Douluo Fire Phoenix

Chapter 63 Master Yu Xiaogang

To Wang Xiaofei's surprise, the next person the dean received was the three members of the Golden Triangle. After all, there are two Contras in the Golden Iron Triangle, and they can form a martial soul fusion device. They are quite powerful. The dean and the others probably don't want to offend them too much.

Flanders, Yu Xiaogang and Liu Erlong were led in. Wang Xiaofei stepped forward and saluted Yu Xiaogang: "Master Yu Xiaogang, long time no see. You look a lot haggard and need to pay attention to your health."

After all, Xiaofei once asked Yu Xiaogang for theoretical knowledge at Notting Soul Master Academy. For whatever reason? Basic respect still needs to be given.

Yu Xiaogang shook his head: "My body is mentally ill and there is nothing I can do about it. Xiaofei, you seem to be in good condition now. It seems that you really chose a good college at that time."

Xiao Fei smiled and nodded: "Anyway, I still have to thank you, Master."

Next came the communication between the three people from the Golden Iron Triangle and Dean Huo Tianchen. Not surprisingly, Xiao Fei mainly hoped that the Elements Academy would join forces with Shrek Academy and the Tiandou Empire to jointly fight against the Spirit Hall, but was rejected by Dean Huo Tianchen.

Dean Huo Tianchen said directly: "You should have read the rules of our Elements Academy. Our Elements Academy only teaches and educates people, and will not participate in any sect battles."

Yu Xiaogang said a little excitedly: "Why do you just want to clean up your own troubles? Wuhun Palace has successively destroyed the Qibao Glazed Sect and the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Family, and has done many evil things. Now we can only fight together if we unite, otherwise Wuhun Palace In the future, he will rule the entire continent."

Dean Huo Tianchen just said coldly: "What does this have to do with our School of Elements?"

Yu Xiaogang and the other three were immediately speechless.

Wang Xiaofei thought for a while, then sighed, stepped forward and said, "Three deans, can you listen to what I'm going to say next?"

Flender nodded: "Classmate Wang Xiaofei, please tell me."

Xiaofei said in a deep voice: "Three deans, I know the hatred between you and Wuhun Palace, but for our Elemental Academy, whether it is Wuhun Palace, Haotian Sect, Qibao Glazed Sect, Lan Dian The Tyrannosaurus family, it's all the same to us."

Yu Xiaogang said excitedly: "How can it be the same? The Blue Lightning Tyrant Family -" At this point, Yu Xiaogang couldn't continue because he didn't know what the relationship between the Blue Lightning Tyrant Family and Wuhun Palace was. ,what is the difference?

Xiao Fei continued: "Yes! Whether it is Wuhun Palace, Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Family, or Qibao Glazed Sect? For us, it is just a powerful sect or organization. Other than that, there is no difference. of."

"I know you want to say that Wuhun Palace destroyed the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Family and crippled the Seven Treasure Glazed Sect. Then you say that the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Family and the Seven Treasure Glazed Sect didn't destroy other sects or organizations? According to I know that there are many dragon-type families or sects that were destroyed by the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family. As for the Qibao Glazed Sect, I think everyone should know about the Jiuxin Haitang family."

Xiao Fei turned his head and said to the deans: "Dean Huo, dean Feng, dean Liu, Thunder College has been collectively called the College of Elements with our college for a long time. You should have had a lot of contact with Thunder College in the past. Thunder College gave How do you feel?"

The three deans looked at each other, and finally dean Feng said: "Although we were collectively known as the Elements Academy in the past, the three of us really didn't get along with Thunder Academy and Elephant Academy. Because Thunder Academy is backed by the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex Family, He is very domineering. To put it simply, even the simplest soul fighting competition is not fair. If a student of Thunder College is seriously injured, the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family has come forward many times. There were disciples in our college. Because the fighting spirit seriously injured a Thunder Academy student, his martial spirit was abolished afterwards."

In fact, this was one of the reasons why the School of Elements was established and the School of Thunder was not invited.

Xiao Fei continued: "As for what you said about good and evil, Master, I disagree even more. My Wuhun was awakened by Wuhun Hall with the help of Wuhun Hall. Before I graduated from Notting College, I went to Wuhun Hall every month. Receiving soul master subsidies, it was these subsidies that enabled me to overcome the difficulties in my early life. Therefore, Wuhun Palace has made a certain contribution to the general public, especially the ordinary students of our Element Academy. I feel like I owe Wuhundian a favor."

After saying that, Xiao Fei saluted the three of them and then returned to his seat.

Xiao Fei said so much this time mainly because he wanted the deans of the Academy of Elements to understand that the battle between Wuhun Palace and the Shangsan Sect was just a battle between sects and had nothing to do with justice or evil. Don't be fooled one day. Fighting against the evil Spirit Hall would deceive the entire Elements Academy.

Yu Xiaogang and the other three communicated with several deans for a while, and finally left in despair.

After the three people left, Dean Huo Tianchen said to Xiao Fei: "Xiao Fei, what you just said to the three of them are all your thoughts?"

Xiao Fei shook his head and said: "Half and half! I don't have a good impression of these sects, and the same goes for Wuhun Palace. But we are still not strong enough now, so we can only avoid offending both parties. If we are given the Elements Academy In 20 years, even if we are only given ten years, we will not be afraid of anyone or any force."

Several other deans also nodded. If the Elements Academy is given 20 years, the Elements Academy will have at least three more titled Douluo, and if more, there will be five or more.

At the same time, a guard knocked on the door and entered Xue Qinghe's room.

Xue Qinghe sat there and said lightly: "How is it? How is the communication between the Golden Triangle and the Element Academy?"

The guard bent over and said: "Your Highness, since Huo Tianchen is a Titled Douluo, I dare not get too close. Yu Xiaogang and the other two looked very depressed when they left, as if they had suffered a big blow. The Element Academy should not have been won over."

Xue Qinghe nodded and said: "They are sensible."

The next people to meet at the Element Academy are some insignificant people, no strong people or forces. Xiao Fei and the other seven were about to leave, but they were stopped by Yang Wudi as soon as they walked out of the door.

Yang Wudi and Niu Gao, two rough guys, received three waves of people today. It felt more tiring than fighting three life-and-death duels with people. The two also left decisively and pushed the rest of the reception to the other three deans, which made Dean Huo and the other two speechless.

Yang Wudi stopped Wang Xiaofei and the other two and said, "Xiaofei, I remember that when you invited me to the Element Academy, you said that you wanted to discuss the way of alchemy. I see that other people don't know much about the way of alchemy. I wonder when Xiaofei is free to discuss it with me." Obviously, Yang Wudi knew that the immortal herbs on Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang were provided by Xiaofei. As a medicine fanatic, Yang Wudi was naturally obsessed with it.

The people around him pricked up their ears, after all, it was the first time they heard of immortal herbs. Especially the uniqueness of immortal herbs made the three of them far superior to their peers.

Xiaofei looked at Yang Wudi and said, "Dean, are you sure you want to discuss the way of alchemy with me here?"

"Of course not here, let's go to my alchemy room, which is safer and more hidden."

Then Yang Wudi took Xiaofei, Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang to his own alchemy room. Leaving everyone standing there in amazement, including his grandson Yang Pojun.

He is indeed a medicine fanatic.

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