Douluo Godly Choice System

Chapter 1104: , Fear XinShuhaige.COM

The playing field at this time had already changed from a plain to a sea of ​​blood, and Qi Ling and Qianjiyin were in this sea of ​​blood.

On the surface, Qi Ling must consume such a skill to launch such a skill, and it is still unknown whether Thousand Chance Silver can hold on under such a powerful attack.

Although Youxian had absolute confidence in the Tiangang and Five Thunder Shields on Qian Ji Yin's body, at the same time, he definitely did not dare to underestimate Qi Ling's methods.

After all, the Demon God Halberd in Qi Ling's hands is indeed the weapon of the Blood Demon back then. It can be called the number one artifact in the Demon Realm. If it weren't for this thing, only the heirs of the Blood Demon could use it. Robbed.

Under such circumstances, even if Qi Ling really broke through the defense of Thousand Chance Silver, it would not be a surprising thing, but correspondingly, Qi Ling would definitely have to pay a considerable price. .

Because You Xian never told Thousand Chance Silver that in this artifact, there is actually a power they specially instilled in. This kind of power could not be actively activated by Thousand Chance Silver himself, but to make it work, there is only one The only condition is when the defense of this artifact is broken by others.

At that time, this artifact would issue a very powerful attack, so powerful that even Youxian and the others couldn't easily resist it. Even if Qi Ling was strong, it would definitely be wiped out by such a blow.

This is the conspiracy set up by Youxian in this battle! As for his ultimate goal, it is to destroy Qi Ling.

Because although they didn't want to admit it, Qi Ling's growth rate was too amazing. What's more frightening was that this guy seemed to have a special power in his body that could lead his destiny to the right path.

So if this goes on, there is a high probability that Qi Ling will win this game, and then they are likely to get nothing in the end. For this reason, they must solve Qi Ling by all means!

Just as they directly dealt with Qi Ling before, in order to achieve their goals, they can be said to be unscrupulous, even in places where they are not found, they will not hesitate to violate any rules and pay any price.

The reason for saying this is because such an attack is so strong that not only will Qi Ling himself be wiped out, but even the Thousand Chance Silver, which should have been protected, will be seriously injured or even killed in such an attack.

"Thousand Chance Silver, Thousand Chance Silver, for our purposes, you should be able to sacrifice yourself?" You Xian couldn't help but think about it at this time, "If you survive by luck, ha ha, let's talk about it."

So Youxian started, looking forward to that scene, waiting for the sky thunder to fall from the sky, and wipe out the two people in the game.

Although it might be a pity to die a one thousand chance silver, the most indispensable thing in this world is such a talented person. After a thousand chance silver died, they will soon be able to find the next one.

Moreover, such an attack was unpredictable and impossible to prevent, so even if Shi Meng was on the court, it was impossible to prevent this tragedy from happening.

At that time, it was a big deal to evade that there was an accident. After all, this is in the demon world, your own strength is not enough, and it is useless to say anything.

But what makes Youxian feel strange is that it has been a long time since, nothing happened on the court, the sea of ​​blood is still surging, but the sky thunder I was waiting for in Youxian has never appeared.

The scene that happened afterwards made Youxian amazed, and even stood up in surprise, because the surging blood sea gradually calmed down at this time, and then all infiltrated the earth, and finally disappeared.

And in the place where the sea of ​​blood disappeared, two people appeared, it was Qi Ling and Qian Ji Yin. The five thunder shields surrounding Qian Ji Yin's body had disappeared, but for some reason, they did not provoke such an attack.

"Impossible, this is impossible! How come, why are you not being..." You Xian organized his own words and said, "Qi Ling, how did you break through the five thunder shields of the thousand chuck silver? of!"

"Ah? Break it? I didn't break it. That thing is not easy to provoke at first glance. Why should I take that effort?" Qi Ling couldn't help but smile at this time, "I can beat him directly, why should I make such a move."

Indeed, as Qi Ling said, Qian Ji Yin did not have any will to resist at this time. He squatted on the ground, holding his arms, and his body was trembling constantly, as if in some kind of huge fear. Crashed in.

Such a thing would happen, which no one had imagined. Youxian couldn't help but ask: "Qi Ling, what have you done on earth, why did Qian Ji Yin become like this?"

"What did you do? Just simply scared him." Qi Ling couldn't help but said, "It took a lot of work, but in the end I succeeded."

"Once a person loses the will to fight, naturally nothing is useful. Therefore, his protective magical weapon will naturally have no effect, and I don't have to work hard to attack him."

The reason why Qi Ling didn't really attack Thousand Chance Silver was indeed because from the Heavenly Gang and Five Thunder Shields, he felt a bad foreboding that his Shenlong's foresight ability once again played a role.

What's more, defeating Qian Ji Yin in that way would be too cheap for him, and there would be no way to avenge him! So Qi Ling finally chose to use this method, so that Qian Ji Yin felt the greatest fear.

Some people might be surprised, but in such a short period of time, what method did Qi Ling use to keep people like Qian Ji Yin from collapsing, unable to extricate himself from fear?

In fact, what everyone didn't know was that Qi Ling didn't just use his fear ability, but tried a new ability he had mastered, that is, the ability in the trapped magic stone.

This magical stone can infinitely extend people's ability to perceive time, turning one second into a year, or even longer! People will feel like they have fallen into a time trap and cannot break free.

After studying for this period of time, Qi Ling has initially mastered this ability. Although it is not very complete, it can be successfully used with the help of the sea of ​​blood.

As long as you deprive the opponent of all the space and trap him in a sea of ​​blood, you can take advantage of the situation to produce a very special effect, creating something like a time dilemma, and extending the perception ability of Thousand Chance Silver indefinitely.

Under such circumstances, I would use my fear ability to attack the spirit of Qian Ji Yin! Although this is not an attack method that Qi Ling is good at, with such a sufficient time, it is enough to destroy the will of Thousand Chance Silver.

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