Douluo Fire Phoenix

Chapter 52 Hundred Thousand Year Spirit Ring

On this day, Xiao Fei came to the magma alone and carefully felt the smell of the magma. Suddenly, Xiao Fei said to the magma: "Senior Nether Python, please come out and see him."

Hearing Xiao Fei's voice, Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang quickly came to Xiao Fei's vicinity.

Suddenly, the magma started churning, and a huge snake head came out of the slow magma. It suddenly stuck out its tongue and said, "Human, what do you want from me?"

Xiao Fei stood there quietly and said to the Nether Python: "Senior, I am currently at level 70 and need a soul ring."

The Nether Python was instantly furious: "You bastard, human being, you are provoking me."

Xiao Fei shook his head and said: "Senior, I am sincere and I am here for senior."

The Nether Python said: "Do you want to take my soul ring, or do you still say you are here for me?"

Xiao Fei said: "Senior, judging from your situation, your horns have grown out, and your body has begun to transform, and limbs have begun to grow. The strength of the previous senior should have reached the 100,000-year level, but that day, the senior's The attack is far less powerful than the 100,000-year-old soul beast. I am afraid that the senior is seriously injured and cannot use his full strength. In the current state of the senior, it is difficult to break through the 100,000-year catastrophe. "

The Nether Python said: "So what? Although I am injured, my strength is far stronger than yours. There is no way you can kill me."

Xiao Fei shook his head and said: "I invited senior to come out at home, so naturally I have something to discuss. I am just 20 years old now, already at level 70. With my talent, I am confident that I can break through the Titled Douluo before I am 30 years old. My goal is to reach 100. To become a god, if your senior is sacrificed to me, I am willing to resurrect your senior after becoming a god, so that your senior can also ascend to the God Realm and become a divine beast. "

The Nether Python said sternly: "Boy, I know you are extremely talented, but among the previous leaders of the Shenhuo Sect, there are also people with outstanding talents, but they all failed. Why do you say you can succeed?"

Xiao Fei said seriously: "Of course it's with my martial arts spirit."

After saying that, Xiao Fei summoned his martial spirit, and a fire phoenix condensed in the air. The fire phoenix had six heads. Phoenix exudes a trace of divinity.

The Nether Python said in a deep voice: "God-level martial spirit? Even if you have a god-level martial spirit, you may not be able to become a god at level 100."

Xiao Fei shook his head and said: "There are no certain things in the world. People should know that this world rejects soul beasts. Seniors have to survive a catastrophe every hundred thousand years, and in this Douluo Continent, Soul beasts cannot become gods, so I need to make a gamble. If I don’t gamble, I will die within a hundred years. If I succeed, I may transform into a dragon and live forever.”

The Nether Python said: "I am willing to sacrifice to you, but how can you guarantee that you will resurrect me after becoming a god?"

Xiaofei said directly to the sky: "Junior Wang Xiaofei swears to the way of heaven with his martial spirit. If this junior breaks through level 100 and becomes a god, he will resurrect his senior. If he violates the oath, this junior will be willing to have his martial soul broken and suffer a bad death."

The Nether Python nodded and said, "When do you want me to sacrifice to you?"

Xiao Fei said in a deep voice: "I hope that senior will break through one hundred thousand years before he is sacrificed to me. With a hundred thousand year soul ring and soul bone, there is even more hope to break through to a hundred thousand years and become a god."

The Nether Python nodded and left.

After the Nether Python left, Huo Wushuang and Huo Wu quickly came to Xiao Fei's side. Huo Wushuang asked: "Xiao Fei, is there really a hundred-level god in the world?"

Xiao Fei nodded and said: "Yes, Poseidon, the founder of Poseidon Island, and the founder of Wuhun Temple have both achieved level 100 and become gods. Now both Wuhun Temple and Poseidon Island have the inheritance of gods. Just like Wuhun Just like the seraphs in the palace. Don’t tell anyone about this yet.”

The two nodded.

Five days later, the Nether Python brought Xiao Fei, Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang to the crater. The Nether Python said in a deep voice: "I'm about to start, you guys stay away."

After saying that, the Nether Python's body began to change drastically. Two sharp dragon horns grew out of the Nether Python's head, and four claws began to grow on its body. The fiery red scales all over his body changed rapidly, becoming larger and more beautiful. The dragon turned into a dragon successfully.

Suddenly, the sky suddenly darkened, and the sky was suddenly filled with dark clouds, flashing with lightning. Countless thunder and lightning bombarded the Nether Python. Under the stimulation of thunder and lightning, the Nether Python evolved rapidly, and finally turned into the Nether Dragon, but in the sky The thunder and lightning did not weaken at all, but became stronger. Countless lightning strikes struck the Netherworld Jiao, and the Netherworld Jiao's skin and flesh were immediately torn apart and its body was seriously injured. The dark clouds dispersed in the sky and the lightning disappeared. The Netherworld Dragon has fallen to the ground. Although he succeeded, he also failed. He successfully transformed into a dragon, but suffered irreversible injuries.

Netherworld Jiao said in a deep voice: "Is this a hundred thousand year soul beast? Is this a python that transformed into a dragon? I feel that my strength has improved a lot compared to before. But I don't think I can live for too long, Xiao Fei, we Let’s get started.”

Xiao Fei walked to the Netherworld Jiao and said, "Senior, let's get started!"

The Netherworld Jiao roared: "Boy, remember your promise." Then the entire sky turned red, and the dazzling red light suddenly spread from the center of the Netherworld Jiao's eyebrows, turning into a red halo that spread instantly. Wherever the red light passed, everything was rendered red. Everything stopped at this moment.

The Nether Dragon turned blood red, and a red soul ring gradually formed, and finally slowly covered Wang Xiaofei's Fire Phoenix Martial Soul. At the same time, a blood-red left arm soul bone flashed and merged into Xiaofei's left arm. Xiaofei's soul power level gradually climbed to the peak of level 74. Xiaofei slowly fell to the ground, feeling that he was even stronger.

Xiaofei turned around and said to Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang: "Let's go, it's time to go back to Chihuo Academy."

Before leaving, Xiaofei led out some magma, blocked the cave that was originally dug, and then covered it with a huge rock. Except for the three of them, no one else can find the address of the Divine Fire Sect in the future.

A few days later, the three finally returned to Chihuo Academy. This year's experience in the Divine Fire Sect has greatly changed the strength of the three.

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