Douluo Godly Choice System

Chapter 1207: , Tit-for-tat negotiations

And looking at the triumphant cat girl with her head up, Qi Ling couldn't help but think of another cat in the demon world, Shi Luo. The characters of these two guys really have a lot of similarities.

Unexpectedly, Qi Ling looked at Feifei's ears and thought, wondering if her ears feel the same as Luna and the others?

With this thought, Qi Ling subconsciously stretched out his hand, touched Feifei's ear, and grasped between his fingers, feeling the soft touch.

"Yeah!" After being caught by Qi Ling's ears, Feifei was stunned for a moment, and then screamed, hurriedly covering her ears, hiding aside, looking at Qi Ling with a blushing face.

"You, how can you touch my ears! It's so sudden, I'm not prepared at all!" Feifei blushed and said with a frightened look.

Seeing Feifei's reaction, Qi Ling couldn't help feeling a bit bad in his heart. There can't be anything left with these orcs. Touching his ears is tantamount to the tradition of proposing marriage, right?

So Qi Ling asked cautiously: "Uh, Feifei, take the liberty to ask, does touching your ears have any special meaning in your tradition?"

Feifei blushed and said, "Of course I did. Touching the other party's ear means that I want to propose to the other party. This is the most intimate act! Me, I am still a girl with no emotional experience! You have to be responsible to me. !"

"But, if that's the case, didn't you also touch Elisa's ear just now? Why are you all right?" Qi Ling couldn't help asking, and it was precisely because of this scene that Qi Ling touched so casually Feifei's ears.

"Of course, I and Elesa are both girls, so of course there is no problem with this!" Feifei still covered her ears and said, "Of course it's okay to kiss you between girls, but men and women Between, how can this be done!"

"Huh? It seems so?" Qi Ling suddenly felt helpless. It seems that this is true. Feifei and Aresa are both girls, and of course it won't cause misunderstanding.

Qi Ling couldn't help asking again: "Then this, I propose to you, can't you refuse it? I...I'm not saying anything else, you see that we are all seeing each other for the first time, so we can't just be so anxious..."

"In our tradition, it takes three days to give a reply to the other party! It can be considered to be in these three days, check the sincerity of the other party!" Feifei said, "So, you are my fiance now! You have to be good Just take responsibility!"

Qi Ling couldn't help feeling that he was one of the first two big people. He ran here and didn't do anything. Why did he become a fiancé first? This is too magical!

And it's obviously the first time that the two have met. Why doesn't Feifei's current shy and timid expression look like she intends to refuse altogether? Asked her why, she just said that she was so excited to be proposed by a human for the first time.

The three of them walked for a while, and Qi Ling gradually heard a loud "booming" sound from a distance, and even the ground was beating slightly, as if an earthquake-like vibration was taking place.

Such a huge vibration can only be emitted unless it is something with a huge volume that suddenly falls on the ground, which can not help but make Qi inspiration curious. What is it that has such power?

Not long after walking, Qi Ling immediately understood what had happened. In the distance, a large group of orcs formed a circle, shouting okay, and in that circle, one head was at least tall Twenty meters above, the hand that was thirty meters in length was lifted easily by someone and fell to the ground next to him.

At the beginning, this behemoth still had the will to fight, and every time it rushed towards the man with full of fighting spirit, it looked like it was immortal, and the amazing power carried by its huge body was enough to shock anyone. .

But after it rushed in front of the person in the center, its body didn't seem to belong to it anymore, but was involved in the opponent's force field in public. The impact of the body was easily resolved, and then the whole body was also elevated. Lifted, and then fell heavily to the ground.

The heavy lifting of this hand made Qi Ling feel astonished. He originally thought that the orcs were just a group of barbarians who could only use brute force, but now it seems that they have something beyond that. I imagined it myself.

At this time, Feifei seemed to have gotten rid of the sense of shyness just now, and with a feeling of pride, Qi Ling said: "Look, there is the king of all of our orcs, and also us. The greatest pride is the patron saint of all of us, the Lion King Nana!"

"Wang Nana?" Qi Ling was taken aback, and couldn't help but said strangely, "It's really a strange name. Are you orcs taking names so casually and willfully?"

"It's the Lion King, Nana, not Wang Nana!" After hearing what Qi Ling said, Feifei couldn't help but said angrily, "She is the faith in all of our orcs, and is our only king. How can you call it wrong? Her name!"

But Qi Ling thought in his heart at this time, Wang Nana? Is this a lioness? This is really a rare thing, the leader of the orc race is actually a woman.

Afterwards, Feifei took Qi Ling and a few people, and went on to the center of the crowd of beasts, where Qi Ling finally saw the appearance of the Blackjack Beast King.

Sure enough, the appearance of the Beastmaster was completely different from Qi Ling’s imagination, and it could even be said to be quite different. Originally, Qi Ling thought that he could command an orc tribe of this size, and he also had the ambition to conquer the world. He must have a rough appearance. The whole body exudes explosive power, and the characters in the world are the ones who are looking at the world.

However, what appeared in front of Qi Ling now was a tall, model-like woman with fluffy blonde hair. Both her expression and appearance were exceptionally sunny.

It was this woman who easily blocked the incomparable behemoth with one hand, and then casually tipped over to the side, making an earthquake-like roar. After making such a move, Qi Ling But I felt that the other party clearly didn't use much power, as if it was just a random movement.

The surrounding orcs burst into violent cheers after every movement of the Beastmaster. It seems to them that whatever their king does is something worthy of universal celebration.

Even Feifei said proudly at this time: "Have you seen it? That is our king, our faith! For our orcs, there are no gods to rely on, so the Beast King is our only faith. !"

After seeing this scene, Qi Ling couldn't help but feel very emotional. When he was in the Douluo Continent World, he learned a truth from Bibi Dong and himself, that is, as a qualified king, you may not need much. Earth-shaking power, but must have the ability to make everyone believe in themselves.

When you can become the object of everyone's belief, you will naturally become their leader and be able to command everyone's will. This is the most important qualification for being a king.

"Oh -" After the lion king threw the behemoth out again, she raised her right hand and gestured to all the surrounding orcs, with a proud smile on her face.

And all the surrounding orc races did not hesitate to praise themselves at this time. They were even more happy than Wang Nana's achievements for their king.

It was at this time that the Beastmaster finally noticed Qi Ling and Elisa, and signaled that all the surrounding orc tribes would be quiet, and then walked to Qi Ling with his arms around his chest and a proud smile on his face. .

As an orc tribe, it is also a lion tribe that is very famous among the orc tribes. Wang Nana's height is very outstanding, almost close to two meters, one head taller than Qi Ling.

So after arriving in front of Qi Ling in this way, Wang Nana looked down at Qi Ling in a condescending posture, with an ulterior smile, and said to Qi Ling: "You are the messenger of that elven race. Are you here to negotiate terms with us?"

Although Qi Ling doesn't know what kind of diplomacy they like for the Orcs, Qi Ling knows one thing, no matter when, power is the only criterion for you to take the initiative.

Therefore, Qi Ling did not mean to give in, and said with a gentle smile that is neither humble nor overbearing: "Yes, respectable Beastmaster, although I am a human, I do come to negotiate with you on behalf of the elves. As for the negotiation. The content is not to help the elves as you said, but to protect all the orcs and fight an important war that affects the whole world."

In the beginning, all the orcs had a condescending attitude when Wang Nana spoke. After all, in their eyes, Qi Ling came to ask for help. Since they came to ask for help, of course they should compare Take advantage.

And it is precisely because of this advantage that they have already discussed it at the beginning. If the elves really come to them for help, they must ask for many benefits like the elves.

But after hearing what Qi Ling said, all the orcs felt confused. What does this mean? Obviously you are here to ask us for help to help your elves resist the underground coalition forces. How did it become a battle for the survival of the entire orc race?

The Lion King Nana also frowned her brows, exposed the teeth of her mouth, and said with a light smile: "Huh, don't you think that you are so alarmist, we will believe what you say! A race facing survival crisis. , There is only one race of the elves, what does this have to do with us?"

And Qi Ling couldn't help but smiled and said: "Beastmaster, since you asked me this way, then I also want to ask you a question: Even if the power of the entire orc race is exhausted, can you attack the elves in the forest of elves?"

The Lion King Nana frowned. After thinking about it for a while, she honestly said: "No! Even if we can overcome it, we will pay a very heavy price. Even after that, the orcs will disappear. Above the mainland."

Yes, although the population of the orcs is much higher than that of the elves, and the advanced warriors of the orcs are by no means inferior to these ancient and mysterious elves, but since ancient times, in their world There is a saying: Don’t provoke the elves in the forest, it is definitely not worth the loss.

With the help of the power of the forest, the elves can not get the shelter of the forest, allowing their power to increase significantly, and at the same time they get a very good recovery ability, and they can also let the forest exert a magical power to summon ancient creatures, such as trees. Jing and elemental elves, sometimes an elven clan, are themselves an army.

Therefore, there is no race that dares to fight the ancient elves in the elven forest that has lasted for thousands of years. That is basically an act of looking for death.

"Dear Beastmaster, since you already know the seriousness of this matter, then I might as well tell you one thing." Qi Ling said, "Your so-called underground coalition forces have already breached about 70% of the Elf Forest. It will soon occupy the entire elven forest."

"After achieving such a brilliant result, their strength has not been affected at all, so do you think their goal will be just an elven clan?"

After hearing what Qi Ling said, all the orcs couldn't help but start talking. Indeed, they only considered the war between the underground coalition and the elves, but did not consider what would happen after that.

But even under such circumstances, the Lion King Nana did not interrupt her thoughts by Qi Ling’s words, but bluntly said: "Even so, it is only the elves who are facing the disaster of extinction, not We orcs! If you want us to send troops to help, you must show your sincerity."

Qi Ling sneered and said, "Huh! Beastmaster, I believe that you should still understand the truth about the death of the lips and the teeth! Now this is a good opportunity, a good opportunity for the entire continent to establish good connections and unite together! "

"As a king, you should know that if you want to conquer the world, there is more than just making people surrender this plan! If you are a king who only uses violence, then with all due respect, you don’t have any Qualifications are called kings!"

After all the orc tribes heard Qi Ling's words, they couldn't help but furious, and they let out angry roars, they were about to rush forward and tear Qi Ling to pieces.

But since Wang Nana heard what Qi Ling said, she did not show any unpleasant expression, and then shouted: "Quiet!"

After the Lion King Nana yelled this sound, all the orc tribes became quiet, and no one made any movements. Obviously, the beast king held a very respectable position in their hearts.

After everyone else was quiet, Wang Nana couldn't help but laughed and said: "It's an excellent speech. I can be sure that no elves will have a clear mind like yours, let alone a precise one like you. Speak."

Elisa also nodded slightly at this time. Indeed, she had never heard such words in the elves at all. Even the greatest elven queen of the elves was only thinking about the elves. A family thing.

"But!" Wang Nana continued with a smile at this time, "But even so, what about it? Do you think we orcs are afraid of such a challenge?"

"My brave warriors, tell me, even in the face of these demons from your younger brother, even in the face of a powerful enemy you have never seen before, will you feel scared?"

"No!" "Kill them!" "Destroy all enemies!"

All the orcs, under Wang Nana’s rhetoric, burst into more intense cheers, and their emotions have reached a peak. Qi Ling has no doubts, no matter what kind of enemy they are facing now, as long as Under Wang Nana's order, they all dared to rush forward and bite the enemy with their minions.

But Qi Ling frowned at this time. This Wang Nana not only possesses a very good king qualification, but also has extremely clear thinking and has a very thorough view of the current situation.

She could see that no matter how much Qi Ling talked, the elves were facing a crisis, and even if Qi Ling planned to drag the orcs into the water, it was impossible not to pay any price.

Unexpectedly, Qi inspired a hint of excitement. It's really been a long time since he had encountered such an opponent. Such an opponent who possesses this strength, power, and wisdom is really rare.

For such a clever person, Qi Ling didn’t intend to bend around, but also said with a smile: “Okay, since the orcs are so passionate and united, and don’t care about any enemies, then we might as well take it. Give this opportunity to the Orcs."

Wang Nana's face changed and she couldn't help but say, "What do you mean?"

"Very simple, I mean, the elves plan to give up resistance, withdraw from the forest of elves, and choose a safe place to live in seclusion." Qi Ling said with a smile, "After that, the underground coalition forces lost their target of attack. After that, you will definitely come to trouble the Orcs. At that time, you will be able to get what you want."

"After all, the orcs are not only the most populous race in this world, but also the race that occupies the most places of residence. It is not an exaggeration to call you the number one race."

"Since enjoying such treatment, when faced with a world crisis, of course the orcs should also rush ahead, instead of letting the elves, who have never been fighting against the world and isolated from the world, rush ahead, right?"

After hearing what Qi Ling said, all the orcs couldn't help showing their expressions of contemplation. It seemed that Qi Ling's words had a certain truth. The glory of the orcs did not allow them to choose to back down when facing enemies.

But Wang Nana knew that if they agreed to Qi Ling's request at this time, they would be fooled by Qi Ling, so Wang Nana snorted and said, "You don't want to speak big words anymore. This is just something you take for granted. It can't happen!"

"First I ask you, will the elves give up the forest of elves, leave the place where they have lived for thousands of years, and choose to live elsewhere? This is simply impossible!"

And Qi Ling smiled and said at this time: "I'm sorry, Lord Beastmaster, maybe you don't know yet. When I came to this world this time, we had already brought the will of the forest goddess. She said that the elves are in When necessary, you can give up all of this."

"If you don’t believe me, you can ask the Elisa next to me, the most outstanding and loyal warrior of the Elves, and the Xiao Wu who came with me, is she the heir chosen by the Elf Goddess? Woolen cloth?"

After hearing what Qi Ling said, Wang Nana certainly didn't believe it, so she looked at Aretha who was aside.

At this time, Erisha looked dazed, looking at Qi Ling, she didn't know what to say.

Qi Ling smiled and guided Eliza and said, "Don’t be nervous, Eliza, it doesn’t matter if you let them know about these things! After all, we are all from the forest goddess, and Xiao Wu is exactly The heir chosen by the forest goddess also brought the will of the forest goddess, right?"

"Ah? That's right, but..." Ai Leisha said, but she wanted to say that although Qi Ling said everything, but the forest goddess never said that the elves gave up on themselves Place of residence in order to avoid war.

This is a trap set by Qi Ling. What Elisa said is indeed the truth, but after hearing what Eliza said, how the orcs would understand it is nothing to do with her.

After Qi Ling said this, Wang Nana couldn't help but start thinking! In terms of the pride of the elves, as the most outstanding warrior of the elves, Elisa will never lie, so these words can definitely be trusted.

And Wang Nana also knows the significance of the forest goddess to the entire elves. It is absolutely the supreme existence and the only belief of all of them. If the elves really give such orders, then the elves might really give up. Own home.

"Of course, the forest goddess has also said that this is the last resort. If it is not really no way, you must not give up your home." Qi Ling continued at this time, "So, in order to prevent it from being true at that time The elves will only entrust me as a representative to come to negotiate with you."

"I hope everyone understands that what we are discussing right now is definitely not just about how to save the elves, such a superficial thing, but how to save the world, how to avoid a war of charcoal, and how to treat everyone The loss of her is minimized! Wang Nana, as a king, you should also have this awareness!"

Qi Ling's remarks, with Dayi and Xiaode, almost pushed Wang Nana to a very high level. This is also a necessary means for forcing the other party to agree during the negotiation.

What's more, Qi Ling's words are not only aimed at Nana, the beast king, but also the entire orc race. They must start thinking, if the flames of war spread to their hometown, what losses will they suffer?

And just when Qi Ling thought that his words would surely be able to make the orcs agree to his request, an unexpected situation happened again.

After thinking about it, Wang Nana once again showed a smile that made Qi Ling wonder, and then smiled and said, "Hehe, such a troublesome thing is really unpleasant."

"Qi Ling, you should be called by this name, right?" Wang Nana couldn't help but said, "I have to admit, you are the best human being I have ever seen! Even among the orcs, I am afraid I can't find any better than you. A better person."

"So, let you represent the elves and come to talk to us about cooperation, then don't talk nonsense! Come on, defeat our orcs, and you will naturally get everything you want!"

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