Douluo Fire Phoenix

Chapter 42 Road to Hell

Xiao Fei did not start walking immediately, but first adjusted his breath for a while until his heart stabilized and his soul power returned to its best state.

After fully recovering, Xiao Fei began to walk along the Hell Road. Although the Hell Road was very narrow, it was very smooth for Xiao Fei, who had mastered flying. If he was not afraid of problems with the assessment, he could fly forward directly.

As Xiao Fei moved forward, Xiao Fei felt that the air was getting hotter and hotter, and a lot of heat seemed to be coming from the bottom. However, this had almost no effect on Xiao Fei, who had the fire attribute.

Suddenly, there seemed to be a buzzing sound below. Xiao Fei kept his mind and knew that it should be the blood-red bats coming. After a while, the buzzing sound became louder and louder, and countless red lights appeared in the sky. A closer look showed that there were countless blood-red bats.

Those blood-red bats flew very fast and were close in a short while. Their eyes were also blood-red. When they found the target, they made a cackle in their mouths and revealed their sharp fangs. Thousands of blood bats flapped their wings together, bringing a fishy wind.

Xiao Fei walked while waving the iron sword in his hand to defend against the attack of the bats. As more and more bats attacked, Xiao Fei's movements became faster and faster. Xiao Fei aimed at the most bats in front and suddenly his right hand turned into a fire phoenix. The extremely high temperature of the phoenix flame instantly killed countless bats, and the bat group was reduced by a full tenth.

Seeing Xiao Fei's right claw with flames, the bats did not dare to approach. However, they refused to leave and kept harassing Xiao Fei.

Suddenly, Xiao Fei felt a stronger energy fluctuation coming from the front. Just in front of the narrow road, below the narrow road. A huge guy was hanging upside down. Under the light red light around, it released a dark golden light. The guy was about four meters long, and his two huge claws were buckled on the narrow road. Each claw had a diameter of more than one meter and was sharp and grabbed into the stone.

Amid the screams of a large number of blood bats, a pair of huge wings slowly opened on the dark golden body, and the terrifying wingspan was as wide as ten meters. The claws suddenly loosened, and under the flapping of the huge wings, its huge body flew up, and it turned out to be an extremely huge bat.

The dark gold three-headed bat king made a low hum, and then flew towards Xiao Fei at a high speed. Before its huge body could reach him, an incomparable and tyrannical aura had already rushed towards him. The terrifying gust of wind was more terrifying than all the blood-red bats before.

Xiao Fei was waiting for his arrival. Suddenly, his whole body was on fire, and his limbs turned into a phoenix. He flew towards the dark gold three-headed bat king at a high speed. Xiao Fei suddenly stretched out five steel claws from his right hand, and clawed at the dark gold three-headed bat king. The dark gold three-headed bat king was directly cut in half. The golden light spread instantly, and with a bang, a large amount of golden liquid flew everywhere. All the blood bats around that were splashed by the golden liquid died in screams.

With the death of the dark gold three-headed bat king, the other blood bats suddenly became leaderless, and rushed towards Xiao Fei with almost revengeful madness. Facing more bats flying, Xiao Fei did not turn into a phoenix this time, but opened the bird bone wings behind him. The 50,000-year-old flame bird bone wings were now as sharp as blades. After a while, the bats around were cut into pieces.

After killing the blood bats, Xiao Fei rested for a while, and then continued to walk on the road of hell. Suddenly, Xiao Fei found a pair of huge fiery red eyes in front of him. After taking a closer look, he saw a huge snake hovering in the middle of the road of hell.

The snake head was very large, with a diameter of 5 meters. There were 9 tumors on the snake head. Xiao Fei knew that this was the ancient beast Ten-Headed Sun Snake. The giant snake suddenly spit out a pungent breath at Xiao Fei, with a serious flame temperature in the breath, and obviously mixed with some kind of toxin?

Xiao Fei's limbs were instantly transformed into beasts, and at the same time, he waved his bone wings, like a phoenix looking down at the giant snake. With extremely fast speed, Xiao Fei kept shuttling in the air. From time to time, Xiao Fei completed damage to the giant snake, and the poison of the giant snake was basically useless to Xiao Fei, who was refining his body with ice and fire, and the speed of the giant snake was much slower than Xiao Fei.

The weakness of the Ten-Headed Fiery Sun Snake is the nine tumors on its head. Xiao Fei took advantage of the moment when its speed of injury slowed down and seized the opportunity. His five steel claws grabbed its weakness. In the end, the entire head of the Ten-Headed Fiery Sun Snake was torn into pieces, and its body fell to the ground. Xiao Fei also breathed a sigh of relief.

A fiery red ball emerged from the snake. Xiao Fei activated his soul power and sucked the ball into his hand. The temperature of the ball was extremely high. This was the inner elixir of the Ten-Headed Fiery Sun Snake, and it was also the essence of its body.

After putting away the inner elixir of the Ten-Headed Fiery Sun Snake, Xiao Fei had passed two levels in a row, and there was only one level left. Xiao Fei continued to walk forward along the Hell Road. As he went further and further forward on the Hell Road, the temperature continued to rise. The dark red liquid flowing in the abyss on both sides gradually became clearer from being vaguely visible, and the terrain seemed to be going down all the time. Xiao Fei understood that he had finally reached the last level.

Xiao Fei speeded up. As he approached the abyss, his speed also increased. The air became obviously hotter and hotter, his vision became more and more blurred, the murderous aura on his body became heavier, and the evil aura on his body became stronger.

The huge evil aura, the hot evil plasma, and his own huge killing aura, walking through the hell road in these three auras is the final test.

Xiao Fei used the spiritual wisdom soul bone on his head to the extreme. A ray of white light appeared a thousand meters ahead. There should be the exit of the Hell Road. Enduring all kinds of pain in his heart, Xiao Fei waved his wings and flew quickly towards the exit. Finally, before he was about to lose control, he flew out of the light. And Xiao Fei gradually lost consciousness.

After an unknown period of time, Xiao Fei finally woke up slowly and gradually regained his consciousness. Looking around, it has become a lush forest. Xiao Fei knew that he had finally walked out of the Hell Road. Xiao Fei observed his own changes. Some special lines appeared on Xiao Fei's body, and these lines turned out to be the lines when the Hell Road was opened-the nine-headed bat king. Xiao Fei tried to activate these lines, and in an instant, a surge of white light quietly diffused. The white light was released from Xiao Fei, but soon, the white light turned colorless. Everything around seemed to tremble in this white light. This is the field composed of murderous aura, the field of killing gods. It is also one of the gains of the City of Killing in the past two years.

After taking back his Killing God Domain, Xiao Fei left the woods. It was time to return to Blazing Academy.

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