Douluo Godly Choice System

Chapter 1041: Shiro

The masked maid took a few people and walked for about ten minutes, and then came to the gathering place this time. At this time, everyone was almost there. The strangely shaped contestants from various worlds made people feel a kind of Don't feel fresh.

This time, Qi Ling didn't use disguise anymore. After all, at this time, it didn't make sense to do that. His power was already familiar to most people. As long as he took action, he would be discovered immediately.

At the same time, Qi Ling saw familiar faces among these people, including Cang Yue, Chu Ling, Zhen Hong, Qian Ji Yin and others. After seeing Qi Ling, they showed various expressions. , I don’t know what I’m thinking about.

After all, Qi Ling, as the heir appointed by the Gorefiend, can be said to have received everyone’s attention, but anyone who intends to fight for the championship will regard Qi Ling as the biggest opponent, and all the people are enemies. This is what he said. Situation.

Under such circumstances, no one would come to talk to Qi Ling at this time. After all, talking to Qi Ling at this time, wouldn't he share the pressure with Qi Ling?

But the facts have proved that there is such a person who is not afraid of death in this world, and there is more than one! Immediately after Qi Ling appeared, several people gathered towards him.

"Mr. Qi Ling! You are finally here!" After Luna saw Qi Ling, she almost ran all the way to Qi Ling's arms. Although it had only been two months, or even a shorter time, that she had not seen Qi Ling, she still let her Na missed it more and more.

Qi Ling held Qi Ling helplessly, told her to bury her head in her arms, and then touch her head, as if she really had a kitten, especially the cat bell on Luna's neck rang from time to time , Which makes people even more concerned.

"Hey? So you are Qi Ling?" At this moment, there was another Luna who appeared together, and then kept looking at Qi Ling, looking very interested.

This is a girl with a short head, similar to Luna. On top of her short pink hair, there are two cat ears that look very soft. They seem to be swaying gently with her movements, which makes people can’t help it. I want to knead it.

At the same time, her bright golden eyes are staring at Qi Ling unblinkingly, with an unclear smile on the corner of her mouth. The whole person's temperament is extraordinarily lively and cheerful, and she feels very warm and generous. It seems to be completely opposite to Luna's character.

Qi Ling guessed that this girl should be what Bai Qian and Alice had said before, the girl Xiluo in the demon league, that is, the girl who always pesters Luna and seems to like her very much.

"Well, he really looks handsome, he really looks like a good man." Xiluo looked at Qi Ling, behind her pink tail was still wagging, "No wonder Luna always said that you are in the world The best man is really good."

Although Luna's face blushed, she did not deny Xiluo's statement, but only whispered Qi Ling: "Mr. Qi Ling, this is Xiluo, a friend I made in the Demon League."

Afterwards, Qi Ling and Xiluo greeted them, had a conversation, and then asked: "Since you are here, are you here to participate in this game?"

"No, I have passed the qualifications and cannot participate in the competition," Shiro said. "So I didn't participate in the competition from the beginning, so I had to let Luna come by herself."

"Oh, it's a pity. I can't participate in such an interesting game. It's really a shame. Why can't this game be held earlier! Excessive!"

An important factor restricting participation conditions, age! Xiluo was obviously not satisfied. Although she looked like she was still underage, she was definitely a hundred-year-old old fairy.

And Qi Ling also had to admit that when he heard Xiluo was not participating, he breathed a sigh of relief, because as soon as Xiluo showed up, Qi Ling felt that he could not see her details at all.

According to the Gorefiend, this means that Xiluo is at least three realms stronger than herself. In other words, Xiluo's strength level is at least above the fourth ring. If she really participates in the competition, it will be no show. .

"Since you are not participating in the competition, what are you here for? Are you here to cheer for Luna?" Qi Ling couldn't help asking.

"Hey, this is of course a very important reason, but in fact, besides that, I have one more thing to do." Xiluo couldn't help but smile, "I am one of your next judges! "

As soon as these words came out, although Qi Ling did not dare to be surprised, he was still slightly surprised, because it undoubtedly indicated that Xiluo was already sufficient to represent the Demon League to hold such a position.

Not enough Qi Ling immediately said: "You said you are one of the referees. So, in this game, there will be more than just you as a referee?"

"Yes, in order to maintain the fairness and fairness of the game and prevent people from cheating, this time the referee is from various forces in the demon world." Xiluo said, "so everyone is monitoring the fairness and justice of the game. , It also plays a role of mutual supervision to prevent someone from cheating."

"Oh? Does this game actually need such a number of referees? Then can you tell us what the next game will be?" Qi Ling couldn't help but ask.

Xiluo smiled and shook her head, and said, "No! What I can say to you is all that I can say. If I say more, I am afraid that my qualifications for refereeing will be deprived."

"Okay, Luna, do your best. I have to prepare for the referee first." Xiluo said, suddenly turning to Qi Ling, "You have to take care of Luna, if you let Luna If you are sad, I will teach you harshly!"

Seeing Xiluo who disappeared quickly, Qi Ling couldn't help but said, "Your relationship is really good."

Luna also nodded and said, "Well, Shiro does have a good relationship with me, but she is basically taking care of me, and I haven't helped her much."

"Don't worry, there will be a chance in the future," Qi Ling said.

After that, there were more and more players. When the last one came, Alice, the third master of the Demon League, suddenly came to everyone again and said to everyone: "Hello everyone! Long time no see, Do you miss me so much?"

"It doesn't matter if you don't think about me. I didn't think about you anyway. You just need to listen to the rules of the next game!"

After confirming that everyone is focusing on herself, Alice continued: "The content of the next game you will face is not very special, because this formation is the battle content that everyone is best at. !"

"Before, there were a total of 258 people who passed the competition, but this number, to be honest, is a bit too much! So the content of the next competition will greatly reduce your number."

"As for your next game venue, I am the city behind me! In terms of the area of ​​this city, it is enough to accommodate all of you in the game, so you don't have to worry about being tied up."

Alice said, leading everyone into the city behind her through the city gate. This city was completely uninhabited at this time, but judging from its scale, at least it used to be a huge city with millions of people!

Such a huge city as a whole is used as the venue of this game, I have to say it is a big deal.

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