Douluo Godly Choice System

Chapter 1196: , The next assessment XINshuHAiGe.CoM

Although there was already a suspicion in his mind, Qi Ling still felt an incredible experience when he heard Elisa say that she was really an elven clan at this time.

And then, Alyssa explained the content of the assessment to the four people. What Xiao Wu would do next was to go to the Fairy Forest with Alyssa to help her save the elves.

"Save the elves? What problems have you encountered, will you have such a big trouble?" Qi Ling couldn't help but curiously asked.

Elisa said bluntly: "In fact, we have already encountered this problem, but there has been no solution. Until now, this problem has almost threatened the survival of our race."

"In fact, our elves originally had only one race, which was the purest natural elves. The legends that have existed are basically about us."

"But I don't know since when, a kind of dark elves appeared, attacking us for no reason. And unlike our natural elves from the forest, these dark elves seem to come from underground."

"In the beginning, because the other party was also an elf clan after all, we couldn't bear to hurt the killer and resorted to gentler methods. However, these dark elves seem to have been aiming only at taking human lives and would not be merciful at all."

"So under such circumstances, the struggle between us has become more and more intense, and gradually, the scale has become larger and larger, and it has become an all-out war between the two races."

When Qi Ling heard this, he couldn't help but said: "In this case, you said that this war has threatened the survival of your race, so you are at a disadvantage in the war?"

Alyssa nodded and said, "That's it. Dark elves are generally stronger than us in combat, but if it's only like this, we won't be afraid of them, relying on the shelter of the forest."

"But never know when, these dark elves seem to have found other allies, and their strength has become stronger and stronger. Facing their united lineup, we have no power to stop us. Now we have been forced to return to the top of the fairy forest. center."

"Once the elven forest is completely lost, the last hope of the elves will be shattered. I am afraid that at that time, it will be time for our elves to disappear from the world."

Qi Ling couldn't help but touched his chin and said, "Since the other party can pull allies, haven't you thought of this method? Or, you can't find other allies at all?"

After hearing what Qi Ling said, Alyssa blushed infrequently, and said: "We... our elves, our personalities are really not easy to get along with, and we hold an attitude of contempt for other races. ."

"Even many people in the clan believe that the elves are the most noble race, and no one is worthy of ally with us, so we have always been fighting alone, and we have no allies at all."

Qi Ling couldn't help shrugging his shoulders helplessly. Since Eresa could say such self-criticism, it showed that Eresa was a relatively easy person to get along with among the elves.

But even so, Qi Ling felt that a natural sense of pride exuded from her body and mind from the time she saw Eliza, which could almost retreat to thousands of miles away.

So it is not difficult to imagine that it is really difficult for a race like this to make allies. After all, pride will blind them and lose sight of the reality in front of them.

"That's it, I'll take the liberty to ask." Qi Ling couldn't help but said, "You seem to be responsible for doing this. Have you ever regretted it?"

Qi Ling’s question can be said to be quite sharp, and Elisa lowered her head and thought for a while and said: "I also think that the situation of the elves needs to be changed, but my people have deep-rooted thoughts. It’s not so easy to persuade."

The forest goddess on the side also said at this time: "Indeed, the elves are the most elegant and beautiful natural races, but they are also the proudest races. Xiao Wu, if you want to pass this test, you must first face it. Such a problem."

"Because your assessment content is not only to help the elves overcome the genocide, but also a very important one is that you have to get the approval of the elves and get the luck of the elves."

The forest goddess said that the so-called spirit of the elves are actually the same as Qi Ling's current situation, because Qi Ling is now the heir of the dragon god, and he is responsible for the luck of the dragon.

The elves have been the race closest to the forest since ancient times, and it can be said that they are the closest race to the forest goddess. Therefore, to become a forest goddess, a very necessary condition is to be able to obtain and afford the luck of the elves.

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