Douluo Godly Choice System

Chapter 1152: , The meteor burst xinShuHaiGe.CoM

Facing the two people who had destroyed all his efforts, the ghost king was naturally furious at this time, and said in a harsh tone: "You two, don't think that you can retreat after doing this kind of thing! I will let you know, What is truly cruel!"

"Hmph, this old monster, it seems that he doesn't intend to let us go!" Qi Ling said with a cold snort, "Yes, we have ruined his plan so big, he must eat us raw!"

While Bibi Dong looked at the smaller and smaller portal, Qi Ling said: "Brother, we must act as soon as possible, otherwise we will wait until the flash portal is closed, but there will be no chance!"

"You are very good, I will now assist you with all my strength, improve your ability, so that you can escape from here! Wait until you are safe, and then find a way to save me, do not try to be strong, do you understand? !"

Looking at Bibi Dong's serious expression, Qi Ling knew that her will was very firm and she couldn't refute it, and indeed, facing such a powerful enemy, this was the only way for the two of them to escape from here.

But in this way, it undoubtedly means that he must keep Bibi Dong here. Only Qi Ling can escape from here. It is precisely because he knows that Qi Ling will not do this, Bibi Dong deliberately told Qi Ling like this.

And Qi Ling looked at Bibi Dong's firm eyes, and after a little thought, he said: "Okay, sister, I know, since only one of us can go back, then we can only do this."

After getting Qi Ling's affirmative reply, Bibi Dong didn't have time to think about it, and immediately began to gather his strength. The brilliant moonlight shone on Qi Ling's body, as if he had been coated with a silver armor.

Facing the five ghost generals and the obstacles of the ghost king, Qi Ling had to make a desperate move and release all his power at once to hope to break through such a blockade.

At the same time, Qi Ling not only needs a brand new breakthrough in strength, but more importantly, Qi Ling also needs a brand new breakthrough in his own abilities, using new abilities that can break through their encirclement.

And after feeling Qi Ling's power had an astonishing increase, the ghost king also frowned. Although this power did not pose a threat to himself, it was enough for him to escape.

So the ghost king stopped delaying, and immediately stretched out his big hand and grabbed it towards Qi Ling. Although it was only a hand, it seemed to have become an existence covering the sky and sun in Qi Ling’s feelings. Can't avoid it.

Obviously, the Ghost King used a certain power that Qi Ling couldn't understand at this time. This power made the Ghost King just stretch out his hand to form an enchantment-like existence, trapping Qi Ling inside.

Qi Ling wanted to escape now, so naturally he could only choose to break through this barrier! So Qi Ling gathered the power of his whole body, and on his body, the silver-white moonlight became more and more powerful.

"Meteor burst!"

In an instant, Qi Ling completely exploded the three powers of Dragon God, Demon God, and Moon God in his body at this time. The whole person seemed to be transformed into a meteor, using his trident as a breakthrough point towards the portal. The direction rushed over.

In the air, Qi Ling's figure collided with the ghost king's enchantment, and there was a strong shock. After a moment of stalemate, the ghost king's enchantment was like invisible glass, shattered into countless pieces in the air.

The five ghost generals present did not expect that Qi Ling could actually break through the ghost king's barrier and successfully break out from such a place, so that he was stunned for a while without any action.

Only Bibi Dong, looking at Qi Ling's rapid departure, couldn't help but feel a trace of comfort. She believed that as long as Qi Ling could go back, she would definitely be able to go back as well.

Seeing Qi Ling's figure, he approached the portal entrance almost in an instant, and was about to pass through the last gap of the portal to get on the last train.

But at this moment, Qi Ling turned his body, smiled, and then the power on his body was activated again, but this time he used another skill of his own: Transformation!

As for the target Qi Ling changed, it was naturally Bibi Dong in the distance! And because he had just smashed the ghost king's barrier, there was no obstacle between the two, and the figures of Bibi Dong and Qi Ling were immediately exchanged when the skills were activated.

Bibi Dong, who suddenly appeared at the entrance of the portal, naturally felt very confused and didn't understand what was going on. But then she saw Qi Ling in the distance. He appeared at the location where she was just now, and she understood in an instant. everything.

From the beginning, Qi Ling did not intend to escape by himself, and the reason why he would agree to his request was just to take advantage of the trend and send himself back.

Since only one of the two can go back, Qi Ling will naturally choose to let Bibi Dong go back!

This is the decision made by Qi Ling after careful consideration. After all, no matter from which direction, he is Bibi Dong, more hopeful to survive in this world, and more hopeful to return to the world of Douluo Continent. .

After knowing Qi Ling's plan, Bibi Dong was about to return immediately, even if she died, she would die with Qi Ling.

But obviously, Qi Ling had long thought that Bibi Dong would do this, and the reason why Bibi Dong had been concealed just now was because he was worried that Bibi Dong would not go back by himself.

So now, even though the positions of the two of them have been changed, the power wrapped around Bibi Dong’s body still maintains a huge inertia, and because she is already very close to the portal, there is no time to react at all. Has entered the portal.

It was at this moment that the entrance to the portal was finally slowly closed, which also marked that this time the Ghost Race's invasion of the Douluo Continent World had ended in failure.

However, at the same time, the ghost clan can’t be said to have no gain at all. After all, there is still a man left in this world at this time, and from a certain perspective, this gain is not even worse than the harvest of the whole world.

That is to say, after reacting to what Qi Ling did, the five ghost generals suddenly became angry, raised the weapons in their hands, roared loudly, and were about to rush towards Qi Ling again.

And Qi Ling has exhausted his strength at this time to break through the barrier of the ghost king just now, so looking at the enemies with teeth and claws in front of him, he can only smile bitterly, but then he clenched the demon halberd in his hand, full of spirits. Said: "Come on, you monsters, ghosts and monsters, if you want my life, it depends on whether you have this ability!"

A ghost general roared and was about to rush forward and fight Qi Ling. After all, Qi Ling, who was exhausted at this time, was too easy to deal with in their opinion.

Looking at the enemy rushing towards him, Qi Ling let out a sneer, letting the enemy's weapon penetrate into his body.

And just when the ghost general thought his attack was successful, he saw Qi Ling grabbing his weapon in one hand to prevent him from breaking free, and then a black flame spread from Qi Ling’s wound. In an instant, he followed this weapon and burned onto the ghost general.

At the beginning, the ghost general didn't care, it was just a flame, and it didn't cause any harm to them at all.

But then a burst of intense pain caused the ghost to wake up completely. This is not an ordinary flame. It can not only burn itself, cause harm to itself, and even cannot extinguish it. If this continues, you will even be burned out. .

The ghost yelled in horror, let go of his weapon, and then actually fell from the air into the group of little ghosts.

Immediately afterwards, the black flame spread quickly like a plague, and the little ghost ignited by it could not bear the kind of pain on his body, and began to run around, but it further expanded the burning of this flame. Speed ​​and range.

When the other four ghosts saw this situation, they were all shocked, but fortunately they were not the first to rush forward. I didn't expect Qi Ling to have the power to make such an attack at this time.

And the extremely tall ghost king frowned at this time, looking at the uncontrollable black flame that seemed to be spreading, stretched out his big hand, and took it with a volley.

In an instant, a huge and incomparable palm print appeared in that place, and all the little ghosts burning with black fire and the ghost general were photographed together under his hand prints.

After the ghost king raised his hand, a huge palm-shaped deep pit was formed there. All the little ghosts in the pit, as well as the ghost general, became a puddle of mud, but at the same time, Qi Ling The black inflammation was also extinguished.

For such a result, Qi Ling only lamented the ruthlessness of the ghost king's shots. Sure enough, his own clan was just a piece of chess for him to use at will, not even a life.

And Qi Ling was not surprised that his black inflammation would be extinguished so easily, after all, for the existence of this level, the black inflammation based on his own power is indeed far from enough.

This time, the four ghost generals didn't dare to take a shot easily anymore to deal with Qi Ling, because they didn't know whether it was Qi Ling or themselves that fell after their shot.

If only facing these ghost generals, Qi Ling would not be afraid at all, but unfortunately, it was the ghost king who really threatened Qi Ling.

Then, seeing his subordinates dare not step forward, the ghost king couldn't help but let out a cold snort of dissatisfaction. This is really surprising. The ghost clan who has always been not afraid of death will be overwhelmed by Qi Ling's momentum. Man, the strength is really amazing.

In order to prevent accidents from happening again, the ghost king plans to do it himself, not giving Qi Ling any chance.

Seeing that big hand, carrying an astonishing power, shot at himself, this time, Qi Ling really had nothing to do. He couldn't hide or escape, he could only hold on.

After a loud noise, Qi Ling was photographed from the air to the ground like a cannonball, hitting countless little ghosts, and after hitting a large hole, he was deeply buried under the ground.

"Dug him out and take away." Ghost King said slowly at this time.

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