Douluo Godly Choice System

Chapter 1057: , Warcraft

Now, how to make the right choice is extremely important, because although this kind of game rules means that you can continue to challenge more difficult beasts after you have challenged a type of beast, but the physical strength you consume , And the injuries suffered in the battle, are unable to be healed and recovered.

So it is very likely that you can challenge more advanced beasts, but you have to give up because of poor state. If you do well, you just choose the most advanced beasts that suit your strength.

At the same time, Xiluo’s meaning just now also indicated that if you find that you are not an opponent of Warcraft, you can abstain, but the game ends here and you can’t continue to challenge other Warcraft, so if you want to use this method to screen the small abacus, you can also do it as soon as possible. give up.

"Kuangsan, which level of monster do you think we should choose?" Qi Ling couldn't help asking Kuangsandao.

Kuangsan smiled and said: "I listen to you, Qi Ling, how do you think we should choose?"

"Oh? Are you so confident in me?" Qi Ling smiled.

"It's not that I have confidence in you, but you have confidence in you." Kuangsan smiled, "You are almost writing the word confidence on your face, of course I can only listen to you."

Since this game does not involve fighting with each other, then naturally you don't need to care about the order of appearances. It is better to say that those who play early can get more rest time.

Therefore, at this time, Qi Ling was not in a hurry to choose the monster he was going to challenge, but walked aside in his spare time, planning to let the other three groups make the decision first, and then make the decision by himself.

Chihiro Ji looked at Qi Ling's appearance, and suddenly lost his anger. This guy is really irritating, but there is no way, who can give him this strength.

"Chihiro Ji, what should we do? Do you want to choose now?" Xue Qinghe couldn't help asking Qianxun Ji at this time.

Chihiro Ji said angrily: "No, let's wait too! Let the two groups play first, let's see what's extraordinary about this monster."

So Chihiro Ji and Xue Qinghe also walked aside, and the remaining two groups looked at them and didn't care too much, so they all chose the monster they wanted to challenge.

Two groups of people, one group chose level 5 monsters, and the other group selected level 7 monsters. After reading it, Shiro said, "Well, in that case, choose the level 5 group to play first. Good luck. ."

Level 5 Demon World Warcraft, Wall Porcupine, is a kind of warcraft that focuses on defense and defensive counterattack. Although it is huge in size, it is not difficult to deal with because of its slow movement.

The two people who chose this monster saw the size and speed of action of this monster. They were all happy. They were named Doron and Shaliwa. They were a combination of melee and long range, which was relatively easy. Deal with this Warcraft.

In fact, the strength of these two is a bit higher than that of the other group. Both of them have the strength of a demigod. Even Duolong already has the strength of a demigod, but for the sake of safety, they still choose the level. 5 of World of Warcraft to try.

"Drink!" Duolong shouted at this time, and a layer of translucent like red armor appeared on the surface of his body, floating around his body like this, which seemed to be a certain defensive ability.

And after this layer of red armor appeared around his body, Duolong's mental state also found obvious changes. He became extremely excited and warlike. He shouted to the beast: "Hahahaha, it's just a pig. What's so strange! Let me solve you alone!"

Speaking of Doron, he rushed towards the porcupine. At this moment, he drew two **** long knives from his hands and slashed at the porcupine.

Facing Doron's attack, the Walled Porcupine didn't have any redundant reaction, but stood there calmly, as if waiting for death.

"Successful!" Duolong swiped a knife and smiled triumphantly, but the smile on his face didn't last long, and soon turned into surprise, even astonishment, because the knife in his hand was stuck on the solid wall. From the body of the porcupine, it cannot be pulled out.

Only then did he discover that the surface of the porcupine's body had become a very hard, wall-like substance. It was the special nature of this substance that made it impossible to pull out his sword.

"Damn it, you let me go the knife...what is that?!" Duolong was about to take the knife back from his hand, but then he discovered that the surface of this porcupine body was not long. The spikes suddenly stretched out and exuded a metallic luster.

Without waiting for Doron to be ready, these sharp spikes suddenly exploded towards the surroundings, so fast that they could barely react.

And around Duolong's body, although there was the existence of red armor, it could not resist the sharpness of some spikes, was broken through the defense, and then plunged into his body.

In a hurry, Doron had to give up his weapon, then covered his head with his hands, and stepped back. The Walled Porcupine stopped his attack after one round of attacks. As the introduction stated, it is not good at proactively attacking. .

"Damn it, this animal dare to do this to me!" Duolong monitored his injuries, thanking that the pig's attack did not contain toxins.

Offensive and defensive, taking advantage of the situation to counterattack, this is how this porcupine fights, Qi Ling couldn't help but smile: "It's interesting, their attack is not impossible to hurt this porcupine, but what can be done to solve it? More important The thing is, let yourself be hurt less?"

At this moment, Shaliwa slowly said: "Doron, you can launch another attack on it, I can deal with it! I have discovered its weakness."

"Really? Are you sure?" Doron glanced at the sharp thorn that was pulled from his arm. If he hadn't desperately protected his head, the thorn would have appeared on his head at this time.

"Sure, but I can't guarantee your safety. How you can protect yourself depends on your own ability." Shaliwa said calmly.

"Hmph, if that's the case, then I'll believe you once!" Duolong said, "Anyway, we don't have a better way."

Later, Duolong unexpectedly once again transformed red double-edged blades from his own hands at this time. Although his pair of weapons were not sharp enough to kill the wall porcupine, it was more than enough to break through its defenses.

With a roar again, Doron rushed up with his double knives. The blade easily broke through the porcupine's skin, but after it was hardened, it was clamped again and couldn't move.

At this moment, the spikes on the wall porcupine became longer and sharper again, and it was about to launch. Duolong's expression changed and he hurriedly defended again. Facing this powerful spike, he wanted to avoid injury. possible.

Pushing back to Doron again, the wall porcupine seemed very proud, but at this moment, an arrow came silently and quickly, directly hitting the wall of the wall porcupine, and actually shot into itself from the hard skin surface. In the body.

Doron looked at this unremarkable arrow, but he was depressed. Neither his pair of knives could cause any harm to this porcupine. What can you do with an ordinary arrow? I'm still too credulous.

But what is unexpected is that the wallless porcupine fell to the ground under this arrow, no more alive.

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