Douluo Godly Choice System

Chapter 1106: , Cang Yue’s request

Although Chu Ling was so powerful, Cang Yue's pride did not allow her to fail in this way, and as the Queen of Ice, Cang Yue's tenacity was not lost to anyone.

Therefore, the match between two people can be said to be more determined than anyone else's will, more persistent than anyone else's desire for victory, Cangyue Constantly Summoning a stronger ice, Chu Ling also used more powerful force to fight back.

With huge icebergs, strong ice shields, sharp ice thorns, and even tall ice soldiers, Cang Yue's attack methods are endless, and each has its own special effects.

But unfortunately, none of these attacks could help Chu Ling, and because of her limited space of activity, Cang Yue had to fight Chu Ling head-on.

When Chu Ling's spear faced Cang Yue's ice-bound thousands of miles, it could be said that the victory was clear. In the end, Chu Ling broke through Cang Yue's defense and hit the winning blow.

In the face of failure, Cang Yue was also very calm, and did not show hysterics, because she also knew that the strength of the two was almost the same, and it is not surprising that who loses and who wins.

After that, the final result of the game has come out. The four people who entered the final are Zhenhong, Kuangsan, Qi Ling, and Chu Ling.

After the game, Shi Meng asked everyone to go back to rest. As soon as they returned to their place of residence, Xiluo, Xiaoye and others gathered around and began to inquire about Qi Ling and Luna's game.

After learning that Luna lost to Zhenhong, although everyone felt it was a pity, there was nothing to do. Even Shiro said: "It's a pity, is it that woman? If it's her, you don't need Luna. Too sad, that guy, even I can't see her a little bit."

"Qi Ling, if you can defeat Chu Ling, there is a high probability that your final finals will be a duel with Zhen Hong. Have you figured out how to deal with her?"

Qi Ling said honestly: "No, in fact, I don't even think I can beat her."

True Red's strength was clearly beyond their level. Qi Ling's deal with Chu Ling was already a 50-50 situation. If he did not try his best, there would be no hope of winning.

After all, from today's point of view, Chu Ling's dedication to victory is also very strong. Such a person, with firm will and strong strength, is not easy to deal with.

After the discussion was inconclusive, Qi Ling returned to his room. At this moment, Qi Ling suddenly remembered that before he left, the Gorefiend had given himself a kit, and told himself to be helpless. To be able to open.

"Tomorrow is the final. It should be the last moment, right?" Qi Lingsi asked. "The guy brags that as long as it is opened at the last moment, the contents inside will definitely help him solve his troubles. Is it true? of?"

With this feeling of doubt in his arms, Qi Ling took out the kit and put it on the table, thinking whether it was the final stage.

Just when Qi Ling made a decision to open the kit, suddenly, Qi Ling stopped his hand. He felt that the temperature around him suddenly dropped a lot, and a cold air came from outside the door, seeming to announce The identity of the owner.

There will be such a magnificent way to appear on the stage. You don’t need to guess who it is. Although I don’t know what she is here for, Qi Ling still stepped forward and opened the door. Later, he said, "Hey, the Queen is not going to bed so late, come to me. What are you doing?"

The person outside the door was Cang Yue. She walked into Qi Ling's room and sat on the chair as if she had returned to her home without any worries.

"Close the door, I have something to tell you." Cang Yue said.

"Huh? Close the door?" Qi Ling was surprised, "This, isn't it good? Cang Yue, we are alone in the same room, if something happens, who can make it clear! "

"And even if nothing happens, if someone else knows it, no one will believe it. Who knows what we are doing..."

"Shut up! You stinky man!" Cang Yue said angrily, "Let you close the door and just do it! Really, what are you doing with so much nonsense."

Qi Ling reluctantly closed the door, then looked at Cang Yue and said, "Okay, now you have something to say, right?"

"Sit down and say, I'm not used to someone standing in front of me talking like this." Cang Yue said.

After Qi Ling reached the opposite side of Cang Yue, Cang Yue changed her hand suddenly, then grabbed Qi Ling's collar and pulled him down in front of her, looking at his face by herself.

Qi Ling was stared at by Cang Yue uncomfortable for a while, and couldn't help but said helplessly: "I said, Lady Queen, it's not the first time we have met, shouldn't we look at me like this? What are your needs, I will try my best to satisfy them!"

After looking around, Cang Yue finally said, "Well, as I expected, you fellow, you have destiny in your body."

"Give you a task, tomorrow's game, to win Chu Ling!"

Qi Ling listened for a moment and said, "Well, if you don't tell me, I must defeat Chu Ling before I can enter the next round. This requirement is too simple."

"That's different! It's your own business to defeat Chu Ling in order to enter the next round and win the championship." Cang Yue smiled slightly and said, "But now, I want you to beat that guy for me! "

Qi Ling couldn't help but start to think in his heart, did his devil blood finally come into play? This Cang Yue's words seemed very different no matter how they listened.

Cang Yue blushed at this time and continued: "Don't think about it! I'm not here to talk to you about those messy things! Qi Ling, the solution to Chu Ling is my last test of you. After that, I I need you to do me a favor."

"Huh? Why are you busy?" Qi Ling asked.

"You don't need to know this! You just need to be prepared." Cang Yue said, "This matter is very important to me, so I must make sure that the person I find is absolutely trustworthy."

"And now, Qi Ling, you are the only person who meets my standards, so I will come to you."

At this time, Qi Ling did not immediately agree to Cang Yue, but said with a smile: "My Lady Queen, listening to you, this must be very dangerous? Otherwise, you won't think about it for so long."

"In that case, what benefits can I get if I pay such a high price? I can't. I just helped you for nothing, right?"

Cang Yue didn't get angry because of Qi Ling's words, just said: "Indeed, you are right. If you just let you help in vain, I will feel sorry. I am a person and I never like to owe others."

When Qi Ling heard what Cang Yue said, he couldn't help but feel surprised. He originally thought that Cang Yue Bacheng would ask Qi Ling to agree with what happened to her before, but he didn't expect her character to be more than he thought. Be strong and straightforward.

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