Douluo Godly Choice System

Chapter 1075: , Momeng

On this night, Qi Ling and Luna also fell asleep very early, but although they slept in the same house, they slept in their own beds.

After all, Qi Ling really couldn't start with such an innocent Luna, so although Luna had long known what Luna meant for him, he had never been one step closer.

At night, Qi Ling lay on the bed, thinking about everything he knew today, but at this moment, his expression suddenly changed, and he slowly sat up from his bed, and then put on his clothes calmly.

Then Qi Ling confirmed that Luna was still asleep, so he opened the door of the room and walked out. After arriving on the street, he saw a person standing there.

This person, Qi Ling had a relationship with him before, was the mysterious man who used to be the referee of the match with Xiluo and covered his eyes with a piece of cloth.

At that time, the masked man had demonstrated his amazing power, which was far from the power he could resist now, and since he could serve as a referee with Shiro, he must be no worse than Shiro.

Xiluo's strength, Alice said to herself, has almost reached the level of the Seven Rings of the True God, and can be said to be a true master. The man in front of him gives Qi Ling a sense of oppression, but it is not lower than Xiluo.

"Who are you? What can I do for you?" Qi Ling asked slowly.

The other party only let himself feel his aura, not even Luna, who was in the same room with him, which is very telling, so Qi Ling was not pretending to be confused, and simply asked him directly.

In fact, as for the identity of this man, after hearing Alice's introduction to the Demon Realm today, he had guessed that he was inseparable. After all, the person who met the conditions was most likely a member of the Demon League.

And the masked man said, "Qi Ling, hello, you don't need to know my identity for the time being, because according to your next answer, it's hard to tell whether we are friends or enemies."

"You don't need to ask questions, you just need to answer my questions! I'm here on behalf of the Demon League and can handle all matters concerning you. Now I ask you: Are you willing to join the Demon League and become a part of us?"

Qi Ling couldn't help but frowned. Sure enough, the other party did come from the Demon League, and he did come to win him. However, compared with the attitude of the Demon League, the other party is undoubtedly the kind of condescending attitude that he hates most.

Unable to help, Qi Ling frowned and said, "Join you? What do I need to do to join you? What should I give up, and what can I get?"

"Join us, and from then on, you will become the glorious subordinate of Lord Thousand Faces Demon Lord, and you naturally need to give up this demon **** hegemony battle and give up the position of the demon **** to those in the demon league who need it more!" said the masked man .

"As for what you can get, it is extremely precious..." the masked man said slowly, "Your life!"

Hearing what he said, Qi Ling was instantly irritated. No matter his condition, he couldn't agree to it, so he said: "Are you talking in a dream? My life, where do you need to give it? ?"

"No, Qi Ling, your life is not yours anymore, but our possession!" said the masked man, "if you disagree with my terms, then tonight will be the last time you own you Life time!"

Qi Ling couldn't help being shocked. He originally thought that the opponent would have to wait until the end of the game to deal with him like this, but what he didn't expect was that they would dare to do this in the middle of the game, which was simply overwhelming.

At this time, it is not a sensible thing to conflict with the other party. Everything will be resolved until the end of the game, so Qi Ling decided to perfuse the other party before talking about it.

But such a person is naturally not so easy to dismiss. After Qi Lingxu and Wei Snake explained that they are willing to join the Demon League, the masked man said: "Very well, in that case, Qi Ling, come and make a blood agreement with me. Come on! In this way, we can completely trust you."

Although I don't know the effect of this guy's blood contract, but obviously, it is absolutely impossible for Qi Ling to make this contract with the other party. The other party is the largest organization in the Demon Realm, far from what he can guess.

"Sorry, I lied just now." Qi Ling had no choice but to say, "It is impossible for me to promise you. I won't make this blood contract with you either."

The masked man seemed to have thought that Qi Ling would say this, so he said lightly: "It's okay, if that's the case, you go to die."

Qi Ling expected that even if the other party wants to do it to himself, it must not cause too much movement. It must be done in secret, otherwise, once it is discovered by other forces, everything will fall short and it will not be able to solve its own. I fell into a passive state.

So what they have to do is to procrastinate. As long as they survive, they will either retreat if they know their difficulties, or be discovered by their actions, leading to the reveal of the conspiracy.

But even so, Qi Ling also knew that there was a huge difference between his own and the opponent's strength. Perhaps once the opponent made a move, he had no time to react and would die.

So Qi Ling made all the preparations. He knew that perhaps the opponent's move could determine whether he was alive or dead.

Afterwards, the masked man slowly raised his hand, drew a sword from his side, and slashed it in the air, but it seemed as if nothing had happened, which surprised Qi Ling.

But then, Qi Ling knew what had happened. He looked at the space in front of him in horror, and there was a crack in the space in front of him, and the place where the crack spread was the space he was in.

In astonishment, Qi Ling immediately stretched out his hands and held down the crack. If the crack spreads, he who has been locked by the opponent at this time can only end up in a different place.

But even though this was just a casual wave of the opponent, and even a random attack that didn't even use a bit of strength, it was an extremely powerful and devastating attack for Qi Ling!

The body of the gods and demons was already used by Qi Ling from the very beginning, and then Qi Ling used various forces to fight against this space crack, but the results were not effective. Instead, he could only watch the cracks getting bigger and bigger.

"Damn it, can I only die here? This is too awkward!" Qi Ling smiled helplessly, after searching all the power in his body, Qi Ling's consciousness stayed above one of them, intuition Tell him that only this kind of power can help himself tide over the difficulties.

"It doesn't matter, let the dead horse be a living horse doctor! No matter how miserable it is, it won't be the present one!" Qi Ling thought to himself.

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