Douluo Fire Phoenix

Chapter 244 Chapter 239 The New Shrek Team

Just as Wang Lanfang and Wang Mingxu looked at the people training hard on the training ground, they couldn't help but nod. These people were indeed quite talented, and their physical fitness was very good in all aspects. They were considered little geniuses.

Flender made an introduction and confirmed the lineup to participate in the Soul Master Competition tomorrow.

Including 7 team members.

Captain Tang Can, 21 years old, has a martial spirit, the Clear Sky Hammer, and a level 47 attack-type soul sect. It is said that he is a direct disciple of Haotian Sect.

Team member Dai Yao, 19 years old, has a martial soul white tiger and a level 45 attack soul sect. He is the son of Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Mubai.

Team member Ma Xiaomin, 19 years old, has a martial soul, Evil Fire Phoenix, and a level 43 agility attack soul sect. He is the son of Ma Hongjun and Bai Chenxiang.

Team member Yu Tianyan, 22 years old, has a martial soul blue electric Tyrannosaurus Rex and a level 42 attack-type soul sect. He is the son of Duguyan and Yu Tianheng.

Team member Yu Xiaolong, 19 years old, has a blue electric Martial Soul Tyrannosaurus Rex and a level 41 attack-type soul sect. He is the son of Yu Xiaogang and Liu Erlong.

Team member Ning Xiaoqi, 19 years old, possesses the Seven Treasures Glazed Tower of Martial Spirits, and has a soul power of level 39, an auxiliary soul master. He is the son of Ning Rongrong and Oscar.

Team member Zhu Qianyu, 18 years old, has a martial soul, Nether Civet Cat, and has a soul power of level 39, agility and attack type. She is a direct disciple of the Nether Civet Zhu family and the only female among them.

According to the cooperation of these people, it is still pretty good. Power attack, agility attack, and support are all okay, and there is even a flying soul master, but the control system soul master is missing.

Even you, Wang Mingxu, couldn't help but say: "Dean Flender, your team's configuration is quite good. Next year, you should be able to have all Soul Sect members, and you will still have a certain degree of competitiveness in the Soul Master Competition. "

Flanders also seemed to be full of joy: "This is because the new members of our Shrek team are very good. Everyone trains very hard and cooperates well. Our goal is to win the championship in the Douluo Federation Soul Master Competition next year. ”

"Then I wish Shrek Academy a successful start and immediate success."

At this time, Yu Xiaogang on the side also spoke: "Can you two tell us about the lineup of your School of Elements?"

Wang Mingxu shook his head: "But I have to disappoint you. The team participating from the Harajuku Academy Main Campus this time includes two soul kings and five soul sects, and their martial arts are not bad. As for the Phoenix City branch, I haven’t been there yet, so I don’t know yet.”

Yu Xiaogang seemed a little speechless: "Two soul kings, five soul sects? But there is still about a year, wouldn't it mean that they will become stronger?"

"Absolutely. They are also training hard now, and they are probably preparing for next year's Soul Master Competition."

Yu Xiaogang still seemed a little stubborn: "Even if their soul power is higher than that of our team, all the team members are top-notch martial souls, especially the auxiliary soul masters with the Qibao Glazed Pagoda's martial soul. Whoever loses will win." It’s hard to say.”

Wang Mingxu couldn't help but smile: "The martial arts of your Shrek team members are indeed good, but the martial arts of the Elemental Academy team this time are also not bad. They include the soul-breaking gun, the one-horned fire tyrannosaurus, the plate-armored giant rhinoceros, and the blast." Demon wolf and ice phoenix spirits, etc., by the way, there is also a soul sect from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda in the Elements Academy.”

"How is this possible? Apart from the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, how could there be a soul master with the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda's martial spirit anywhere else?"

"I don't know about this, but I communicated with him some time ago and the auxiliary effect is indeed good."

At this time, Yu Xiaogang seemed to have made a mistake: "This is too bullying of other teams. The Elements Academy is composed of the original three major colleges and two major families, and its strength completely crushes other teams. This kind of team's participation is completely cheating. Behavior."

Yu Xiaogang has experienced previous soul master competitions and understands how powerful the three academies of Blazing Fire, Kamikaze, and Tianshui were. The underground academy’s teams were basically the top five in the Tiandou region. Now that they have been merged and strengthened, other teams have also been strengthened. How to fight?

On the other hand, Wang Lanfang was a little angry: "Why can't you just say this? It's been decades since the Elements College merged. If you want, you can find other colleges to merge with, and no one has banned you."

"And I see that your team's lineup should be the core disciples of the original Shangsan Sect. I didn't expect that the legendary Shangsan Sect would also be in such a state of decline."

When Yu Xiaogang heard this, his whole eyes turned red, and he couldn't help shouting: "The Shangsan Sect has not declined. Now it is just waiting for the opportunity to rise. It will definitely become famous in the mainland again in the future."

"Why are you so easy to get angry? I'm just telling the truth. Where are the top three sects under the rule of the Douluo Federation now?"

"And the so-called upper three sects you mentioned, we also visited their company yesterday. The overall strength is indeed not very good. It is said that each of them only has a few hundred soul masters. I am afraid that together they are not as good as our Elemental College."

After hearing these words, Yu Xiaogang's entire face darkened, as if he had been touched on some painful point.

Yu Xiaogang couldn't help but remember that when the three sects were glorious, which one didn't have thousands of soul masters? Even the two great empires did not dare to offend the three sects easily.

But now, even with Level 99 Tang Chen in charge, the Haotian Sect does not dare to move even half a step, for fear that it will be wiped out accidentally. Moreover, the Douluo Federation also has many level 99 titled Douluo, not to mention the only god in the world.

Especially, Yu Xiaogang has studied the laws of the Douluo Federation. The deeper he studies, the more horrified he feels. According to the laws of the Douluo Federation, the Douluo Federation basically includes more than 80% of the soul masters on the continent, including many Titled Douluo.

And the living space of those sects is very small, and they basically have to survive in the form of companies. The three major sects in the past have now fallen to the point of opening a company.

According to the laws of the Douluo Federation at this stage, Yu Xiaogang himself estimates that even if a sect develops to its peak, it is estimated that there will be less than 800 soul masters. This number of soul masters is not enough for the Douluo Federation. It can even be said that as long as you violate the laws of the Douluo Federation, the Douluo Alliance's Judgment Department may eliminate you at any time.

In other words, the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family will never be able to restore its former glory.

Thinking of this, Yu Xiaogang's expression dimmed, as if he had returned to the nightmare period of the sect being destroyed in the past.

Flanders on the side said: "Xiaogang, don't worry about the size of the sect now. The laws of the Douluo Alliance protect the safety of everyone, and can also guarantee the inheritance of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family's martial arts spirit. Even if you can't become famous in the continent as a sect, you can rely on the strong people who come later to let the continent remember the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family forever."

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