Douluo Fire Phoenix

Chapter 57 Genius

Niu Gao and Yang Wudi looked at the school rules carefully, thought about it carefully and said, "This school rule is very detailed, but I still have two questions? First, according to this school rule, it seems that there will be no growth in the development of our family. Also, According to the school regulations, the college doesn’t seem to have any money-making projects, so how can we maintain everyone’s cultivation in the future?”

Xiaofei smiled: "Two patriarchs, we run a college, not a sect. In the college, teaching comes first. In other words, students come first. The whole purpose of the college is Cultivating students is the basis for us to remain independent and neutral. Secondly, as long as the college cultivates students and forms a reputation, various people will come to seek cooperation. Both teachers and students in the college are soul masters. Isn’t it very simple? For example, every year the admissions meeting recruits some sponsored students who do not meet the admission standards, but have a good family background and admire the college..."

"In short, as long as the college is famous, money is not an issue."

Principal Huo Tianchen, who has been managing the college for many years, certainly knows the school's earning power. The Academy of Elements, which has an excellent reputation, is the invisible rich man in Douluo Continent.

The two reckless men Niu Gao and Yang Wudi were stunned for a moment. Could it be that the academy really makes so much money?

Dean Huo Tianchen was also a little confused as to why he hadn't discovered that there were so many ways to make money in the college before.

In fact, Xiaofei is based on the operating methods of some universities in previous lives. You know, which leader or professor in the university is not an invisible rich man with a net worth of tens of millions?

Yang Wudi snorted coldly: "Although the conditions provided by the Elements Academy are good, I still have a request. If you can meet my request, will the Po Clan join the Elements Academy without saying anything?"

Dean Huo Tianchen smiled and said: "Clan Chief Yang, if you have any requests, you can just say it. As long as we can do it, it will be no problem."

"No matter how you say it, it all depends on your strength. You juniors should be the most outstanding talents in the Elements Academy. Why don't I just have a fight with you juniors? You choose two people to join forces. If you can support me, In three sticks of incense, I will join the Academy of Elements. How about it? Recently, you, the Blazing Stars, are known as the peerless geniuses of the younger generation, and I want to try to see if the rumors are true."

Huo Wushuang looked calm, while Huo Wu was eager to try. Dean Huo Tiancheng smiled and said: "This is the venue of the Yu clan. We can't compete without the Niu clan leader. Why don't the five juniors in our college learn the clever tricks of the two clan leaders, and we also use three sticks of incense as a bet."

Yang Wudi said in a deep voice: "Dean Huo, you have to think clearly about this. Old Rhino and I can attack and defend together, and we can defeat even many titled Douluo."

Xiao Fei and the other five looked at each other, stood up, saluted the two of them, and said, "Clan Chief Yang, Chief Niu, the five of us would like to ask the two chiefs for advice."

Yang Wudi and Niu Gao looked at each other, and then said, "That's fine, let the two of us see the strength of you juniors."

The reason why Dean Huo Tianchen wanted to call Niu Gao was because he wanted Niu Gao to make a decision as soon as possible, and at the same time, he also wanted to show the potential of the Elements Academy.

The eight people walked to the spirit fighting field in the backyard of the Broken Clan. The five Xiaofei gathered around to discuss tactics, while Yang Wudi and Niu Gao looked indifferent and just waited quietly.

Five minutes later, the five people had already discussed their tactics. The dean took out three sticks of incense, waved his hand and inserted it into the nearby copper dome, and then said: "The two sides are competing to open their martial arts souls." The dean himself served as the referee next to the venue. The five people gradually showed their martial arts and levels.

"Shui Bing'er, Wuhun Ice Phoenix, Level 57 Control System Battle Soul King." The soul ring is two yellow, two purple and one black.

"Feng Xiaotian, the two-headed wolf of martial soul Gale Wind, the level 61 attack type soul emperor." The soul ring is two yellow, two purple and two black.

"Fire Wushuang, martial soul one-horned fiery dragon, level 72 attack type fighting soul saint." The soul ring is two yellow, two purple and three black.

"Huo Wu, Wuhun Hokage, level 73 control type fighting soul saint." The soul ring is two yellow, two purple and three black.

"Wang Xiaofei, a seven-headed fire phoenix with a martial spirit, a level 74 attack spirit saint." The spirit rings are two yellow, two purple, two black and one red.

"Two seniors, please give me some advice!"

When the five people showed their martial souls and soul rings, the two of them swallowed secretly. What kind of monsters are these? It was obvious that they were all under 30 years old, and even except for Feng Xiaotian, everyone else was under 25 years old. The 25-year-old Soul Saint, where did the monsters come from, and there were several of them. Especially when Xiao Fei revealed his seventh soul ring, he suddenly felt a great pressure.

Yang Wudi and Niu Gao looked at each other, and then summoned their martial spirits. It was obvious that there was a hint of solemnity in the other's eyes. Maybe the boat would capsize in the gutter today.

"Yang Wudi, martial soul soul-breaking gun, level 82 attack type soul douluo." The soul rings are two yellow, two purple and four black.

"Niugao, the martial soul plate-armored giant rhinoceros, the level 84 defense soul douluo." The soul rings are two yellow, two purple and four black.

Dean Huo Tianchen next to him snapped his fingers, and one of the incense sticks began to burn.

The seven people were instantly possessed by martial spirits. Feng Xiaotian immediately turned his soul power into wings and flew into the sky. Xiao Fei immediately chose to transform into a phoenix, turning his whole body into a phoenix. Considering that the two girls behind were control types, Xiao Fei and Huo Wushuang had to be in the attack type to resist the two Contras.

Suddenly, Shui Bing'er activated her first soul skill "Freeze", instantly freezing the two Contras, but with just one breath, the two of them broke the ice. And the fire dancing Hokage immediately followed.

Wang Xiaofei immediately used the Phoenix Transformation, and his whole body turned into a fire phoenix, attacking Yang Wudi directly. Huo Wushuang, on the other hand, was possessed by his martial spirit and attacked Niu Gao.

The tactic of Xiaofei and his five companions was that Xiaofei would fight Yang Wudi alone, while Huo Wu, Huo Wushuang, and Feng Xiaotian would besiege Niu Gao, and Shui Binger would control the situation and try to separate Yang Wudi and Niu Gao, so as not to let them cooperate.

Yang Wudi and Niu Gao were surprised to see Xiaofei's whole body transformed into a phoenix, saying, "The dragon of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family? And he can transform his whole body into a phoenix at level 70."

Yang Wudi directly used the third soul skill: Explosion. A strong explosion came directly from Xiaofei's arm, and the whole person retreated 5 meters in an instant. The single-point attack of the Soul-Breaking Spear was indeed powerful. Just as Yang Wudi was about to speak, another wave of icy power surrounded him. It was obviously Shui Binger's attack again.

As the lowest soul power level in the whole field, Shui Binger was too far behind the two soul douluos. If she faced them alone, she might not be able to withstand the pressure of the two of them. So they could only control the field from the outside and launch sneak attacks.

Yang Wudi broke the ice layer instantly. At this time, Xiaofei also flew over quickly and directly launched the third and fourth soul skills: "Phoenix Flame Claw". His hands turned into sharper claws, greatly improving his speed and strength, and then he quickly grabbed Yang Wudi's left shoulder with one claw. Yang Wudi's soul-breaking gun immediately blocked Xiaofei's attack. Xiaofei and Yang Wudi attacked back and forth with one claw and one gun, and it seemed that they could not do anything to each other in a short time.

Shui Binger put all her energy on Niu Gao. A huge ice block directly froze Niu Gao. This is Shui Binger's fourth soul skill: Absolute Ice Domain. The original group control skills are now all acting on Niu Gao. Huo Wushuang, Huo Wu and Feng Xiaotian instantly attacked Niu Gao.

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