Douluo Godly Choice System

Chapter 1169: , The way to become a ghost clan XINshuHAiGe.CoM

After returning to Sasha's own room, Sasha opened the scroll that the Ghost King gave her and read it carefully. Qi Ling sat aside, not in a hurry, and just waited quietly.

Regarding the ghost king’s plan to become a ghost clan, Qi Ling did not feel any resistance, because in Qi Ling’s view, this was just an acceptance of power, and his acceptance of the Dragon Emperor, the Blood Demon Emperor. The power is no different.

And more importantly, today Qi Ling possesses two powers, **** and devil, so he also wants to know what kind of method the ghost king plans to use to make himself a ghost and possess this power. .

Start with the soul? It was impossible. The dragon soul he had was the most powerful soul in the world. It was immortal and inviolable, so Qi Ling didn't feel that there was any power that could change his soul.

Start with blood? That's impossible, because the demonic blood in one's body, I dare not say anything else, tolerance is absolutely rare in the world, and the projects that try to work on one's blood will eventually be transformed by the demonic blood and become Qi Ling. a part of.

As for the other bones, flesh, internal organs, etc., they are also protected by these two, so even if Qi Ling is dead, the ghost clan cannot change Qi Ling. What is the method recorded in this scroll? Will it have an effect?

And Sasha, who was looking at the scroll, suddenly turned red when she looked at it, making Qi Ling couldn't help but feel curiosity. What did she see that would make her feel ashamed?

"Sasha, what's the matter, is this method so difficult to understand?" Qi Ling couldn't help but curiously asked, "If you don't show me, I have some insights about these things."

"No, no! You are not allowed to watch it!" Seeing Qi Ling approaching, Sa Sha hurriedly took the scroll aside, then her face became even more blushing and said, "I...I, I, I..... .You can't watch it, Qi Ling! You can't watch it!"

"Why? The ghost king said that this thing is not top secret? Why can't it be shown to me?" Qi Ling couldn't help but curiously asked, "Moreover, this thing should act on me, right? I think I should have the right to know. ?"

"Anyway, I said I don't want to watch, just don't watch!" Sasha said firmly, "I...I already know how to do it, so I don't need you to help me, just let me come! "

Seeing that Sasha insisted, Qi Ling couldn't object, so he said, "Well, in that case, what should I do now?"

"Today and today are too late! Let's take a break and get ready to start tomorrow!" Sasha said, returning to her bed, ready to go to bed.

Although Qi Ling felt helpless at this time, he had no choice but to do so. He went to a bed in another room. These days, he was resting here. After all, no one would think much about a human being.

On the night of this day, after Qi Ling fell asleep, he was suddenly awakened by a very slight sound. Then Qi Ling continued to pretend to sleep with his eyes closed quietly, because this sound was exactly what Shasha had done. Sent out.

At this time, after Sasha got off her bed, she walked out and came to Qi Ling's room, and walked to Qi Ling's bed with her feet, quietly looking at Qi Ling.

Just when Qi Ling didn't know what the girl was going to do, he saw Sasha pouting and muttering in a low voice: "It's too much, I didn't expect that this method is actually like this! Father, what does he want to do! "

"Forget it, anyway, there is no other way, you can only do this. Although you have taught me a lot, but this time, I am bleeding a lot and you are making a lot of money!"

Later, in Qi Ling's doubts, I saw Sasha posing in a very strange posture, pushing her hands from her lower abdomen to her neck, as if she was using some exercise.

After that, Sasha lowered her head and kissed Qi Ling's mouth.

At this time, Qi Ling was also confused. What happened to this girl who didn't sleep in the middle of the night and came to kiss herself? If you want to kiss, you can kiss during the day, I can let you kiss enough.

However, Qi Ling immediately felt that there seemed to be a certain power from Sha Sha's body, which was transitioning into Qi Ling's body through Sha Sha's mouth! So Qi Ling immediately understood that what Sasha was doing now might be helping herself become a ghost.

No wonder this girl feels so embarrassed. It turns out that this method is needed to make Qi Ling a ghost clan, which is indeed unexpected.

And what surprised Qi Ling was that Qi Ling could feel the power that entered his body from Sasha's body, it was a breath!

After this breath entered Qi Ling's body, it immediately circulated Qi Ling's limbs and corpses, and merged into every corner of Qi Ling's body. After all, air, a ubiquitous thing, was originally necessary for humans to capture. Into something.

After finishing all these tasks, Sasha blushed and raised her head, looking at Qi Ling's face and said, "Damn it, this is the first kiss! You guy, it's cheaper for you!"

"This is what you said to make people become a ghost?" Qi Ling couldn't help it anymore, so he opened his eyes and said to Sasha in front of him.

Seeing Qi Ling waking up suddenly, Sa Sa called out in surprise, and subconsciously said: "You, why did you wake up! When did you wake up?"

"I was awake from the beginning." Qi Ling said helplessly, "After all, I sleep very shallowly."

"Well, don't patronize yourself, I am embarrassed. I already know why you don't want to let me know what is the way to become a ghost clan." Qi Ling said at this time, "I want to know, so Simply, can I become a ghost?"

"Of course, who do you think I am!" Sasha said proudly at this time, "I am the princess of the ghost race, of course I can do things that others can't do!"

"Oh. So, there should be other ways to become a ghost?" Qi Ling couldn't help but reason, "Then why did you choose this... so surprising way?"

"I...I..." Sasha couldn't think of what to say for a while, so she blushed and said, "Yes, I want you to take care of it! Of course it's because this method is the easiest and the easiest!"

Then Qi Ling also learned that the way to make himself a ghost is not what he guessed before, but a simpler and most easily overlooked thing-breath!

The most important thing and the biggest feature of the ghost race is actually the aura in their body, which is also the fundamental condition for them to be a ghost race. This is also the reason why after going to a world, the ghosts must erode the environment there, otherwise they will not be able to adapt.

And now, by injecting her ghost energy into Qi Ling’s body, Sa Sha can make Qi Ling a ghost tribe smoothly, and because her blood is more pure, this thing is also done. It's even more handy.

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