Douluo: Double comparison, this Yuhao is too cruel!

Chapter 366 The Body Sect is completely destroyed! Huo Yuner is arrested!

[And at this moment, when Munn’s bright spear is about to hit the poisonous heart.]

[The scene that happened in the sky was completely revealed to the sight of all the soul masters present. 】

[For the group of Shrek Academy soul masters, the scenes that are happening now are naturally what they like to see. 】

[So they will not feel any worry or dissatisfaction at all. 】

[But for the disciples on the other side, the Noumenon Sect, they are not like this! 】

[At this moment, the faces of the Noumenon Sect disciples all turned extremely pale. 】

["It's over. The sect master is going to die!\

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