Douluo Godly Choice System

Chapter 1078: , Strong rescue

But even so, under the opponent's attack, Qi Ling's own strength has been completely consumed, almost to the point where the oil is exhausted, and there is no way to make any more attacks. It is already the limit to be able to sit up. .

In this situation, even if Qi Ling resorted to any means, it would be of no avail. There was a huge gap between the strengths of the two sides in despair, and it was almost impossible to have any chance.

But Qi Ling’s current situation is naturally unknown to the masked man. In his opinion, Qi Ling has surprised himself several times. Failed.

"It seems that if I have any more reservations, it will be disrespect for you." The masked man said, "You are indeed a good opponent, but unfortunately, if I give you some more time, you may let me Also look at it with admiration."

Afterwards, the masked man stopped talking. He stretched out his hands and drew a circle in the air. Then, in the circle he drew, a hideous skull appeared in the air, opening and closing his own. The mouth looked terrifying.

Even if he was not attacked, Qi Ling could see from the coercion displayed by the opponent that the masked man finally stopped being afraid of his exposure, but restrained his strength and used his full strength to deal with Qi Ling.

"This time, I won't keep my hands on you anymore. Instead of worrying about exposing myself like this time and time again, it's better to solve you all at once!" said the masked man, "after this trick, you won't be in this world. There is nothing left! You will completely disappear in this world."

Qi Ling didn't say anything. He couldn't stop this blow. When the masked man summoned the skull, he already knew it. At this time, in this space, the skull had already lost his sense of existence. Suppressed, his consciousness almost collapsed.

"Disappear, Qi Ling." The masked man said, and with a light push with his right hand, the skull flew towards Qi Ling, with a strong sense of oppression that seemed to crush the space, he was about to wipe out Qi Ling completely.

Such a powerful attack can't be avoided by any special method. Even if there is, Qi Ling doesn't have the strength to use it. It seems that this time he can only resign himself to his fate.

In the fierce roar, it seemed that the entire space was about to become fragments under such an attack. Under such an attack, Qi Ling definitely had no chance of being spared. I am afraid that his entire existence would be wiped out.

But when the strong attack wave dissipated, the face of the masked man once again became more ugly, and it was difficult for him to cover half of his face, so that he could be seen so clearly.

And this time, it was not Qi Ling who surprised him, but the third person who suddenly appeared here! The man slowly retracted the slender jade legs that were raised high, and said with a charming smile: "Sorry, it seems that it is very difficult for you to succeed today."

And Qi Ling looked at the person who was helping him solve the crisis, and he couldn't help being surprised, because that unique style and irresistible charm was just for the fox beauty he had ever met. Su Daji!

She was wearing a gorgeous brocade robe at this time, but she did not affect her actions in the slightest. Not only did she gracefully help Qi Ling resolve the crisis in front of her, but she was also not half-hearted, and her every move was pleasing to the eye.

Seeing Su Daji's appearance, the masked man couldn't help but snorted coldly: "Humph! Su Daji! This is our Demon League's business, you had better not intervene! Otherwise, the consequences are not something you can afford. !"

Su Daji said with a clever smile at this time: "Hehe, really, I don't remember, there are people in the Demon League who have been afraid of your Demon League. You said this, but you are a little bravado."

"If you want to continue to do it, then just come, why do you still have to ask your concubine body? When did the people of the Demon League become so polite? Or, you also know that your actions have been discovered. Is it about to be exposed to everyone?"

The masked man couldn't help but his expression moved. Obviously, what Su Daji said was the real predicament he was facing now.

But if he left in this way, he would not be reconciled. Under consideration, the rapier in the hands of the masked man actually radiated silver light again, obviously intending to make another last fight.

But just as the masked man set out to launch an attack, Su Daji moved even further! She was like a light breeze, floating in front of the masked man. When the masked man was shocked, he immediately swung his sword and stabbed him, but when he was stabbed, she found that Su Daji had already become under her own attack. A breeze of pink enveloped him.

In this pink whirlwind, it seems that a fox forms in the air from time to time, and then jumps into the formation and merges with the pink whirlwind, but no matter how it changes, Qi Ling outside cannot see the formation. In any case.

Even so, Qi Ling could also feel that the battle that took place in it was definitely a battle he couldn't intervene now! Because it didn't take long for the pink whirlwind to disperse from the place, the two inside reappeared outside.

The man who had pushed Qi Ling into desperation with ease just now, there was a stream of blood flowing out of the corner of his mouth at this time, and he had obviously fallen behind in the struggle just now.

"Impossible! The test you participated in before, obviously failed! But how can your strength improve so fast!" The masked man said incredulously, as if something beyond understanding had happened.

Su Daji smiled and said at this time: "Oh? Really? That's really weird. Why did my test fail, but I became stronger? Haha."

"Looking at you being so curious, it doesn't hurt to tell you, because I knew from the beginning that my test would not be successful."

"What!? Then why do you pay it..." The masked man was obviously more incomprehensible, and couldn't wait to know what happened.

"Hehe, do you want to know, why on earth?" Su Daji said with a smile, "You want to be beautiful!"

"If you don't leave anymore, the other members of the Demon League will be here! When the leader of Alice comes, I am afraid you are not just a matter of conspiracy revealing, even your little life, you may have to stay Here it is!"

The masked man was washed away, obviously furious, but he also knew that it was impossible to do it now, so he turned into a burst of silver ashes and disappeared into the air.

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