Douluo: Double comparison, this Yuhao is too cruel!

Chapter 229 The lottery ceremony begins!

[As Wang Donger’s eldest and second father, Huo Yuhao naturally respects Niu Tian and Tai Tan very much. 】

[But Huo Yuhao has always understood the distinction between priorities and priorities. 】

[Although he respects Tai Tai and Niu Tian, ​​this respect comes from his deep love for Wang Donger. 】

[Therefore, it is impossible for Huo Yuhao to do anything to regret Wang Donger because of Tai Tai and Niu Tian. 】

[Niu Tian asked him to conceal the previous tips from Wang Donger, which was naturally nonsense. 】

[Actually, when Niu Tian said this before, Huo Yuhao originally thought of rejecting it directly. 】

[But who would have thought that Wang Donger would come back from going to the toilet at that time? 】

[As soon as she came back, Tai Tan and Niu Tian stopped talking about it, so Huo Yuhao naturally stopped talking as much as before. 】

[But now, since Tai Tan and Niu Tian have left, Huo Yuhao will definitely tell Wang Donger about this matter. 】

[He loves Wang Donger deeply, so he doesn’t want Wang Donger to hide anything from him. Well, I believe Wang Donger is the same on this point. She doesn't want to hide something from her. Therefore, Huo Yuhao immediately revealed the matter. 】

And after seeing this scene appearing on the screen.

In the gap between the planes, Tai Tan and Niu Tian were so angry that they cursed.

"Damn! This bastard has no credibility!"

"You told him not to say anything and he still said it? It's really not a thing!"

"Yeah, that's a bastard!"

"I'm furious!"

The two of them cursed Huo Yuhao in the parallel world fiercely in the gap between the planes.

At this moment, on the other side, after seeing this scene, Tang San was so angry that he cursed in his heart.

"This bastard. Tells Dong'er everything?"

"How can my plan succeed in this parallel world?"

"Damn it! The Huo Yuhao of this parallel world is so annoying! The Huo Yuhao of the original time and space still has an appetite for me!"

He was so annoyed that he kept cursing in his heart.

But Xiao Wu on the other side was very satisfied with Huo Yuhao's behavior in the parallel world.

She couldn't help but said: "That's right, that's right! This is the right thing to do!"

"Since they are two people who love each other, there should be no hiding anything!"

"Huo Yuhao in this parallel world is really becoming more and more appealing to me."

"In this way, I will feel relieved when Dong'er in the parallel world marries him in the future."

The more she thought about it, the happier she felt.

When he got to the back, he even didn't forget to praise Huo Yuhao in the parallel world to Tang San on one side.

"Third brother, Huo Yuhao from this parallel world is really good! You think so!"

After hearing this, Tang San's heart went crazy. He really wanted to scold Huo Yuhao in the parallel world, but he knew that he couldn't do this.

Therefore, he could only reluctantly reply to Xiao Wu: "Yes. This kid is really good."

When Xiao Wu heard this, she quickly changed her tune and said, "But I'm still curious about what's in that bag."

"I hope Huo Yuhao in the parallel world can be opened soon, so that my doubts can be answered."

Tang San's expression became a little embarrassed again when he heard this.

We can only change the topic again to avoid revealing the truth.

On the other side, Wang Donger couldn't help but speak after watching this scene: "Yuhao, despite what happened before, I am very grateful to you."

"But I actually hope that you can be like Huo Yuhao in the parallel world."

"Don't hide anything from me, okay?"

"If we encounter any problems, we face them together. Instead of dealing with them directly without telling me, that is not true love for me."

It was the first time she told Huo Yuhao these things.

In fact, she has been holding these words in her heart for a long time.

Huo Yuhao was willing to risk his life for her before. Was she moved? She must have been moved.

But she hoped Huo Yuhao could tell her the matter in advance instead of enduring it alone.

After all, they are partners who love each other and will live together in the future. So she actually didn't like Huo Yuhao taking over everything.

But Wang Donger had never had a chance before, so she didn't say anything clearly.

But this time, what Huo Yuhao in the parallel world did was perfectly in line with her thoughts.

So she couldn't help but reveal it to Huo Yuhao.

"Is this so"

"I understand."

Huo Yuhao also wrote down everything Wang Donger just said.

He really felt that what Wang Donger said made sense, and thinking about it carefully, he was indeed too impulsive before.

Therefore, he quickly agreed with Wang Donger's view.

"Well, don't hide it from me anymore."

Wang Donger was very happy after hearing this, and then she looked at the screen again.

And at this moment, in the screen.

[After learning about this, Wang Donger couldn't help but kiss Huo Yuhao on the face. 】

["Thank you Yuhao, thank you for not hiding it from me.\

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