren't for the Douluo Three Kingdoms Emperor's intervention just now, things would have gotten worse.

But it's actually very miserable now, because of Xuanzi, their Shrek Academy has basically been ruined.

So what Moon can foresee is that if they really go back to Douluo Continent, Shrek Academy will probably usher in a huge wave of dropouts.

And all this is attributed to Xuanzi.

"Xuanzi, what on earth did you do at that time?"

Thinking of this, Moon was very angry.

He couldn't help but ask Xuanzi on his side.

Xuanzi also avoided talking about this at first. He said that he had mismanaged it, but he did not say what he did.

At that time, because the situation did not escalate, Munn did not ask any more questions, but silently helped Xuanzi cover up the incident.

But this time, the cover-up couldn't be done, so Moon really wanted to know what Xuanzi was doing at that time.

If it was because of some special circumstances, he could come forward to help Xuanzi clean up now!

So Moon looked at Xuanzi with a stern face.

But Xuanzi hesitated for a long time without saying anything.

And this also made Moon's eyes become even more disappointed.

He knew that Xuanzi must have done nothing good, otherwise he wouldn't be so guilty now.

And this also made his eyes become even more annoyed when he looked at Xuanzi.

If it weren't for beating him to death, it would be useless. Now he really wanted to slap Xuanzi to death.

And at this moment, a voice that had not appeared for a long time, but which made all the soul masters in the entire plane gap were looking forward to, sounded again.

【Ding! 】

[It’s time for prize-winning quizzes! 】

[The next question is: What was Xuanzi doing when the Death Messenger incident occurred? 】

[Answer: A. When you encounter a strengthened enemy or spirit beast, you have to take action. B, people have three urgent needs! What a helpless move! C, I’m hungry, let’s go grill the chicken legs! 】

[Please make your choice within one minute. In addition, Xuanzi, who is a party involved, cannot participate in the prize-winning quiz this time to avoid suspicion. He will also be temporarily imprisoned in a special space to prevent him from interfering with your answers. 】(End of this chapter)

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