Douluo Godly Choice System

Chapter 1116: , The place of inheritance of the devil xinShuHaiGe.CoM

After this, Zhen Hong left here without any nostalgia, as if after thinking about something, she became more free and easy.

And Qi Ling didn't expect at this time that Zhenhong's previous life had such a big connection with the blood demons, but if he wanted to know more, I'm afraid he still needs to ask other talents.

So Qi Ling returned to the place where he lived, which can be regarded as an industry under the demon league. If he lives here, he doesn't need to worry about the assassination that happened that day.

After all, Qi Ling, who received the final reward, can now be regarded as the most concerned newcomer in the Demon Realm, but this level of attention is by no means a good thing. I am afraid that everyone except the people of the Demon League wants to get rid of themselves.

And here, if Qi Ling wants to know about Zhenhong, he has the most suitable candidate.

"You have finished talking? Has the misunderstanding between each other been resolved?" Bai Qian seemed to be waiting for Qi Ling. At this time, seeing Qi Ling come back, he couldn't help but smile.

"It's solved, but this kind of thing is more on your own." Qi Ling said, "If you can't figure it out, it's useless for others to say more."

"Bai Qian, about Zhen Hong, do you know about her past life? I feel a little curious."

"Well, I do know this." Bai Qian smiled, "Presumably you already know it, just as you are the reincarnation of Lord Gorefiend, she is really red, and her previous life is also a big figure in the demon world."

"Hey? How old? Is it amazing?" Qi Ling smiled.

"Well, very powerful." Bai Qian said, "At that time, apart from the blood demon, she was probably the most powerful, and after the death of the blood demon, everyone thought that she was the most likely to become the next one. People of the Devil Emperor."

"What everyone didn't expect was that it didn't take long for the news of her fall!"

"Oh? How did she die?" Qi Ling asked in surprise.

"No one knows this, but it is certain that no one was her opponent at that time." Bai Qian said, "Presumably you have also seen the magical fighting method of Zhenhong, actually compared with her previous life. , These are far away."

"So at that time, it was impossible for her to die because of others, only her own choice! As for the reason, I am afraid it is because of the blood demon."

"Then what is the relationship between her and the blood demon? With such a deep affection, she must be in love with the blood demon, right?" Qi Ling asked.

"As for this, no one knows. Maybe only they know the relationship between the two of them." Bai Qian said, "but now it seems that it is mostly like this."

"After all, I really can't think of any other reasons why a woman can follow a man."

What Bai Qian said and what Zhen Hong said were consistent with each other, no matter what kind of relationship they had in their previous lives, Zhen Hong is now an independent person and does not need to be controlled by his own past.

"Well, you must already have your own opinions on this matter, so I won't ask too much." Bai Qian said, "but I still want to remind you, Qi Ling, what matters most to you right now. , Is to raise one's own body, and then prepare to accept the inheritance of the position of the demon god."

"After all, you have only obtained the qualification to inherit the position of the Demon God, but don't you think that it would be easy to accept the power of the Demon God?"

"Um... I certainly didn't think so, don't worry, I will be ready." Qi Ling said.

So just like that, after Qi Ling recovered from his injury, he was ready to set off to accept the Demon God's inheritance, and Alice, who hadn't seen for many days, also appeared again at this time, and said excitedly to Qi Ling: "Let's go, Qi Ling, Let me take you to the place where the demon **** is inherited."

"Hey? Sister Alice, can't we follow along?" Luna asked at this time. They originally planned to go with Qi Ling, but now looking at Alice's reaction, it seems that they don't intend to take them with them. Peer.

"Of course not. Except for the heirs of the Demon God, you can't get close to it with your strength." Alice said, "You should wait here with peace of mind. When Qi Ling returns, it will be completed. I have inherited my **** position."

According to Alice, the place where the Demon God's throne is located is on an isolated island on the sea! There is a mountain on that island, and in a cave at the bottom of the mountain is the place of inheritance of the demon god.

And this place is usually shrouded by heavy thunderclouds, and demonic thunders continue to fall to the world throughout the day, destroying anyone who intends to approach this island.

People who do not have the strength above the demon king can never be supported by such demon lightning, and even those who reach the strength of the demon king cannot stay in it for a long time, and will be hurt by the demon lightning at all times.

"This island was originally one of the ten taboos of the Demon Realm. I am afraid that only people like the Gorefiend can set this place as a place of inheritance of their gods." Alice said with emotion.

But Qi Ling said with some worry at this time: "So powerful? Then I go now, how can I protect myself? Can't it be turned into fly ash before I get close to this island, right?"

"No problem, the key you are holding is a token of the Gorefiend." Alice said, "As long as you keep holding this thing, you won't be hurt by the demon thunder."

"But this thing can only protect you alone, so you can't bring anyone with you. They themselves can't resist such harm."

Under the leadership of Alice, the two went out to sea and moved forward fast on the sea. I don't know how long there was a roar of thunder from a distance, and the sky in the distance was already gloomy.

When he got closer, Qi Ling looked at the purple thunder light, like a giant snake, shooting from the thundercloud in the air directly above the sea, bursting out with amazing power, just looking at it from a distance, it has already caused People are frightened.

"...Alice, are you sure if I hold this key, these thunders won't hurt me?" Qi Ling couldn't help but confirm again. The momentum of these demon thunders in front of him is too terrifying, I'm afraid I only need it. One, he will be wiped out in an instant, and cease to exist.

"An Xin, An Xin, this is not what I said, but the former Demon God, Lord Gorefiend!" Alice laughed, "Since you are the reincarnation of Lord Gorefiend, you will never pit yourself. Are you yourself?"

"..." Qi Ling couldn't help feeling very suspicious after hearing Alice's words.

But now, I have no other better way, I can only pray that the blood demon will be more reliable this time.

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