Douluo Godly Choice System

Chapter 1064: , Cooperation XINshuHAiGe.CoM

So at this moment, Qi Ling rushed to the front of the Abyssal Crocodile King instantly, stretched out his hands to support the upper jaw of the Abyssal Crocodile King’s mouth, and at the same time stepped on the lower jaw of the Abyssal Crocodile King and opened its mouth. .

"Kuang San, hurry up, right?" Qi Ling said loudly to Kuang San while holding the mouth of King Abyssal Crocodile.

"Okay, Mr. Qi Ling." Kuang San, like an elf, swiped past Qi Ling and smiled at him, "My life is entrusted to you."

Then, Kuang San turned into a black light, entered the mouth of the Abyssal Crocodile King, and then disappeared. At this moment, the Abyssal Crocodile King finally reacted. Is there something in his mouth?

These people, even if they hurt themselves in various ways before, now they dare to stand directly in their mouths? It has never been looked down upon like this before, it is simply a shameful shame for Crocodile!

So the Abyssal Crocodile King immediately used his force, biting his mouth forcefully, wanting to bite Qi Ling directly into a mass of meat! With its strong bite force, the enemies in the past could not escape this fate.

But this time, when the Abyssal Crocodile King exerted his strength, Qi Ling also used his greatest strength to hold its mouth and prevent it from succeeding.

Although he is trying his best strength with the opponent, even Qi Ling has a certain gap with the Abyssal Crocodile King. Fortunately, it has been injured before, so it cannot fully mobilize the power of the whole body. Qi Ling barely supported it.

The injury on the back of the Abyssal Crocodile King only penetrated its carapace and did not hurt its internal organs, but its muscles had already been injured to a certain extent, and it was unable to perfectly mobilize the whole body's strength.

It is also because its defense is so amazing that after the Abyssal Crocodile King is injured, its self-healing ability is very poor, and it takes a long time to heal the wound, which undoubtedly gives Qi Ling more opportunities.

The blood vessels on his arms were almost protruding as if they were about to explode. Qi Ling had already used his demon body at this time, and was doing his best to fight the Abyssal Crocodile King.

Seeing this scene, Chihiro Ji and Xue Qinghe outside the field cheered on the Abyssal Crocodile King in their hearts, wondering why it could not put more effort, and quickly kill Qi Ling!

Just don't know how long it took, Qi Ling felt that the power of the Abyssal Crocodile King seemed to be getting bigger and bigger. Obviously, it was able to gradually overcome the influence of its own injury and exert a more powerful force.

Such power has exceeded Qi Ling's limit! A beast of this level indeed exceeded Qi Ling's limit, but he didn't know how long it would take for Kuang San to come out of the mouth of the Abyssal Crocodile King.

"No way, this is what you forced me! Smelly crocodile!" Qi Ling said helplessly, and then a light flashed around him, and the Demon God Halberd had appeared beside him, pressing the mouth of the Abyssal Crocodile King up and down!

I'm afraid I can't stop the squeeze with such a powerful force after changing to other weapons, but the Demon God Halberd is a magic that the blood demons once used, and I don't even know how to destroy it, so Qi Ling took it for granted. support.

And the situation is as expected by Qi Ling. No matter how hard the Abyssal Crocodile King works, he can’t destroy the Demon God’s Halberd. It can’t even produce the slightest deformation. The strength of this magic weapon is far beyond Qi Ling’s imagination. .

With the Demon God Halberd as its support, everything went smoothly. Whether the Abyssal Crocodile King shook his head or tried all other methods, for its short limbs, there was no way to get rid of Qi Ling.

In this way, the Abyssal Crocodile King kept struggling fiercely, and his momentum seemed very shocking, but at a certain moment, it suddenly stopped all its movements and was completely motionless.

Qi Ling couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief at this time. It seemed that Kuang San's plan had finally succeeded, and this abyssal crocodile king was finally defeated from within.

A black light flashed again from the mouth of the Abyssal Crocodile King, and Kuang San's figure appeared beside Qi Ling, still as calmly as before, and even his clothes were not soiled a bit.

At this time Kuang San smiled and looked at Qi Ling, holding an ink-colored bead in his hand, Qi Ling couldn't help but said, "It looks like you succeeded? What is this?"

"It's just a little gadget, it's the magic core of this guy." Kuangsan smiled, "Do you want it? Want me to give it to you."

Qi Ling said indifferently: "Forget it, you also gambled your life to destroy this guy, I can't use this thing."

No one thought that the two of them actually solved the level 20 monsters, including Xiluo. She was surprised to watch Kuang San and Qi Ling come back and said, "Wow, you are so amazing. You did it, it's really unexpected!"

"Congratulations, Qi Ling, Kuang San, you now have 20 points, which is the first place among all teams! The others should continue to cheer."

The three groups except Qi Ling were not surprised by this result, but they did not expect that there would be such a big gap. They even doubted whether they could catch up with Qi Ling even if they had another round of competition. Their current points.

Although this will undoubtedly promote the unity of several people, no matter what methods they will use, Qi Ling is confident that they can crack it.

Afterwards, Xiluo gathered all the four groups together and said to them: "This is the end of the first game. The points you get are your own results. Now the second round of the game officially begins."

"In this round, what you have to do is completely different from the first round, because you have to face a strong enemy together!"

"But the reaction, how to deal with your enemy, depends on you! Whether you cooperate or hinder each other, you can do it according to your wishes, and what kind of results you can achieve in the end also depends on you. Your decision!"

Although Xiluo said that there is no requirement for compulsory cooperation, but since there is such a choice, it is natural that a few people can cooperate to achieve better results!

So a few people, led by Xiluo, quickly came to a wasteland. Xiluo pointed to a huge cave in the distance and said to them: "Okay, now you can start your own game, the specific content That is—everyone enters the cave and takes the forty-eight night pearls from the cave back to me. In the end, the number of night pearls you get is the points score you got!"

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