Douluo Godly Choice System

Chapter 1202: , The war ended XinShuHaiGE.CoM

Just when Qi Ling was worried about this, suddenly, he thought of a voice in his mind: "Wait for the two of them to attack you, don't resist, just let their attack hit you, I have a way Able to repel them."

Qi Ling recognized that this voice belonged to the voice of the high priest of the elven race. Obviously, the high priest was communicating secretly with himself through a special sound transmission method at this time, so as not to be in front of him. The two found out.

But can you choose to believe what the high priest said? Letting the opponent's attack fall on oneself is tantamount to surrendering his life to the high priest. Is this woman who met for the first time really worthy of trust?

After thinking for a while, Qi Ling immediately made a decision, intending to accept the high priest's suggestion.

This is not because of how Qi Ling believes in the opponent, but simply because even if he bears the opponent's attack, he will be defeated at best, but the elves will face the disaster of extermination. Metaphor.

So Qi Ling bluffed and made an attacking posture, but he was always paying attention to the attacks of the Goblin King and the Dwarf King, and after a false move, both of them hit him at the same time.

Just when the two attacks hit his body, the powerful impact made Qi Ling spit out a mouthful of blood, but at the same time, a green light burst out from Qi Ling's body, and formed He lost something like a tree branch, trapping the Goblin King and the Dwarf King.

The two of them looked at this strange green light, and couldn't help being stunned. Then they saw the great sacrifice of the elves in the distance, because this light was transmitted by the great sacrifice.

As the most powerful magician of the elves, the high priest's ability is beyond doubt, so he was able to persist for such a long time under the siege of three people.

And now after a long enough preparation, the high priest immediately trapped the two of them, once again proving her own strength.

But even so, using the two as opponents at the same time is still too difficult for the high priest, not to mention that she has been injured before and is not in a complete state.

The Goblin King and the Dwarf King also knew this well, and immediately burst out of their own power, wanting to break free from the shackles of the green light, and under the action of the two of them, the green light also had a vague tendency to collapse.

Seeing that the situation will change, but at this moment, a small accident brought the situation back again.

The green light that bound the two of them could actually be regarded as stretching out from Qi Ling, but the source of these light was the high priest.

But at this moment, the blood that Qi Ling spit out dripped on the green light, which suddenly became brilliant, suppressing the Goblin King and Dwarf King in front of him.

At the same time, the green light formed a branch-like existence. There were countless tiny forks, which pierced into the skin of the two of them. If they can't break free as quickly as possible, their strength will be lost quickly and eventually they will lose everything. the power of.

Although Qi Ling wanted to say that it seemed that the fighters and the assassins could not beat the fighters and the wizards, but now he is not feeling much better.

And when the two sides were in a stalemate, there was a noise on the periphery of the coalition army. It seemed that someone had attacked from the outside, which caused their military mentality to be unstable and formed a trend of defeat.

The sudden change caught both the Goblin King and the Dwarf King by surprise, but there was no way to break free and stabilize their own people's military spirit.

It can be said that all the current situation is developing in a good direction. If this continues, perhaps Qi Ling and the others will be able to win the war.

But at this moment, from the depths of the forest, a spear that spun forward suddenly flew over, cutting off the green light that bound the two people with great precision, allowing the Goblin King and the Dwarf King to regain their freedom.

At this moment, both parties did not have enough reaction, and each stepped back a few steps, looking in the direction where the spear flew.

After the spear revolved to achieve its goal, it returned to the direction it came from, and finally fell into the hands of a knight riding a black horse.

This person was covered in silver-white armor, with only his eyes exposed outside, his body exuding a powerful aura, obviously possessing extremely high strength.

As Qi Ling watched the knight's arrival, he felt even more bitter. He had reached his limit when he dealt with the Goblin King and the Dwarf King. If he added a dark knight of unknown origin, I am afraid he would have to explain. Here it is.

But what is surprising is that after the Dark Knight came here, he gave orders to retreat to the Goblin King and the Dwarf King.

"What? Retreat? Why are we retreating?" The Goblin King said unwillingly, "Now we have achieved such results, and we only need to add more strength to win the final victory! Now retreating, isn't it a waste of our previous achievements? ?"

The Dark Knight looked at the Goblin King and said coldly: "If you killed that woman just now, we will naturally have a chance to achieve the goal today. But unfortunately, you have already failed, so we also lost such an opportunity."

The Goblin King refused to admit defeat and said, "What is the reason? She is just a woman. We will be able to kill her later, and then destroy the entire elves!"

The Dark Knight sneered and said, "Hmph, you two idiots, you think, as the high priest, why should she take a personal risk and keep you here?"

The goblin king and the dwarf king were speechless. Indeed, in the previous battles, the high priest of the elven tribe had never done so personally, because this was simply not a suitable way of fighting for her.

Originally, the two people thought that the high priest was just driven to a desperate situation, so they had to go to the battle himself, in order to be able to resist them for a while.

But now it seems that there are other things they don't know about?

At this moment, the high priest suddenly stepped forward and said: "It's a pity that you did not expect to be discovered by you. It is obvious that I will be able to kill you all in a while."

And following the words of the high priest, a green barrier gradually spread out from the forest and the direction of the elves’ settlements. All enemies who came into contact with this barrier screamed and lost their actions. ability.

The goblin king and the dwarf king were shocked. Although they didn't understand what kind of abilities the high priest had, they also knew that the elves had a profound background and it was not surprising what kind of abilities they had.

So immediately, the two of them stopped hesitating, and retreated to the outside of the forest, and at the same time greeted their people to leave as soon as possible.

As for the dark elves, although they have not been hit by this green barrier, if their allies retreat, it will be useless for them to stay.

So all the enemies began to retreat from the elven forest. This time the elves once again kept their race continuity.

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