Douluo Godly Choice System

Chapter 1060: , Nirvana xiNSHuHaiGe.CoM

A divine beast like the phoenix has a very powerful recovery ability. After all, it has this immortal legend. It is undoubtedly a very unclear choice to compare with it.

Therefore, Chihiro Ji exerted all his strength at the beginning. Above the magic gun, a trace of black aura was condensed and woven into a black net, covering all of the magic gun and forming a new one on the surface. Magic spear.

"Falling blow!"

As Chihiro Ji raised his power to the extreme, he waved the six pairs of wings behind him, disappeared from the spot in an instant, and then rushed to the dead flame phoenix in the air, pointing his spear directly at its body.

Under the control of Xue Qinghe, this blow smoothly hit the Dead Yan Phoenix. After piercing the dead Yan Phoenix's body, the huge force vented from the back of its body, and even hit the Dead Yan Phoenix. The pair was worn, causing terrible injuries, a big hole of astonishing size.

Then Xue Qinghe let go of Death Flame Phoenix, came to Qian Xun Ji's side, and asked him: "How is it, did you succeed?"

Chihiro Ji frowned and said, "I don't know, this is the first time I have fought against this kind of monster."

After changing to other creatures, the body was penetrated by such a huge hole, and it was already dead and could no longer die. This is not an injury that can be used to survive with life force.

But at this moment, they were facing a phoenix. The vitality of this creature could not be inferred by common sense, so the faces of Chihiro Ji and Xue Qinghe didn't mean to relax at all at this time.

Sure enough, the dead flame phoenix in the air carried such a terrifying injury, but did not show any signs of weakness.

In this turbulent black flame, the big hole on the Phoenix body is gradually getting smaller and gradually being repaired completely, and when its wounds are completely restored, that is when it attacks the two of them.

"What should I do? Qianxunji, this guy seems a bit difficult to deal with!" Xue Qinghe couldn't help but worry as he looked at the phoenix. If he were to control the phoenix again, his physical strength would not be able to bear it.

"Haha, don't worry, Xue Qinghe, my attack is not so easy to ignore!" Chihiro Ji said.

Then, a black pattern suddenly appeared on the gradually shrinking wound of Death Yan Phoenix, which prevented it from recovering completely! And this pattern, which was exactly the same as the pattern on Chihiro Ji's Fallen Magic Spear, was obviously from his power.

And seeing this scene, Qi Ling who was watching the battle also nodded thoughtfully. It turned out that the black light shrouded on Chihiro Ji’s magic spear before played this role. It seems that he really is. Great progress.

The black pattern quickly spread across the Phoenix's body, not only preventing the Death Phoenix from continuing to heal his wounds, but even the black flames on its body were suppressed, no longer tumbling and jumping.

As the deadly phoenix’s most important means of attack, the power of these flames is quite amazing. Just when it is used as a defensive means on its body, it is already unbearable. If it is used as a means of attack, the power will be even more powerful. unimaginable.

"Okay, don't be in a daze, my strength can't support it for too long, before it recovers, hurry up!" Chihiro Ji said, holding the magic spear in his hand, and the whole person rose into the air. Behind him, the black angel phantom appeared again, staring at everything in front of him without compassion.

Black angels are much rarer than demons. Even people in the devil world are extremely curious about this, because this kind of thing is not something that can be born naturally, but a product that must be degenerate in the day after tomorrow.

Shiro also looked at Chihiro Ji curiously and said, "Well, it's really rare. It seems that this is a bad guy! I hate such a guy the most, but some people in the Devil Realm seem to like it very much. What about him."

The black angel roared bitterly at the dead flame phoenix, a huge black beam of light enveloped its whole body, and the beam of light from the completely deformed face of the black angel made a cry of pain.

Xue Qinghe was not idle at this time either. He spit out a large amount of sewage at the Dead Yan Phoenix, carrying a strong infection ability, eroding its black flames.

Under the attack of the two, the flame of Dead Flame Phoenix gradually extinguished, and when its flame was completely extinguished, a black egg appeared on the ground.

If Death Flame Phoenix had only this kind of strength, then it would definitely not be worthy of such a difficulty level, and the egg that appeared now, no matter what it was, was worthy of Qianxunji and Xue Qinghe's vigilance.

"Chihiro Ji, do we want to destroy this egg?" Xue Qinghe said at this time, "Is it too silly to wait for it to succeed in Nirvana?"

Chihiro Ji said grimly: "You can try it, but you will probably be burned to death by its death flame! Phoenix Nirvana, when it is at its weakest, how could it not know it by itself!"

"So at this time, once it is attacked, it will explode its most powerful flame attack, and it is also the most powerful flame! If you are willing to sacrifice yourself, I have no objection."

"Uh... forget it." Xue Qinghe said in a cold sweat. He really wanted to win, but he didn't think about taking his own life.

The black egg of the Dead Flame Phoenix gradually rose from the bottom to a black flame. The original thin layer gradually became surging, and finally formed a huge cluster of flames.

And the figure of the dead flame phoenix slowly formed from the flames at this time, becoming more and more clear, with a crisp phoenix sound, the huge dead flame phoenix flapped its wings, countless black flames. It burst out to the surroundings.

Chihiro Ji and Xue Qinghe's expressions changed, and they immediately deployed their defenses to resist the surging black flames. Although the temperature of this flame is not that high, the breath of death contained in it is not even the two of them. Dare to ignore.

But since being attacked in this way, Dead Flame Phoenix certainly wouldn't let them go easily. After flying high in the sky, they stared at the two on the ground. Then the flames soared all over, and they rushed directly towards them. !

It is hard to imagine that the flames that should be hot and fierce are filled with the energy of death. If hit by such flames, I am afraid that the body will not suffer any harm, but the soul will be burned to ashes.

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