Douluo Fire Phoenix

Chapter 50: Divine Fire Sect

Just when the three of them felt lost, he thought for a while and said, "Maybe I was wrong. Such a fault space may be far more than 100 meters, which is far beyond the limit of our perception and there is no way to do it."

"It is so far away from the ground that even a Titled Douluo may not be able to detect it, otherwise it would have been discovered long ago. Detection? Detection..." Xiao Fei muttered to himself.

Xiao Fei suddenly stood up and said, "Yes, we don't have to feel it, we just need to detect it."

Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang looked at Xiao Fei with a puzzled look, "What's the difference?"

Xiao Fei said excitedly, "We really can't sense it now, but it doesn't mean that we can't understand the situation underground!"

The two still looked puzzled.

Xiao Fei said quickly: "Huo Wushuang, can't your head soul bone send out sound waves to attack the enemy? Then you can directly attack the farthest point underground, can't you detect the difference underground?"

The two suddenly realized, Huo Wushuang also thought about it, nodded and said: "This is indeed feasible." Then Huo Wushuang conducted an experiment on the spot, Huo Wushuang activated the head soul bone skill, a sound wave directly attacked the ground, and then Huo Wushuang felt it carefully, nodded and said: "It is indeed possible to feel the object being attacked, I can directly attack about 500 meters underground, if the target of the attack is different, I can feel it."

For a period of time, Huo Wushuang turned into a detection machine, and Huo Wu and Xiao Fei kept helping Huo Wushuang recover his soul power.

Finally, after four days, Huo Wushuang suddenly said: "This is it, I feel that my attack has missed, and there should be the broken space layer."

When Huo Wushuang confirmed the direction, Xiao Fei immediately used the external soul bone and turned into an excavator. The external soul bone can even cut through steel, let alone the stone layer.

Two hours later, the three came to the last stone layer. Now, the three of them have felt that it is empty. Xiao Fei took out the detoxifying herbs for the two to take, but still felt uneasy, so he took out the Youxiang Qiluo Xianpin. Xiao Fei held the Youxiang Qiluo Xianpin in his left hand and waved his steel claws in his right hand to open the last stone layer.

As soon as the stone layer was cut, a hot breath came out from it, and the air seemed to really carry some kind of toxin. After all, it has been 10,000 years, and there are basically no plants under the volcano.

When the three entered this space, their eyes were stunned. In front of them was a huge city, but the whole city was tilted at a 45-degree angle. Half of the city had been melted into the magma, and the other half was connected to the ground and tilted in the air, like a balance.

Maybe it was because of good luck, the city gate was actually on the tilted side. The three walked towards the city gate. There were only some ruins left in the whole city, but the plaque of the sect was made of unknown material. It was not rotten, and the three words of Shenhuo Sect could be vaguely seen on it.

After searching for so long, I finally found the place of Shenhuo Sect. I hope there are opportunities inside.

The three of them walked into the sect, but there seemed to be nothing inside except a few broken stones. Xiao Fei quickly took out the map and compared it carefully. The layout on the map was somewhat similar to that of the Shenhuo Sect. And there was only one place on the entire map that was highlighted. Obviously, this should be where the sect treasure was.

People kept looking inside according to the direction of the map. Finally, the three of them arrived at the destination, and what they saw shocked them.

They saw a huge tower in front of them, as high as a hundred feet. This tower was already tilted like the ground, but the tilt angle was not that much. Xiao Fei looked over carefully, and then he was surprised, because this tower seemed to be sealed except for the gate, and the whole tower was made of meteorite copper from outer space. Meteorite copper from outer space only exists in meteorites, and the number is very rare. The weight and value are not inferior to deep-sea silver. Such a huge tower is almost infinite in value. Moreover, how can such a large tower be made of meteorite copper?

The words on the tower are clearly visible: "Shenhuo Tower."

The three of them looked at the gate, which was also made of meteorite copper, and were a little speechless. With the current strength of Xiao Fei and the other two, they could not destroy the gate of this tower at all. And in the center of the tower gate, there is a special gap, like a ball of flame.

Just when Xiao Fei was depressed, Huo Wu shyly took out a similar thing from her body. Obviously, this is the key to the God Fire Tower.

Xiao Fei and Huo Wushuang were depressed. Huo Wu hurriedly said: "This key was given to me by my grandfather before I left. My grandfather himself doesn't know what it is used for. He only knows that it was left by the God Fire Sect in the past."

Huo Wu opened the door with the key, but the door was obviously very heavy. The three of them tried their best to open a gap for one person to pass through. When the three of them entered, the door closed automatically.

After the three entered the God Fire Tower, to their surprise, the inside of the God Fire Tower could be seen at a glance. There was actually an inclined ladder leading straight up. At the top of the inclined ladder, there was a bronze statue in the center. There was a ball of flame in the statue's hand. The God Fire Sect has disappeared for 10,000 years. Could it be that the fire in the statue's hand has been there for 10,000 years?

But at the same time, the three of them always felt that the ball of flame in the statue's hand was very attractive to them. When the three of them walked towards the inclined stairs, they felt a very strong pressure on the stairs, and the flames in the three people's bodies began to stir.

Xiao Fei looked around carefully and finally found a piece of text on the wall. The text described the origin and development of the Divine Fire Sect.

More than 10,000 years ago, the first leader of the Divine Fire Sect was a brilliant genius. When he was young, he was determined to become a god, so he practiced hard and finally reached the limit of human beings: level 99 peerless Douluo. However, the gap between level 99 and level 100 was like a natural barrier blocking his progress. In the end, he came up with a plan. When all the members of the family moved into the Undying Volcano, he established the Divine Fire Sect. Then he mobilized all the resources to build this Divine Fire Tower made of all meteorite copper.

He wanted to use the power of the Divine Fire Tower and the veins of the Undying Volcano to impact the hundredth level. He succeeded halfway. He successfully crossed the 99th level, but did not become the 100th level. Because he did not have a god position, nor did he inherit any gods. But he hoped that future generations could achieve his goal and achieve the 100th level. It was he who sacrificed all his abilities in his life into a wisp of flame in the hands of the bronze statue. The flame here has transcended the scope of ordinary fire and has become a wisp of divine fire.

Since then, the Divine Fire Tower has been the place of practice for generations of clansmen

and also the place of inheritance. Among all the clan leaders of all generations, if they reached level 99, they would sacrifice their souls and abilities to this divine fire. However, this place of inheritance also attracted the covetousness of powerful people from the outside world. The last clan leader fought a great battle with the enemy, and in the end, both sides were defeated, resulting in the eruption of the Undead Volcano. In the end, the Divine Fire Clan was covered by the volcano and disappeared in the long river of history.

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