Douluo: General Wuhun Thunderbolt is so good at cooking

Chapter 44 044: The truth is the sharpest knife

Having seen real geniuses and monsters, looking back at Tang San, Dai Mubai and others, Ning Rongrong only felt that they were extremely weak!

Are you a monster, a monster, don't you have any thoughts in your heart?

"How can they compare with Kong and Duguyan?"

As soon as Ning Rongrong said this, Dai Mubai, Tang San and others looked at each other, and then fell silent.

Yes, they are indeed geniuses and monsters in the eyes of ordinary people, but how can they compare with real monsters?

Especially Tang San, he was completely confused. When Kong revealed his martial spirit yesterday, he fell to the ground and fell asleep without knowing anything about it.

At this time, Ning Rongrong said it, and Flanders and others did not refute it at all. What does this mean? It shows that this is true!

Think of him, Tang San, who was born with full soul power, twin martial souls, and was twelve years old and twenty-ninth level. He was already a monster among geniuses, right?

The one named Yu Tiantian was twelve years old and sixty-two years old. Tang San couldn't even think of such a thing!

In practice, the later stages become more difficult.

Sometimes you may only break through one or two levels a year, which is very normal, but for this person, his breakthrough is as simple as eating and drinking.

"Is there really such a peerless monster on Douluo Continent?"

Tang San thought to himself, until he saw it with his own eyes, he would remain skeptical!

Flanders was stunned. He had no way to refute Ning Rongrong's words, but if he said some fallacies, he could still do it.

"Ning Rongrong, let's exclude Yu Tiantian and Dugu Yan first. Look at Tang San, Dai Mubai and the others. Which one is not better than you?"

As long as these monsters are excluded and not counted, Shrek Academy will be the strongest!

Ning Rongrong said with an "innocent" look on her face: "Tang San, Xiao Wu, and Zhu Zhuqing, their soul power levels are indeed higher than mine, but they are all fighting soul masters and their cultivation is faster than mine. This is normal."

"Besides, they have only joined Shrek Academy for a day, and you haven't taught them yet. What does these strengths have to do with Shrek Academy?"

"Only recruiting geniuses, even if they are freed, their strength will not be too low, right?"

Ning Rongrong's words almost tore off Shrek Academy's fig leaf.

"Shrek Academy has no resources, nor does it need a simulated training environment. Apart from you Soul Saints and Soul Emperor-level combat power, what else does Shrek Academy have?"

Flanders: "..."

He suddenly regretted stopping Ning Rongrong just now. This little witch was really sharp-tongued and sharp-tongued. No wonder Ning Fengzhi couldn't educate her.

But Ning Rongrong was telling the truth. Even if he wanted to get angry, he couldn't find an excuse.

After hearing these words, Tang San, Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing and others fell into deep thought. Although Ning Rongrong had the temper of a young lady and seemed a bit playboy, her words seemed to make sense!

They have just joined Shrek Academy and haven't even attended a single class yet. Their strength and knowledge have nothing to do with Shrek Academy.

Now Flanders is talking to them again, which makes them feel like they have been deceived.

Tang San thought for a moment and shook his head. He came to Shrek Academy not to learn knowledge, but because Yu Xiaogang could no longer help him in obtaining the soul ring.

Only then did he recommend that he come to Shrek Academy, where he would have at least the third and fourth soul rings.

"Ning Rongrong, what you said is wrong. I, Dai Mubai, have been in Shrek Academy for three years, and I have been promoted from level 25 to level 37. This is all due to the teachings of Dean Flanders and the teachers. , I can break through so quickly.”

Why did Dai Mubai also stay at Shrek Academy for three years? Naturally, he wanted to speak for Flanders and others.

How could he not know the specific situation of the college?

"as long as you are happy."

Ning Rongrong rolled her eyes and said disdainfully.

She learned this sentence from Kong. At first, she thought Kong was complimenting her. After thinking about it carefully, she realized that it was a perfunctory statement.

An average of four grades per year?

Kong awakened his martial spirit at the age of six. Now he is level 62. What is the average level per year?

It’s only Level 4 in one year. Dai Mubai thought he was so powerful, bah! Hot chicken...

"What did they teach you? Running? Wear a tiger!"

"Taught me running, spirit fighting in the spirit arena... um~"

When Dai Mubai said this, he felt a little unconfident. Yes, what exactly did Shrek Academy teach them?

Running, fighting souls in the soul fighting arena?

Is it mediocre to dare not cause trouble?

Apart from that, there seems to be nothing else, right?

Ning Rongrong's eyes widened, and she was a little surprised. Fighting souls in the soul fighting arena? No, although she rarely goes to the spirit fighting arena to fight spirits, she also knows the importance of actual combat. But what does this have to do with the teachings of the academy?

"anything else?"


Dai Mubai lowered his head, a little embarrassed. Thinking about it carefully, in the past three years, he really relied on his own efforts to break through from level 25 to level 37.

His talent is not low, and with his status, he has no shortage of resources. The Star Luo Empire only regards him as an abandoned son, a stepping stone for Davis to rise to the top. Because of this, his cultivation cannot be too weak, and the cultivation resources On the other hand, someone will send it to him every month.

If he only relied on the steamed buns, pickles, and porridge from the academy, how could he break through Level 4 in one year?

How can I practice cultivation if I can’t even eat enough?

"Ning Rongrong, if you want to leave, leave quickly. Don't slander my teacher and Shrek Academy!"

At this time, Ma Hongjun stood up and said seriously.

Flanders was kind to him and was his teacher. How could he see Flanders being slandered like this!

Without Flanders and Shrek Academy, Ma Hongjun would not be where he is today!

Seeing this, Flender nodded happily. His disciple still defended him and Shrek Academy very much. This disciple was not in vain.

"Little fat man, since when did I slander Shrek Academy and your teacher? Aren't these facts true?"

"With Tang San's talents, if they go to any high-level soul master academy, the treatment will be better than at Shrek Academy."

"The resources alone, the simulated training ground, are not owned by your Shrek Academy!"

"Do you know that some simulated training venues can increase the speed of a soul master's training by several percent?"

"Your talents are strong now, and your soul power is also high. Don't be oblivious to everyone in a few years. By then, it will be too late for you to catch up with the geniuses of your age!"

is not that right? Are those who have not graduated from Shrek Academy because their talents are weak?

Those who can enter Shrek Academy are all talented. Why do they lose out among everyone else? He was deceived into Shrek Academy when he was not at the most suitable age for cultivation.

If they can't graduate successfully, it means they don't practice hard and have insufficient talent. Shrek Academy has no responsibility!

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