Douluo Godly Choice System

Chapter 1123: Icarus

Standing in front of this person and me, Qi Ling still had to sigh. If it weren’t for her pure whiteness, but just a statue, Qi Ling would definitely be amazed. How could there be such a person in the world, it’s simply too perfect. Any shortcomings.

Regardless of appearance or figure, the statue in front of you is completely in line with anyone's aesthetics, especially the full size of the chest, I am afraid that 99% of the women in the world will be embarrassed.

But if it's just that, this thing is just a perfect work of art, and it's not worthy of the Dragon God and Gorefiend to be proud of.

The reason they are truly proud is that this thing was created by them, and it is not a dead thing!

Yes, although I can't feel any breath of life, this thing in front of me is a living being! It just hasn't been activated yet.

To create life from nothing, this is indeed something that only God can do, and even for God, it is impossible for a life to appear out of thin air. This is already a violation of the laws of the world.

It's just that even the laws of the world can limit the existence of blood demons? Obviously it can't. The purpose of this guy's existence is simply to break all the rules in the world.

So after possessing this kind of power and mastering part of the world law, the blood demons couldn't stand this temptation at all, so they created this magical existence in front of them.

It's just that, as the blood demon said, the laws of the world he mastered were only a very passive part, so he encountered a bottleneck not long after his actions began.

After thinking hard and no results, the blood demon reluctantly thought of asking for help from the Dragon God, after all, that guy had just lied to himself, this time is the best time to ask him for favor!

So at this time, the blood demon swaggered to find the Dragon God and asked for help from the Dragon God. At the same time, with a trace of pride, he showed his half-completed work to the Dragon God.

After the Dragon God learned of this, he was naturally surprised, because he deeply knew that doing so was against the laws of the world. It can be said that the blood demon had already committed a big mistake at this time.

However, the Dragon God also knew that the blood demons would not care about these, and it was too late to stop him at this time, because although it is not very complete, there are even many logical and legal errors, but the immediate This existence, from the most basic criteria, can already be regarded as a life.

Since I was facing a life, no matter what the chance of her birth was, I had no reason to destroy her, and coupled with the persuasion that the blood demon could not hold back, the Dragon God had no choice but to help the blood demon perfect this life. .

After the completion, although he has never said to the blood demon, in the heart of the dragon god, he is actually very proud of this work, but violating the law is violating the law. This is the first and last cooperation between him and the blood demon. once.

After perceiving the complex origins of this existence, Qi Ling did not hesitate too much, so he decided to activate it and give it life by himself!

This is also the intention of the blood demon's arrangement, because this existence itself actually has a very powerful power. After being activated by Qi Ling, it will automatically recognize Qi Ling as the master, which can be regarded as a means of protection for Qi Ling.

So Qi Ling stretched out his finger, pierced a little on the fingertip, and squeezed out the blood. Now Qi Ling's blood is the demon blood that has been completely transformed by the blood demon, and the only special blood in the world is the key to activating the doll in front of him.

Then Qi Ling pressed his finger on the doll’s forehead, and the moment his blood came into contact with this person, it was as if she had been electrified in an instant, a special force was present. Her body is activated.

At the same time, starting from the doll's forehead, at the point where Qi Ling touched, then the skin that was originally white as plaster gradually became **** and became the skin of normal humans.

It's hard to tell what kind of shocking feeling this is. Right in front of me, a puppet without any breath of life has turned into a living human being, which is really too dreamy.

"Sure enough, this is indeed something that only gods can do." Qi Ling couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

After this magical power spread all over the body of the woman in front of her, she seemed to wake up from a long sleep, her eyes gradually focused on Qi Ling, and she looked at Qi Ling with a look of doubt.

"Um...Hello, my name is Qi Ling, what is your name?" Qi Ling asked helplessly. He couldn't figure out for a while, what should I say to this person.

Fortunately, the woman in front of her could finally understand what Qi Ling said, and slowly opened her mouth and said, "Ica...Loss."

After learning the other party's name, Qi Ling tried to ask her some questions, but they didn't get a definite answer. Icarus was shaking his head more often.

In desperation, Qi Ling had to use the second ability that could be used against Icarus from the memory of the Gorefiend, that is, under the control of Qi Ling’s divine consciousness, Icarus gradually became a delicate one. Qi Ling put away his chess pieces.

The main reason for this is that Icarus herself consumes a lot of power, and her absorption rate of power is too slow.

As a result, Icarus consumes too much power, and when he reaches a certain level, he will even consume his own life force! And when her life force was exhausted, Icarus could only change back to the lifeless existence.

But while maintaining the shape of the chess piece, Icarus will not consume any energy, and at the same time the rate of absorbing energy will be greatly accelerated, which is an important means to maintain her life activity.

At the same time, another important reason is that Qi Ling didn't know how to deal with such a completely different life form. Perhaps he would have an answer after he learned more about her.

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