Douluo Godly Choice System

Chapter 1159: , Changes in salsa

"Ah, really, it's weird, where did my clothes go?" Sasha seemed to finally resume her normal thinking at this time, covering the vital parts of her body with her hands, and starting to look around.

And soon, she found clothing that seemed to have been burned to ashes nearby. Although she didn't know why this happened, Qi Ling guessed that it should be that Sasha was affected to a certain extent when her bloodline awakened, and her body was released. Caused by a lot of energy.

Fortunately, this is Sa Sa's room, and there are always spare clothes, but Sa Sa soon discovered another problem that bothered her: the clothes model seemed to be inappropriate.

"It's weird, these clothes were worn well a few days ago, why are they smaller today?" Sasha tried to put on a coat, but the button on her chest couldn't be buttoned up anyway.

Qi Ling wanted to vomit at this time. It's not that the clothes have become smaller, but that you have become bigger.

After finally tossing a piece of clothing for a long time, leaving enough space in front of her chest, Sasha finally put on her own clothes, and then looked at her body, Qi Ling said: "It seems, it's a bit different! Could it be that my bloodline awakening finally succeeded?"

Qi Ling also said at this time: "I think, it should be, at least the power you exude now is indeed not comparable to that before, and it is even higher than that of Modoro."

"Hey? I really have become so powerful, it's unbelievable." Sasha said happily, "Qi Ling, this is all your credit, thank you!"

"And I also want to thank you for not letting me lose my instinct, and for not letting my instincts overwhelm my sanity. I think if it weren't for you, I wouldn't be able to do this myself."

"It's just a matter of effort. You haven't eaten me. It's already the greatest reward for me." Qi Ling couldn't help but said, "But you still think about how to tell your father, after all, he wants you to eat me. of."

"There is nothing else to say, since my bloodline has been awakened, naturally I don't need to do this anymore." Sasha said naturally.

"Well, although your statement like this is indeed quite normal, have you ever thought, since you no longer need me, will your father continue to implement the original plan and let others eat me? ?" Qi Ling said helplessly.

"After all, judging from your bloodline awakening level, your father's reasoning is correct, then I can be the equivalent of Dabu medicine. I don't think your father will let me go."

"How can this work, I will never let other people eat you, Qi Ling!" Sasha said affirmatively, "Go, let's go find my father now!"

So Sha Sha took Qi Ling and walked out of her room. This time, Sha Sha did not avoid people's eyes and eyes, but took Qi Ling all the way to the hall from the road.

On the way, the two met many nobles, many of them ghosts. But no matter who it is, the first time she sees Sasha, she will be attracted to her, as if lost in a daze.

And Sasha looked at these silly ghost people, and said very strangely: "Strange, what happened to these guys, why are they staring at me in a daze? This kind of thing has never happened before. "

And Qi Ling, who was following behind Sasha, said helplessly: "Who knows, maybe everyone hasn't rested well, so we are all distracted."

The two came to the main hall, but they happened to meet Modoro who came out of it. After a moment of stunned, he stayed there, staring straight at Sasa, as if he was out of his body. .

"Hey, Modoro, don't stand in front of me, I still have to find my father." Sasha said helplessly.

"Ah, oh, sorry, I didn't pay attention..." Modoro blushed and hurriedly stepped aside, but then said in surprise, "You, are you Salsa?"

"Of course it's me, you guys, what's going on! One by one, they don't seem to know me anymore." Sasha said helplessly.

"Ah, nothing, but Sasha, why did you suddenly become like this? It's surprising," Modoro said.

Sasha quietly glanced at Qi Ling behind her, and then pretended not to care, and said, "It's nothing, after sleeping yesterday, I became like this. Okay, I won't tell you anymore, I have to go. See my father."

Afterwards, Sha Sha and Qi Ling walked into the hall of the ghost tribe together. Several members of the ghost tribe were reporting things to the ghost king, but Sasha anxiously told the ghost king about her affairs, so she directly said: "Father, I am here. Do you see any changes in me?"

The changes in Sa Sa can be seen as long as they have eyes. The King of Ghosts was also shocked by this. He hurriedly pushed down everyone around him, then came to Sa Sa and said happily: "Oh? Sa Sa, since you have become With this appearance, could it be said that your blood has been awakened? It seems that the person is really useful, but fortunately you ate him..."

Halfway through the words of the King of Ghosts, when he saw Qi Ling behind Sasha, he couldn't help but feel puzzled, and said, "What's going on, Sasha? Did you eat him again? How did you awaken your blood?"

"Ah? I... Of course I ate it, but people have a small appetite, so I can't finish it all at once." Sasha said with an excuse.

"Small appetite? But even so, I didn't see any scars on his body?" asked suspiciously.

"Oh, father, don't care about so much. My blood is already awakened anyway. What do you care about so much?" Sa Sha said, "You have already rewarded Qi Ling to me, but you can't do it anymore. I regret it!"

"Ah, this..." Without waiting for the Ghost King to speak, Sasha had already pulled Qi Ling and left here again. She had already made up her mind, no matter what, she had to protect Qi Ling.

And just after the two left, the ghost people walked in again, and even Modoro, who had already left, returned again. Everyone looked curious, obviously wanting to know what happened to Sasha. Variety.

"Don't worry, everyone, Sasha just awakened her own bloodline, there is nothing unusual." Ghost King said, "This is a good thing for my clan, and we are even more hopeful."

But at the same time, what worries Qi Ling and Sa Sa did happen, and the ghost king began to calculate in his heart: Since this Qi Ling can exert such a magical effect, and Sa Sa does not seem to need to eat Qi Ling. , Then does it mean that you can use Qi Ling to make your own people stronger?

Although it seems that from Sasha's appearance, she doesn't really want to hand over Qi Ling, but as the ghost king, she still has to consider the whole family. It seems that we still have to find a way to get Qi Ling back from Sasha's hands.

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