Douluo Godly Choice System

Chapter 1091: , The essence of power

The next day, it was the quarter-finals of the Demon God Contest. Qi Ling got up early, and after packing up, sat in his room for a while, but looked at the hard-to-talk pill on the table, and didn't know what to do. good.

"It's really a shame to give up, I can't eat it... I can't eat it!" Qi Ling looked at the pill very helplessly, feeling exceptionally depressed.

"Qi Ling, are you awake? You can't be late today, or something big will happen!" At this moment, Alice opened the door and walked into Qi Ling's room, seeming to have come to ask Qi Ling to gather.

But after coming in, Alice's gaze was immediately attracted by the black pill on Qi Ling's table. It is really rare for a person like her to show such an expression.

"Qi Ling, where did you get this thing?" Alice said excitedly, "God, I have never seen such a pure Demon Realm energy, as if it is Directly compress the energy of the demon world into the same thing!"

Looking at Alice with excitement, Qi Ling couldn't help but wondered: "Is this thing precious? Isn't the energy of the Demon Realm found everywhere?"

"How can this be the same, Qi Ling, this thing is simply too precious!" Alice couldn't help but said, "You should also know that we can't directly absorb the demon energy in the demon world, we can only rely on ourselves. Refining it slowly before it can be used for your own use."

"But this thing, it is equivalent to the power that can be directly absorbed after being refined! It can be said that it is more precious than any demon world's cultivation medicine."

Qi Ling couldn't help but was surprised. He didn't expect that the black pill that Xiao Hei got out had such a precious value that even Alice would be surprised.

But Qi Ling still puzzled: "In this case, you can absorb the energy of the Demon Realm by yourself and transform it. Why do you still need medicine for cultivation? Isn't it superfluous?"

"Oh, Qi Ling, you really are, don't you understand such a simple truth?" Alice said, "all of us, when absorbing energy and improving our own cultivation, in fact, every moment All consume energy!"

"And the energy we absorb, minus the consumed energy, is actually the power that is actually absorbed by us and can then be used to strengthen ourselves! No one will become stronger out of thin air. This is a general principle anywhere. "

"So, Qi Ling, the so-called essence of becoming stronger is just how fast you absorb energy!" Alice said, "and in a certain period of time, the more energy you absorb, the faster you naturally become stronger. "

After hearing what Alice said, Qi Ling couldn't help but nodded. These words did have a certain truth, as if following the law of conservation of energy, you must absorb energy to become stronger.

"And this thing is the purest energy, that is to say, it is the most direct thing that can make people stronger!" Alice couldn't help but said excitedly, "Although the amount is relatively small, it is so high. The quality of this is enough to make up for it!"

"Qi Ling, do you understand the importance of this thing now? It can be said that anyone in the Demon Realm will be crazy about this medicine."

Qi Ling didn't think so much, and no matter how good this thing was, he would still be a little hard to talk about it. After all, it was from Xiaohei...

At this time, Qi Ling looked at Alice's excitement and simply said, "Alice, seeing how excited you are, is this important to you?"

"Hey? I..." Alice hesitated for a while, and still said, "Yes, Qi Ling, this thing is really important to the Demon League."

"Ah, that's it." Qi Ling smiled, "In that case, this thing is for you."

"What? Qi Ling, you want to give this thing to me?" Alice couldn't help but be surprised, "I...I really want this thing, but this thing The value is not comparable to ordinary drugs."

"Qi Ling, if you have any requirements, just say it! As long as we can do it, we will do our best to satisfy you."

Qi Ling didn't have any doubts about what Alice said. With the strength of the Demon League, they could indeed do what they said.

But what is really important is not what they can give Qi Ling, but Alice’s attitude towards Qi Ling at this time. It is obvious that she is facing only someone she can solve easily, but she is not trying to intimidate Qi Ling, on the contrary. Still thinking of swapping with Qi Ling on an equal footing, this is enough to get Qi Ling's favor.

"Nothing, Alice, I have always been generous to my friends." Qi Ling smiled, "Moreover, Luna and I have received a lot of care from you. If this thing can help you, then Just take it."

After hearing Qi Ling's words, Alice couldn't help but rushed over happily, and took Qi Ling's hand and said, "Thank you, Qi Ling, you are such a good person!"

"I've said it, it's okay." Qi Ling couldn't help laughing. "Moreover, considering the energy contained in this thing, I can't absorb it now. It's better to give it to people in need."

"Wow, Qi Ling, I began to think that it was the most correct decision that we could choose to have friendly contact with you!" Alice also said, "Don't worry, the Demon League will not let your friends suffer. We will definitely compensate you in the future!"

"Really no need, and speaking of it, you saved my life, a pill, what's the point?" Qi Ling said, and what he said was naturally the time Su Da saved himself. .

More importantly, if he really needs it in the future, he will take Xiao Hei to the border of the Demon Realm again. Presumably Xiao Hei will be very happy too.

After putting away the medicine Qi Ling gave herself, Alice ran out very excited, and soon disappeared. As for what she did, Qi Ling couldn't understand.

So after Xiluo came to find Qi Ling, she said strangely: "Qi Ling, what's the matter? Why did Sister Alice run out so excitedly? What happened?"

Qi Ling smiled and said, "It's nothing, let's get ready for the final game."

After Qi Ling set off, soon all the contestants gathered together, and the eight of them had obviously made the final preparations and were ready to show their talents in the arena.

After passing through a portal, everyone came to a game field, looking at the location, it should be in the rest area, as long as they go out, they will face their real game field.

In this place, there was only one person who greeted them. After seeing this person's appearance, Qi Ling couldn't help but be surprised: "Huh? Why are you?"

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