Douluo Godly Choice System

Chapter 1049: , The power of the referee

After that, Qi Ling completed another game and solved an inconspicuous opponent. Fortunately, until now, Qi Ling has not met anyone he knows, avoiding his own internal friction.

After the end of the game on this day, quite a few people have already lost their qualifications. After all, there are five games in total, and only one can be lost. This condition is still a bit too harsh.

And these people who had already lost the qualifications of the competition, desperately desperate, came up with a bad idea, even after Qi Ling listened to it, they wondered if these people were crazy.

Their idea is, as Alice said before, as long as someone can get rid of the referee, then they can pass the game directly, so as long as they work together to get rid of a referee, won't they be able to pass the game?

Although they are definitely not opponents of the referee in a head-to-head confrontation, there is still a glimmer of hope as long as they lay down traps and then take advantage of the numbers.

So Qi Ling, who finished the game, looked at the group of people from the roof in the distance, and couldn't help but said helplessly: "It's really crazy, how can a group of domestic rabbits dare to show their claws to the jackal?"

Not only Qi Ling, but many players around here are watching the jokes of this group of people, because since they have been disqualified from the competition, it means that they have lost two of the three matches, and some of their luck in going out is really bad. In addition to the people, the strength of these people really makes people look down on.

The onlookers are not to see if these people can succeed, just to see what kind of strength the referees in this game have.

These losers, after they were ready, immediately caused two of them to clashed in order to attract the referee to take action. As for the others, they hid secretly by the side, just waiting for the right time to come.

Qi Ling originally thought that the person attracted would be Xiluo, but to his surprise, the referee who appeared this time was changed.

It was a man dressed in white. He was not very tall and his body was thin, but what was noticeable was that his face was completely covered with cloth, just like the maid who led Qi Ling and the others before. Eyes.

It seems that this person should belong to other forces in the Demon Realm, and being able to serve as the referee of the game is obviously very impressive both in terms of status and strength.

"During the game, private fights are forbidden. If you keep holding hands, you are disqualified." The masked man said. The clothes he was wearing seemed to be a lot larger, with his hands in his wide sleeves, flat on his chest.

As soon as the losers saw that their goals were achieved, the referees had been attracted by them, so they stopped pretending. The two people who were fighting with each other immediately separated, and then four more appeared from the dark, surrounded by masked men.

Naturally, the people who really ambush, not only these people, but a few others, are hiding in the dark, preparing for their own attacks. Only the six people on the face can drag the referee, and they will work together and work together to tell him to take it. Down.

Facing the surrounding of these people, the masked man didn't seem to have any reaction. He didn't even move his body. He still arched his hands and said, "During the game, private fights are forbidden."

"Huh! You idiot, don't you still see the situation!" a strong man said at this time, "we are not fighting, we are going to kill you! In order to pass the game, you'd better get it with your hands. Good!"

Faced with the threat of the six, the masked man remained unmoved, but said indifferently: "It is meaningless."

"Whether it makes sense, it’s not up to you! Brothers, let's go!" said the strong man, leading a few people to rush up together. They felt that even if they were not opponents of the other side, they delayed him for a moment and always did it. Get it?

As long as they can resist the masked man for a while, the attacks of others will arrive together, so that they will have a glimmer of hope of victory.

But at this moment, all those who were observing from a distance showed their surprised eyes at the same time, because they clearly saw that the masked man just stretched out his hands, put his sleeves, and then retracted his hands again? There is no action.

Then, the six men who attacked him all stopped, and then a frightening scene appeared. The bodies of the six people were broken into countless pieces at the same time and fell to the ground.

Those who can participate in the competition are not unacceptable to killing people, but it is still shocking to be able to take the lives of people like this without changing their face.

More importantly, neither Qi Ling nor anyone else could clearly see the action of the masked man, as if he really just raised his hand, causing such a terrifying effect.

And only the top masters such as Qi Ling and Chu Ling could use their keen observation ability to vaguely see the traces of the masked man's shot, but it was just a few vague phantoms that could not be seen clearly.

After this result, the masked man said casually: "If there are people who want to continue to shoot, please hurry up, my time is very precious."

"But you have to think clearly, those who don't do it, I can forget the blame, and anyone who moves slightly will be regarded as challenging the referee, and I will kill you as soon as possible."

The masked man’s words were not only to other attackers hiding in the dark, but also to Qi Ling and others who were observing from a distance. As long as there is someone who wants to challenge him, he will always acceptable.

But after seeing the tragic situation just now, no one would have any extra thoughts at all, so after waiting for a while, the masked man dropped a faint sentence "It's boring" and left here.

Just after the masked man left, he had to admit that even Qi Ling was relieved. The powerful sense of oppression he brought really made people feel extremely desperate.

However, after this, it seems that the organizers of the competition have also noticed such a problem, that is, people who have been disqualified from the competition will not want to continue the normal competition at all, because it is meaningless.

But in this way, the game cannot go on normally, the number of players decreases too fast, and even some players smashed and deliberately lost to others.

So after some discussion, a new rule was added to the competition: the number of people who will advance to the competition is 29, and if the number is not enough, the players who have been eliminated will be selected for admission.

In this way, even the players who have been disqualified for the competition will have a reason to continue fighting, so that the game can proceed smoothly. After all, if you eliminate one person now, your chances of promotion will increase.

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