Douluo Godly Choice System

Chapter 1127: , Devil and God Realm XinShuHaiGE.CoM

Originally, Qi Ling planned to find Tang San, or Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue first, because by now, they should have become gods, maybe they have already gone to the gods.

After all, even after becoming a god, it is necessary to condense the ring of gods to obtain the qualifications to go to the **** realm, but several people are talented people, even in such a short period of time, it is very likely that they have reached such a level. Realm of strength.

Regarding this point, at least according to Qi Ling's current understanding, the conditions for going to the God Realm and going to the Devil Realm are different.

If you want to go to the God Realm, you must first obtain the position of God. This is the most basic qualification for the test, but if you are a person living in the God Realm, you don’t need such a qualification.

After all, people in the realm of the gods will also have children, and in the realm of gods, besides the gods, there are also ordinary people like priests. Although the number is not large, they cannot be compared with other worlds. But at least enough to support the normal operation of the God Realm.

As for the Demon Realm, if you want to go to the Demon Realm, you must first use various methods to achieve your strength above level 99, or reach the limit of this world, enough to attract the attention of people in the Demon Realm.

At this time, after you attract the attention of the demon world, someone will send you an invitation, commonly known as "the whispers of the devil", which is equivalent to an invitation to enter the demon world.

And after getting such an invitation, you will be qualified to enter the demon world, which is the easiest way to enter the demon world.

Naturally, in addition to this method, there are many other ways to enter the demon world, but they are relatively difficult. The Demon Realm is a more tolerant and broader world than the God Realm, so the number of people living in it is also larger.

There are many people in the Demon Realm who can have the qualifications for invitation. Although there are differences in time and quantity, the stronger the person, the fewer restrictions, but it is enough to protect the demographic needs of the Demon Realm.

It can be said that the two places of the Demon Realm and the God Realm are gathered by the most elite talents in these thousands of worlds. It is exactly the same. Only these two interdependent worlds have enough power to maintain these thousands of worlds. The stability of the world.

Qi Ling didn't know what kind of existence he had in the God Realm, but at least he knew that, representing the interests of all God Beasts, he would definitely struggle in the God Realm, and even receive a merciless blow.

So even if Tang San and the others went to the God Realm, Qi Ling would not go with them. As long as he didn't go with them, then Tang San and the others would be safe and would not arouse the suspicions of the God Realm people.

As for Qi Ling himself, he will choose to continue to grow in the Demon Realm, so that his strength can reach a realm sufficient to deal with all difficulties, and then go to the God Realm. As for what he will encounter at that time, it is not something that can be thought of now. .

"Well... let's go and see where Xiao San is." Qi Ling couldn't help but said, "After all, this kid is the least worrying."

The reason why I had to look for Tang San first was because there were two gods in Tang San's body, so when Tang San broke through, it would definitely be very difficult.

The breakthrough of the **** position, because it does not need to absorb the spirit ring like a martial soul, so even if you have two **** positions, you will break through together when you break through.

It's just that when the power of the **** position is changed, the power of the **** ring will change again. The simplest expression is that the color of the **** ring will change at this time.

Therefore, in order to find Tang San, Qi Ling immediately spread his divine consciousness. After obtaining the demon **** position, Qi Ling's other powers may not have changed significantly, but his divine consciousness and spiritual power have indeed been changed. a huge change occured.

After all, the current Qi Ling is equivalent to a god. At this time in an ordinary world like Douluo Continent, under Qi Ling's deliberate actions, his own divine consciousness can already cover the entire area of ​​Douluo. Mainland now.

And after expanding his divine consciousness to the entire world, Qi Ling could search for the person he wanted to search, and Tang San's sense of existence was so obvious that it was not difficult to find him.

Sure enough, soon Qi Ling found that powerful aura in the sect of the Clear Sky School, which was where Tang San was.

At the same time, what surprised Qi Inspiration was that above the Haotian School, there were two other auras that were the same as Tang San, and even stronger.

After distinguishing, Qi Inspiration realized that the auras of these two people belonged to Gladiolus and Bena respectively, and they obtained the gods of sword **** and battle **** respectively, and they also possessed very powerful power.

Since it was possible to find three people at once, and instead of thinking about Qi Ling's affairs, Qi Ling immediately left and went to the Clear Sky School.

After so many years of changes, the Haotian School had already moved down from that high mountain, and vaguely had regained the momentum of the world's first school that year.

After all, with Tang San sitting in town, I am afraid that no one would be so confused and come here to make trouble, and even if Tang San is excluded, the presence of the two brothers Tang Hao and Tang Xiao is enough to guarantee the reputation of the Clear Sky School.

When Qi Ling was exploring, he didn't hide his aura, so Tang San and the others should have known about his return.

Because of this, when Qi Ling rushed to Clear Sky Sect, Tang San and everyone in Clear Sky Sect had already waited at the gate to welcome Qi Ling's arrival.

When Qi Ling, who was casting the clouds and driving the fog, landed from the sky to the gate of the Clear Sky School, Tang San said excitedly: "Big brother, you are finally back! One year has passed since this, and we have been waiting for you so hard. what!"

Qi Ling patted Tang San on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Hahaha, this is also impossible. The time flow of the Demon Realm and Douluo Continent are different. I haven't seen you for so long, it seems that Xiao San is making progress. Is it huge? It seems that you have completely absorbed your **** position and condensed your first **** ring?"

Tang San also smiled and said, "Yes, we have experienced a lot of things this year. That's why Nana and I were able to smoothly merge the gods and condense this first ring of gods."

Unlike Qi Ling’s situation, Tang San’s body was unable to bear two gods, so Hu Lina and Tang San had to share the power of the **** Shura, but this indirectly also allowed Hu Lina to gain god-level power. With the gods.

"If it weren't for your big brother, Nana and I should have gone to the God Realm a long time ago." Tang San said, "After all, after obtaining the ring of the gods, I also began to feel that I seemed to have been swayed by this world. Repulsion, we must leave as soon as possible."

After listening to Tang San's words, Qi Ling couldn't help but patted Tang San on the shoulder with relief. At this moment, Bena suddenly rushed out and said, "There is me, Qi Ling! What if I and sword orchid Not to wait for your words, we have already gone to the God Realm!"

"During this period of time, it has made me boring, and I have to be at a loss if I want to fight with others. I am afraid that if one is not careful, the world will collapse. It is really boring!"

"Fortunately, you are back now, let's go, Qi Ling, let's find a place quickly and start a fight! Or let you see my progress during this time."

Seeing Bena, who was not tall and had a strong fighting spirit, Qi Ling couldn't help feeling a bit of helplessness. This girl was really enjoying the battle, and she had already been surprised.

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