Douluo: Double comparison, this Yuhao is too cruel!

Chapter 358 The power of all soul beasts for millions of years! Huo Yuhao has high hopes!

But at this moment, there is a gap between the planes.

After seeing the parallel world on the screen, Huo Yuhao clearly faced such a vow with serious consequences, but he resolutely made it.

All the soul masters in the gap between the planes were not calm.

Each one of them started talking about it.

"The result of the matter is like this! Huo Yuhao's personality in this parallel world is like this. Once he is provoked, as long as he has the opportunity to take revenge, he will never let go of the opportunity."

"But this is actually not just because of this. This time Huo Yuhao in the parallel world already knew that a terrifying existence like Tang San was targeting him. Although he was lucky enough to survive this time with the help of the Dragon God, but It’s impossible for the Dragon God to help him for free.”

"Yes! The Dragon God has made his goal very clear. He helps Huo Yuhao in the parallel world just to let Huo Yuhao in the parallel world help him. So if Huo Yuhao in the parallel world refuses the Dragon God here, then he Most likely he will not continue to interfere with Huo Yuhao’s affairs in the parallel world.”

"In that case, Huo Yuhao in this parallel world will not have any means to confront Tang San in the parallel world. So he really has no choice."

"But in fact, this is the best result. Although he needs to complete a very difficult task, at least there is a possibility of success, which is enough. Huo Yuhao in this parallel world has always been a person who is good at A miracle worker."

The soul masters in the gap between the planes kept discussing.

All of them felt very approved of the choice Huo Yuhao made resolutely in the parallel world, because they also believed that this was the most appropriate reason that Huo Yuhao in the parallel world could make at present.

Of course, not everyone is willing to see this kind of thing in the gap between the planes at this moment.

For example, the God of Destruction was very confused after seeing this scene: "Oh, I didn't expect that things would turn out like this in the end."

"Although it was due to our negligence that Tang San had the opportunity to dominate, but letting the power of the Dragon God appear again is really a bit tricky."

The Goddess of Life took a breath and said: "Destruction, just imagine, if we have Huo Yuhao from a parallel world here and come to the God Realm to ask you to change the rules, would you be willing to change it?"

The God of Destruction took a breath and said: "In fact, after all these years, I also think that the punishment of soul beasts in the God Realm is a bit extreme. After all, the Dragon God is the Dragon God, and the soul beast is a soul beast."

"However, the principle is this, but it is too difficult to implement. After all, this is related to the face of our God Realm, and this kind of thing is actually not my decision alone."

The goddess of life nodded and said: "Yes! It seems that there will definitely be some twists and turns when the time comes."

But Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue on the other side didn't care so much.

In their opinion, Tang San on their side was basically half cold now.

After that, as long as all the stories of Huo Yuhao in the parallel world are played out, they can return to the real world, and by that time, Tang San on their side will die.

But before that, neither Bibi Dong nor Qian Renxue actually wanted to see Tang San in the parallel world having an easier time.

So as long as Huo Yuhao in the parallel world can gain strength, it will be enough to deal with Tang San in the parallel world. As for what happened to the God Realm, they were not particularly concerned about it.

Thinking of this, they continued to look at the screen expectantly.

And at this moment, in the screen.

["Okay! In this case, I will pass on all my inheritance to you.\

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