Douluo Fire Phoenix

Chapter 170 The Seven Treasure Glazed Sect is disbanded

The news of the tragic defeat of the Tiandou Empire's army spread throughout the world in an instant. Everyone, especially the nobles, seemed to be in danger.

When the Star Luo Empire heard the news, it immediately withdrew all its millions of troops to the vicinity of the capital, Star Luo City. Countless soul masters within the Star Luo Empire also gathered in Star Luo City, seemingly preparing for the final desperate battle.

Wang Xiaofei from the College of Elements was drinking tea, as if the outside world had nothing to do with him.

"Come out, everyone. Now that we've arrived at the Elements Academy, it's time to show up."

Then the figures flashed, and many figures appeared outside the room. It was Tang Xiao, Tang Hao, Ning Fengzhi, Sword Douluo, Ancient Douluo, and dozens of disciples from the two sects.

Obviously this is the only remaining strength of the two major sects. But judging from the situation, the conditions of several of them were not good. Tang Hao, Tang Xiao, Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo were obviously seriously injured, and their wounds seemed to be filled with black gas. They must have been poisoned by Bibi Dong.

Xiao Fei waved his hand gently, and five chairs appeared in front of the five people: "Sect Master Tang Xiao, Uncle Hao, Sect Master Ning, Sword Douluo, Bone Douluo, the five seniors came to our Elemental Academy, let's have a cup of tea first. ”

After saying that, five cups of freshly brewed tea flew onto the table in front of the chair.

Ning Fengzhi and the other five looked at each other and sat on the chairs.

"This tea is good. The tea leaves were brought from our dean. The tea is water from the Lake of Life. It should be of some benefit to the five of you."

The five of them looked at Xiao Fei with confusion.

In the end, it was Ning Fengzhi who spoke: "Dean Wang Xiaofei, do you know about the war between the Tiandou Empire and the Wuhun Empire?"

Xiao Fei smiled: "What do you know about this? Isn't it that the Tiandou Empire was almost destroyed?"

"You actually guessed that the Tiandou Empire would be destroyed?"

"Absolutely. The gap in high-end strength between the Tiandou Empire, the Star Luo Empire and the Wuhun Empire is a bit big, especially the soul master legions and titled Douluo. Now Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong have become gods. With Bibi Dong's character The battle is expected to be resolved quickly.”

"Looking at the situation of several of them, the battle should be very tragic. A lot of titled Douluo are probably dead as well."

Tang Hao stared at Xiao Fei for a while: "Xiao Fei, you have indeed become a god."

Wang Xiaofei smiled and said nothing, as if he didn't care much.

"Since you are the first to become gods, why don't you stop Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue from becoming gods? Then you will be the only god in the world."

"Uncle Hao, this is boring. Whether it's Bibi Dong, Qian Renxue or Tang San, I won't stop them from becoming gods. What does all this have to do with me?"

"Yes, it has nothing to do with you. But now that the Spirit Empire has two gods, and you only have one, aren't you afraid that they will attack you together?"

Xiao Fei took a sip of tea and said, "That's not the case. Our Elemental College has always maintained neutrality and has no enmity with the Spirit Empire."

"By the way, Uncle Hao, what are you five doing in our Elements Academy? Our Elements Academy has always maintained neutrality."

Faced with Xiao Fei's question, the scene fell into silence again.

Finally, the steady Tang Xiao spoke: "Dean Wang Xiaofei, I am Tang Xiao, the leader of the Haotian Sect."

"Senior Tang Xiao, I have admired you for a long time. If you have anything to say, please just say it."

"Dean Wang Xiaofei, what do you want to do to protect us people? No matter what the cost."

"Senior Tang Xiao was joking. The Elements Academy will not participate in any battles. If you need the protection of the Elements Academy, you can only join the Elements Academy. As long as you make an oath to join the Elements Academy and will not participate in any other battles in the future. Just sect or other disputes.”

"Is it that simple?"

Xiaofei didn't pay attention to Tang Xiao's question, but drank tea silently.

Everyone around was also thinking about Xiao Fei's request. Is this requirement difficult? It may be very easy for many people. But for everyone who has a blood feud, it is tantamount to asking him to forget all hatred.

Ning Fengzhi suddenly stood up and bowed deeply to Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo beside him: "Uncle Sword, Uncle Bone, it has always been you two who have contributed to the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect. We have worked hard on its development. Now is the time for you two to say goodbye to the Qibao Glazed Sect."

Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo also stood up: "Fengzhi, what are you talking about? Old Bones and I were born as members of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, and died as ghosts of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect."

Ning Fengzhi shook his head: "Uncle Jian, Uncle Bone, actually I have been thinking about this matter for a long time. I have always been too obsessed with this war, too obsessed with the hatred of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect. The last meeting When I proposed retreat, I already had this idea.”

"Whether you win or lose this war, it is just death for the disciples of my Seven Treasures Glazed Sect. Even if you win, so what? Moreover, the injuries and poison on your bodies are very serious."

At this time Xiao Fei spoke: "Sect Master Ning, let me interrupt. I have been to Poseidon Island recently. Based on Tang San's current situation, it can take as short as a few days or as long as half a month to complete the Poseidon's inheritance. By then Tang San can also cure your injuries and poisons."

Upon hearing this, Tang Hao and Tang Xiao looked at each other, seemingly very excited.

But Ning Fengzhi was not moved at all, and continued to say to Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo: "Uncle Sword, Uncle Bone, you two just join the Elements Academy. After leaving, I will also announce my withdrawal from the soul master world, and Find a place to live in seclusion.”

"Feng Zhi, have you really made up your mind? In this case, we can't leave."

"I have already made up my mind. If the Wuhun Empire comes again, I will surrender to the Wuhun Empire."

After saying this, Ning Fengzhi pointed out five younger people from the entourage: "You five, from now on, you are no longer disciples of my Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect."

Then, Ning Fengzhi left without hesitation with the rest of the people, and Tang Hao and Tang Xiao also left with him.

Obviously, Ning Fengzhi is a very smart sect leader. With the character of Jian Douluo and Gu Douluo, they will never surrender to the Wuhun Empire. And if these two are with him, the Wuhun Empire will not let him retire. Moreover, with his strength as a supporting soul saint, he can't escape the pursuit.

After everyone left, Xiao Fei looked at Jian Douluo, Gu Douluo and the other five people: "Everyone, let's make it clear. You can join my Element Academy. But once you join the academy, you can no longer quit. If you want to quit, your martial soul will be broken."

Hearing this, the seven people swore by their martial souls that they would never quit the Element Academy. Xiao Fei waved his hand lightly, and seven inexplicable forces merged into the martial spirits of the seven people, as if to warn the seven people that if they broke their oaths, their martial spirits would be broken.

This power was not Xiao Fei's divine power, but the power of Douluo Star. No one could destroy it on Douluo Star, even gods.

Then, two flames flew out of Xiao Fei's hand and entered the bodies of Jian Douluo and Gu Douluo. The flames burned for a while, and bursts of black smoke came out of Jian Douluo and Gu Douluo's bodies. It was the poison Bibi Dong had put on them.

After the detoxification was completed, seven thick courtyard rules flew out of Xiao Fei's body and flew in front of the seven people.

When Jian and Gu Douluo finished reading the courtyard rules, Gu Douluo couldn't help but say: "Old Swordman, do you think it's too late for me to regret it now?"

Jian Douluo looked at the courtyard rules and smiled bitterly.

That day, news came from the soul master world that the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect was officially disbanded. Sect leader Ning Fengzhi led a small number of clan members to retire, and the sect's guardians Jian Douluo and Gu Douluo joined the Elemental Academy and will no longer be involved in any matters of the soul master world.

I like Jian Douluo and Gu Douluo in the original work so much that I really don't want them to die like in the original work, so I wrote a story about the dissolution of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect. It will be more tragic later.

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