Douluo Fire Phoenix

Chapter 47 Fire Bat

With the map, Xiao Fei came to the Immortal Volcano again, but this time there were only three of us young people, and we had to face all the dangers ourselves.

There are very few trees in the endless radius of nearly a hundred miles, and there are some relatively small fire-attribute trees.

The three of them were walking on the dark ground. Since they were still on the outskirts of the volcano, the number of soul beasts was very small, so there was no need to investigate.


Since the map is from 10,000 years ago, the ground veins near the immortal volcano have long since changed, and there is almost no difference between having a map and not having one.

Xiaofei and the other three had to follow the route led by the dean last time. Near the volcano, because there is very little moisture in the air, and due to the need to fight the heat, people's physical strength will lose faster than outside, so it is necessary to minimize strenuous exercise or reduce the use of soul power.

At night, Xiao Fei and Huo Wushuang took turns keeping watch.

In this way, after three days, Xiao Fei and the others arrived at the place where they last hunted the Ten Fierce Sky Ant Beasts. The three of them looked at the sky and decided to rest here.

During the day, Xiaofei felt something was wrong. He always felt that there was some spirit beast nearby, but he didn't find anything after taking a closer look. At night, when Xiao Fei was meditating outside the tent, he suddenly felt that there seemed to be fluctuations in soul power around him. Xiao Fei used his soul bones to feel the surrounding environment, and there were actually many stars with soul power appearing in the environment. Xiaofei said to himself, "What's going on?" How could he be suddenly surrounded by soul power? "

Suddenly thinking of something, Xiao Fei immediately woke them up. Huo Wu asked in confusion: "Hey, what's going on? Why did you wake us up so suddenly?"

Xiao Fei said with a solemn expression: "There seems to be something under the ground, and there are a lot of them. The number is huge. It looks like a soul beast, but something feels wrong. I can only feel it with my soul bones."

After a while, the three of them clearly felt that the fluctuations in the soul power around them were getting bigger and bigger.

Xiaofei said quickly: "Let's go, we must leave quickly."

Suddenly a hole appeared in the ground, and countless fire ants came out of the ground. Then a second, third, and fourth opening appeared... All the openings seemed to form some kind of encirclement, and then countless fire ants came out.

Xiao Fei said quickly: "These are fire ants. Regardless of their small soul power, judging from their size, they are probably century-old soul beasts."

Yes, the countless fire ants surrounding Xiao Fei and others are century-old spirit beasts. Each fire ant is about the size of a fist. Suddenly, dozens of larger fire ants suddenly appeared from the ground. These dozens were already the size of basketballs. These large fire ants were already thousand-year-old soul beasts.

Xiaofei quickly used martial arts to possess him and flew into the sky. He looked around and said, "Trouble." Because Xiao Fei saw countless scarlet flashes in the sky, and when he took a closer look, he saw that they were all fire bats, and they looked like hundred-year-old spirit beasts, and there were various kinds of them mixed in. A relatively small fire bat, but a thousand-year-old soul beast. Whether it's Naruto or Fire Bats, there are tens of thousands of them, or even more.

Xiao Fei flew in the air with his phoenix-shaped claws and kept killing fire bats, while Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang were dealing with almost densely packed fire ants on the ground. Both fire ants and fire bats have very strong fire resistance due to living near volcanoes for a long time. Ordinary flames can only cause damage to them but cannot kill them.

Xiao Fei thought for a while and said, "Something's wrong. These fire ants and fire bats are consuming our soul power. There must be senior soul beasts directing these fire ants and fire bats to fight. We must leave here quickly."

After saying that, Xiao Fei stretched out the flame bird bone wings from his back, then dived to the ground and said: "You two jump on my shoulders quickly."

After hearing what Xiao Fei said, Huo Wushuang and Huo Wu jumped into the sky quickly. Xiao Fei flashed past, and the two of them had already stepped on Xiao Fei's shoulders. Fire Bat seemed to know that Xiao Fei wanted to break out and fly away, and kept blocking Xiao Fei in the air, even if he was killed by Xiao Fei. For a time, the soul power of Xiao Fei and the three of them were consumed rapidly.

Huo Wushuang said: "No, it will be dangerous if we continue to be surrounded like this. Their leader must be forced out."

Xiao Fei activated his second soul skill, Sparks Like Rain, and countless fire feathers flew towards the fire bats in the air. The fire bats instantly suffered a lot of damage, and even several thousand-year-old fire bats were killed. At the moment when a large number of fire bats were killed, Xiao Fei suddenly rushed to the distance. There was a large fluctuation of firepower. It was obvious that it was the fire bat king.

Xiao Fei instantly activated his soul bone skill - Spiritual Impact, and the Bat King let out a sharp roar. It was obvious that the Fire Bat King was injured. After confirming the location of the Fire Bat King, Xiao Fei flapped his wings and quickly flew towards the Fire Bat King. The Fire Bat King seemed to be angered and also flew towards Xiao Fei and the others.

Suddenly, the Fire Bat King roared loudly, and the three of them instantly felt very uncomfortable, and their heads seemed to have been hit. This is the sonic attack of the Fire Bat King, which is actually mixed with mental shock. I saw the Fire Bat King waving his sharp claws to kill Xiao Fei and the other three. Xiao Fei quickly used his soul bone to steady his mind and waited for the opportunity. Five steel claws directly cut off one of the Fire Bat King's arms. The Fire Bat King was angered again, and with a long roar, countless Fire Bats rushed toward Xiao Fei and the others desperately. Looking at the overwhelming fire bats, Xiao Fei felt the fluctuations of the fire bat king's soul power with his heart, and directly launched the sixth soul skill - Phoenix Slash. All the fire bats in a straight line, including the fire bat king, were cut in half.

The Fire Bat King died, and the remaining Fire Bats attacked even more desperately. Without the command and coordination of the Fire Bat King, the Fire Bats' attacks became even more chaotic. After one stick of incense, all the Fire Bats were almost dead or injured.

Since Xiaofei and the other three could fly, the fire ants on the ground lost their attack target, and eventually all the fire ants burrowed back into the ground.

After a period of confirmation, the three finally returned to the ground. There are only corpses left on the ground, especially the huge corpse of the Fire Bat King. The size of the War Fire Bat King's corpse is estimated to be a soul beast close to 30,000 years old.

The three of them ate the herb that restored their soul power and then adjusted their breathing on the spot to restore their soul power and physical strength.

An hour later, the soul power of the three people had basically been restored. Everyone went to collect the loot.

Xiaofei felt that the soul power of the Fire Bat King was fluctuating, so he walked to the Fire Bat King and dissected the Fire Bat King. Thinking that the Fire Bat King actually shoveled out a piece of head soul bone.

Next, Huo Wu launched a large-scale flame, and instantly all the corpses were burned. A glimmer of crystal light appeared on the ground again. Xiao Fei moved the light over, and it turned out to be a two-thousand-year-old fire ant right arm soul bone. . It's a pity that the age limit is too low, and none of the three of them look down on it.

The three of them quickly left the place and found another place to rest.

Xiao Fei gave the 30,000-year-old Fire Bat King's head soul bone to Huo Wushuang. Now he is the only one without a head soul bone. Xiao Fei and Huo Wu can't absorb it even if they want to. Huo Wushuang nodded, sat on the ground and began to absorb the head soul bone. The three of them were so familiar with each other that there was no need to say any words of thanks.

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