Douluo: Double comparison, this Yuhao is too cruel!

Chapter 321 The big explosion in the famous city is exposed! It turns out that Huo Yuhao and Shrek a

"If you can tell me what happened this time, I really have nothing to say."

"But, Tang San, I still say the same thing."

"I hope you won't do anything outrageous."

"You also know my character."

"If you hadn't done anything against the rules, even if I was extremely dissatisfied with you, I wouldn't be able to launch any attack on you."

"But if you do something outrageous, don't blame me for being cruel!"

Thinking of this, the God of Destruction simply gave up the idea of ​​continuing to use what Tang San did in the parallel world just now as an excuse.

But the personality of the God of Destruction is still the same.

He will definitely not speak softly.

Therefore, even though he had already made a decision, he still gave Tang San a stern advice at the last moment.

"You can rest assured about this."

After hearing this, Tang San didn't feel concerned at all.

He just smiled faintly and replied to the God of Destruction.

At the same time, Tang San's face still showed a confident look.

Because even in their time and space, Tang San really didn't do anything beyond the rules.

At least on the surface, and now, he didn't do it.

In fact, when he was in Qiankun Wenqing Valley, he was ready to take action.

But before he could make any move, wasn't it already caught by that mysterious big hand between the faces?

So even if he had that plan, he didn't do it!

So since he didn't do it, what does he have to be afraid of?

After thinking of this, Tang San suddenly felt much more comfortable in his heart.

After he smiled lightly, he continued to look at the screen.

"It seems that we still have to catch some of the real Tang San's dark spots."

At this moment, Bibi Dong also realized this.

She frowned and said to Qian Renxue on her side.

Hearing this, Qian Renxue said: "However, Tang San has a cautious character, so it's not easy to catch his dark spots."

Bibi Dong also sighed slightly when he heard this: "Yes. But you have to try your luck."

"Moreover, if the original time and space footage is played, there is actually a chance to see the clues."

"After all, no matter how cautious Tang San is, if he is linked to Huo Yuhao from the original time and space, then what he does will still be exposed. He can't predict in advance that what he does will be exposed in the future, right?"

Qian Renxue nodded and said, "In this way, that's true."

The two continued to exchange a few words and then quickly looked at the screen again.

And at this moment,

When everyone thought that the screen showing the parallel world scene would continue to play.

The picture on the screen suddenly turned off the lights!

Then, the screen that played the original space-time scene lit up in an instant.

Of course, for the vast majority of soul masters in the cracks between the planes,

They were a little unhappy when they saw another screen suddenly light up.

Because after watching what happened to Huo Yuhao who was used to the parallel world,

They are very curious about the subsequent development.

And the most important thing is that Huo Yuhao in the original time and space is indeed too weak!

The more he compared with Huo Yuhao from the parallel world, the worse he seemed.

So now, not many people are willing to continue watching the story of Huo Yuhao in the original time and space.

But now they have to watch it even if they don't want to.

One by one, they could only look at the screen helplessly.

And on the other side.

Bibi Dong: "Oh, is it really such a coincidence? Just when I said this, it started playing?"

"Hmph! Then keep watching! I really don't believe Tang San is so clean!"

The God of Destruction also looked at the screen with a serious face.

Although Tang San was full of confidence at the beginning, when he saw the God of Destruction and others acting so seriously, he was actually a little flustered in his heart.

And at this moment, in the screen.

[What starts to play next is the scene from the original time and space when Huo Yuhao participated in the Soul Master Competition for the second time. 】

[After all, the last time it was played, Huo Yuhao came back from the Eye of Ice and Fire. However, compared with the Huo Yuhao in the parallel world, the Huo Yuhao in the original time and space was severely set up. After he came back, he directly He became disabled. 】

[It happened that the Soul Master Competition started at this time, so he could only drag his disabled body to participate in the Soul Master Competition. 】

[And this soul master competition is actually not that interesting. 】

[After all, the strength of Huo Yuhao in the original time and space is average. Different from the Huo Yuhao in the parallel world, at this time, Huo Yuhao in the original time and space even has some difficulty in dealing with Long Aotian. 】

[But Long Aotian’s words, to be honest, in the parallel world, there is no qualification to fight against Huo Yuhao in the parallel world. 】

A group of soul masters in the gap between the planes kept watching.

And after watching this, they also felt more and more bored, and they kept waiting anxiously in their hearts for the end of the playback of the original time and space.

[But at this time, Huo Yuhao in the original time and space experienced an episode. 】

[Because they were too afraid of the combat power of the Sun and Moon Empire, Xuanzi, Huo Yuhao and others organized a blast against the underground warehouse of the Sun and Moon Empire! 】

[Although Huo Yuhao and others originally only wanted to weaken the combat power of the Sun and Moon Empire.]

[But after they arrived at the arsenal, they discovered that buried there were countless high-level soul tools and materials! 】

[Huo Yuhao resolutely chose to detonate it! 】

[And the result of this incident was to directly cause a horrific explosion! 】

[At that moment, the earth was groaning, the earth was roaring, and everything was trembling! 】

[The unparalleled terrifying explosive power swept through one-third of the Sun and Moon Imperial City almost instantly! The terrifying shock wave almost swept through the entire city! 】

[At that time, the number of people who came to watch the Soul Master Competition exceeded 10 million, but it was because of the explosion detonated by Shrek Academy and Huo Yuhao that directly killed dozens of millions of civilians! 】

All the soul masters in the cracks of the entire plane were angry!

Because many of their relatives died in the explosion.

And now they know that the culprits of this incident are Huo Yuhao and Shrek.

This is unacceptable to all of them!

So at this moment, both Shrek and Huo Yuhao became the targets of verbal and verbal criticism from all the soul masters in the cracks between the planes! (End of chapter)

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