Douluo Godly Choice System

Chapter 1019: , Guangmingguantang

For this, Qi Ling was not surprised. After all, the relationship between Qinglong and Hua Wanzi can only be one-line, and no third person even knows the identity of Hua Wanzi. The relationship between the two is absolutely extraordinary. .

And this point can be seen from Hua Wanzi's performance at this time. It is not a look similar to loyal or fame, but a look that contains a very passionate feeling in it.

With this look, Qi Ling believed that no matter what he said, the other party would unconditionally agree, so he said: "Then, what information will you give me this time?"

"Yes, my lord, the information I want to give to my lord this time is about the movements of the rebels!" Hua Wanzi said, "Although the enemy forces are divided into five directions, in fact, they are different. Have a back hand!"

After that, Hua Wanzi told Qi Ling one by one of the intelligence he had obtained. Qi Ling could also say a little about the military, and immediately judged that this was indeed important information that would determine the outcome of a war.

"Well, I see, this is indeed a very important piece of information. I will do it for you when I go back...Huh? What are you doing?" Qi Ling said halfway through, and couldn't help but say in surprise.

Because in front of Qi Ling, this frosty chivalrous girl actually took off all her clothes at this time, panting with flushing face, and she seemed to be expecting something in her eyes.

"My lord, I have completed the task you gave me, so please give me a reward!" Hua Wanzi said excitedly, "I can't wait, my lord, please hurry up!"

"I, I, I, what do I reward you, me!" Qi Ling was shocked by the situation before him and almost started to stammer. He never expected such a development.

"My lord, you are really bad! Don't you know what kind of reward is it? Don't tease me!" Hua Wanzi said impatiently, "I can't live without your reward. Your lord, please hurry up!"

To be honest, in the face of such a great beauty, or a well-known chivalrous girl, it is impossible for Qi Ling to remain unmoved, but this kind of development, I have to say, Qi Ling is a little frightened and doesn't know what to do.

More importantly, I don't know what the content of this reward is. Although looking at her appearance, it seems that you can guess the same, but if this game is wrong, you will not be exposed, will you?

When Qi Ling was embarrassed, suddenly, Yang Qianqiong's voice came from outside the door: "Senior Sister? Senior Sister, are you okay? I seem to hear a voice coming from your room?"

When Hua Wanzi heard Yang Qianqiong's voice, he seemed to wake up suddenly from that kind of fanatic state, and said angrily: "This stinky girl! When is it not good to come, but now!"

"Master, it seems that our reward can only wait until the next time. It's a shame." Hua Wanzi said regretfully, "There is a secret path under my bed. My lord, please leave there."

Qi Ling's colleague who felt relieved in his heart also felt a bit regretful, but he still left here first, after all, now is not the best time to deal with Hua Wanzi.

Let's not say whether I can beat her or not, just how to deal with her is a big problem. It must be impossible to kill her first, so I can be said to be unclear, waiting to be hunted down.

As for other methods, Qi Ling has no good way to control her, so to continue to maintain the status quo is undoubtedly the best choice. Anyway, no one except herself will know her identity, let alone pass her information back.

It's just that Yang Qianqiong, this little fool, really believes in the wrong person this time. It seems that she is not very accurate in judging people.

After that, with Hua Wanzi's consent, Qi Ling naturally got permission to go to see Ning Rongrong, but Hua Wanzi couldn't leave here, so Yang Qianqiong had to accompany Qi Ling on the road again.

"Qi Ling Xiaoxia, don't forget our agreement~!" Before leaving, Hua Wanzi said in a meaningful way, but the spring love in his eyes only lasted for a short moment, and then he resumed that kind of love again. Feeling cold and frosty.

Qi Ling looked at the flowers of two people when he was alone with him, and couldn't help feeling that this was really a terrible woman. I don't know how many young talents would fall on her disguised surface.

The two went all the way to the headquarters of Guangming Guantang. Yang Qianqiong was still feeling along the way. Qi Ling was really lucky. I didn't expect that after only one night, Hua Wanzi actually agreed to Qi Ling's request. I really don't know what happened. What's the matter, for this, Qi Ling can only smile helplessly.

"You two, really got the recommendation of Sister Hua, who asked you to visit the hall master?" Outside the Guangmingguantang, the disciples in charge of patrolling accepted the two recommendation letters and said with some suspicion. .

After all, that Senior Sister Hua Wanzi would actually recommend a man to see the hall master. This is really unimaginable, because in their impression, this Senior Sister Hua Wanzi would never pretend to any man. color.

"Of course it is absolutely true. You don't believe me, don't you still believe the judgement of Senior Sister?" Yang Qianqiong said naturally.

"Oh, forget it, since that's the case, I will help you two first go in and inform about it, but as for whether the hall master will see you or not, then I can't decide." The disciple said, he turned and left. Went in.

Qi Ling and Yang Qianqiong were waiting outside. Originally, Qi Ling thought that this time with Hua Wanzi’s recommendation letter, he should be able to see Ning Rongrong, but what he didn’t expect was that soon he would wait for his own It was not a permission to enter, but a group of heavily armed women's soldiers.

These Guangmingguantang disciples, led by a more mature beauty, surrounded Qi Ling and Yang Qianqiong, with bright swords in their hands facing the two, with involuntary hostility.

Faced with the situation in front of them, Qi Ling and Yang Qianqiong were immediately confused, not knowing what happened, Yang Qianqiong hurriedly said: "Master sister, it's me! Why are you surrounding me? Did I do anything bad? Ah!"

The master sister said: "Qian Qiong, we are not targeting you, we are targeting the man next to you! He is really suspicious!"

"Oh? How come, Senior Sister, we got the permission of Senior Sister Hua Wanzi, can't you even believe in Senior Sister Hua Wanzi?" Yang Qianqiong said hurriedly.

"Because it is Hua Wanzi, we have reason to doubt him!" said the master sister. "Everyone in Guangming Guantang knows that Hua Wanzi cannot pretend to be a color to any man, let alone recommend one. The man has come to see the hall master! Especially because the reason is still so ambiguous and the attitude is so firm, so we have reason to suspect that Hua Wanzi must be threatened by him!"

Qi Ling suddenly felt speechless for a while. I really didn't expect that Hua Wanzi had done a bad thing with good intentions, because Qi Ling's affairs really couldn't be explained to others in detail, so naturally there would be loopholes in the words.

"How could this happen, Master Sister, listen to my explanation, Qi Ling is really a good person, you have misunderstood him!" Yang Qianqiong couldn't help but said anxiously.

The master sister firmly said: "Qian Qiong, you must have been deceived by him, hurry up and come to us! When we take him down, we will hand it over to the hall master!"

Yang Qianqiong still needs to explain, but Qi Ling's words were heard in Qi Ling's ears, and he was suddenly clever. Isn't this exactly what I want?

So Qi Ling said: "Qianqiong, you don't need to explain it to me anymore. In that case, let your senior sisters tie me up. After seeing your hall master, I will find a way to prove my innocence."

Seeing Qi Ling said the same, Yang Qianqiong had to step aside, and several Guangming Guantang disciples immediately stepped forward, tied Qi Ling sturdily, and pressed him in with a sword.

After coming to the interior of Guangming Temple, Qi Ling also had to sigh. It was indeed a place like a fairyland, with various pavilions and waterfalls flying around, which was eye-opening.

Later, the master sister asked several disciples to watch Qi Ling, and she went to inform the hall master Ning Rongrong. It didn't take long for the master sister to return here again with a person.

"Who is it that is worthy of you so invigorating and mobilizing the crowd? Don't wrong others." With this familiar voice of Qi Ling, the beauty that Qi Ling has missed for many days finally appeared on the stage.

I haven't seen it for a while, although Ning Rongrong's appearance hasn't changed much, but his temperament seems to have changed drastically, making it almost impossible to recognize the same person.

At this time, Ning Rongrong is wearing a moon-white dress, which perfectly sets off that noble and elegant temperament. Compared with the previous eldest lady's style, it is a bit more mature and elegant, and it is indeed more like the master of the house. Look like.

After she came out, although the disciples of Guangming Guantang, who were already rare beauties, suddenly looked eclipsed, the focus of everyone's eyes could no longer be separated from Ning Rongrong himself, including Qi Ling.

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