Douluo Godly Choice System

Chapter 1216: , Forest field

After hearing what Qi Ling said, Hong Lei couldn't help showing a look of astonishment, because for him, and even for the entire dragon race, being able to transform into a dragon was also a legend.

Although they can turn their bodies into the shape of a dragon to a certain extent, the box becomes a real dragon, which is far from being comparable, and cannot be compared at all.

And now, although Qi Ling's strength is not stronger than himself, Qi Ling's identity as a dragon **** makes this possibility even greater, and Hong Lei has to believe it.

If you can become a dragon, this is simply a dream for the dragon people, even if it is just for such a condition, the dragon people can agree to any request of Qi Ling.

"Lord Dragon God, is what you said is true? What can I do to make me a real dragon?" Hong Lei couldn't help but be surprised.

"It's very simple, just do this!" Qi Ling said, mobilizing a brand new power in his body, which belongs to the Dragon God and can only affect the dragon clan: Hualong!

This kind of power, if used on those subdragon species with impure blood, can allow them to evolve into purebred dragons with purer bloodlines and stronger power in a short period of time.

Of course, to use such power is also a very large consumption for Qi Ling, and this power must rely on Qi Ling's divine dragon bone to be able to activate.

Obviously, it was worth it. After using the Dragon Transformation skill against Hong Lei, Hong Lei's body gradually began to change, just like the real Wuhun body, Hong Lei gradually turned into a blue-black one. Giant dragon family.

This dragon, with its strong body, has surpassed the giants and has become a very terrifying existence. The power it possesses has already surpassed that of the giants, even if it deals with several giants at the same time, it is not at all Falling wind.

The giant dragon soaring in the air really had an overwhelming advantage over the giants. Soon, the giants chose to surrender, because if they continue to fight like this, they have no chance of winning.

After seeing the power possessed by Qi Ling Qi Ling and others, the giant patriarch couldn't help but said helplessly: "Q Ling, you have such power in this way, don't you have a way to solve your opponent? The enemy from the earth? Are they really so powerful and difficult to defeat?"

Qi Ling reluctantly said: "Yes, that's the case. It is precisely because we are facing such an opponent, so no matter what method I use, I must gather the power of all races together."

"And if you don't do this, yes, I can only admit that we have no chance of winning in this battle."

Hearing Qi Ling say this, the giant patriarch said after meditation: "Well, if this is the case, we also choose to participate in this battle."

Qi Ling smiled and said, "Oh? What made you make such a change and plan to participate in this battle?"

The giant patriarch said very honestly: "It's nothing, but since you have this kind of power, you can't deal with those enemies, then if only us are left in the end, it will be even more hopeless."

"Although our giants are not good at thinking, we are definitely not fools. If we face such an unsolvable problem and don't unite with people who can help us, we will not be able to survive under such circumstances."

What the giant patriarch said is actually very easy to understand. Instead of fighting alone, it is better to face them with powerful teammates. This is their choice.

After gaining the support of the giants, Qi Ling's goal has been achieved, and with such a powerful combined army, Qi Ling has the confidence to defeat the opponent no matter what kind of enemy is coming to attack.

So after this, Qi Ling and the giants warriors. We went to the Fairy Forest together, where we prepared to fight against the underground coalition forces who came to attack.

But when a crowd was waiting to approach the Fairy Forest, Qi Ling was suddenly surprised to find that in the Fairy Forest, the war seemed to have begun.

The underground coalition did not wait too long before launching the next war, and this time, they can be said to have come out in full force. In addition to the goblin king and the dwarf king they met last time, the three powerful members of the demon clan The demon generals, as well as the queen of the dark elves, participated in this war.

If it weren't for the orcs and dragon people to feel in time, I'm afraid this war would have ended when Qi Ling and the others arrived. But now, the situation of the war is developing to the fiercest time, and Qi Ling and the others are coming at the right time.

"It seems that we are lucky. If we come later, I am afraid we don't need to participate in the battle." Qi Ling said to the others, "But now, it is the best time for us to launch an assault!"

Because of the current battlefield, Qi Ling and the others have appeared behind the underground army, and right in front of the underground army, they are fighting fierce battles with the elves orcs and the dragon people.

Therefore, under the command of Qi Ling, all the giants launched an impact together, and the powerful impact of the giants has destructive power in any war, and no one can ignore their power.

Therefore, under such circumstances, when the giants rushed into the underground legion and began to wreak havoc, the situation that had been stalemate changed.

The Dark Elf Queen, who was fighting fiercely with Wang Nana, suddenly heard a fierce scream of killing from behind her battlefield, she couldn't help being shocked, and hurriedly asked the people around: "What happened? Why is there another enemy from behind us?"

A dark elf stepped forward and said: "My Queen, the people who rushed up from behind us, seem to be... giants!"

"What? Giants? How could this be possible!" The Dark Elf Queen said in disbelief, "First there were the Orcs and the Dragonites, and now, even the Giants have appeared, and the races of the entire continent have appeared here. Is it? How is this possible! Who can have such an ability to do such an impossible thing?"

"Hehe, when fighting, don't lose your mind!" Wang Nana said, kicking the dark elf queen on her body and directly kicking the opponent to the ground.

"But for your question, I can help you answer one or two." Wang Nana said, "That man, indeed, is not an ordinary man. He was sent by heaven to save the world. He can do such a thing. Not surprisingly."

"Honestly, after I really started fighting with you, I also realized it, but if we didn't unite against you, we would really be defeated by you one by one."

"But now, the situation has reversed, and you should be the one to worry about!"

The dark elf queen clutched her chest, wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, and muttered the word "Qi Ling" silently in her heart. For this person she had heard of for the first time, she was able to do such a thing. The dark elf queen was surprised.

"Humph, but even so, you definitely have no chance of winning!" The Dark Elf Queen said reluctantly, "Because even if you can defeat our army, you cannot defeat the Great Demon King!"

And after hearing the words of the Great Demon King, Wang Nana couldn't help but change her face.

The reason is simple. Among the five masters on the mainland, Wang Nana, Thunder Thunder, Elf Queen, the Great Demon King, and another mysterious person, among them, only the Great Demon King's strength level reached level 21.

Although this level is only one level higher than Wang Nana and the others, it is this level of strength gap that has formed an insurmountable gap in strength.

After all, at their level of strength, the first-level strength gap is already huge and astonishing. It can even be said that even if Wang Nana, Thunder, and Elf Queen go together, they may not be the opponent of the Great Demon King. What's more, now The Elf Queen was seriously injured and could no longer play.

Because of this, the underground coalition forces will be so steadfast in the victory of this war, even if they and others really fail, it will not affect the final victory of this war in the slightest.

Even many Demon Races who shouted loudly during the battle were "Long live the Great Demon King!" In their minds, as long as the invincible Great Demon King is still there, then they cannot be in this battle. fail.

It is for this reason that even in the assault of the giants, the underground coalition army has been dissipated, and after meeting with the elves and others, they surrounded them, but the underground coalition forces did not have the momentum. The slightest decline, on the contrary, still firmly believe in their victory.

Being able to achieve this level is no longer able to describe it with pure trust. It is simply a kind of crazy worship, a kind of detached rational emotion.

Fighting with such an enemy is undoubtedly a very painful thing, because they will not choose to retreat because of failure, and the consequence of this is that the loss of both parties will be maximized.

"Qi Ling, what should we do?" Ai Leisha asked Qi Ling at a loss looking at such a tragic battlefield.

Qi Ling also felt helpless about this. Generally speaking, in such a situation, if he wanted the opponent to retreat, the only way to get the opponent to retreat was to capture the thieves first.

But now, they didn't even see the Great Demon King, and while they wanted to solve this battle at once, there was no way.

"Big Brother Qi, Brother Qi!" At this moment, Xiao Wu rushed over from the battlefield and plunged directly into Qi Ling's arms, "You are finally back, I'm worried to death!"

Qi Ling hugged Xiao Wu and comforted her for a while, then said: "Xiao Wu, now is not the time to relax, we must first resolve this battle."

"Brother Qi, I came to you just for this matter!" Xiao Wu said while looking at Qi Ling, "I have a way to make these underground troops retreat!"

When Xiao Wu said this, not only Qi Ling, but the people around him all looked at Xiao Wu and showed an expression of disbelief, because this is something that even Qi Ling can't do, so how can Xiao Wu do it? Woolen cloth?

And Xiao Wu said with certainty: "Brother Qi, it's true. I can do this. Of course, I can't do it alone. I still need everyone's help."

"Yes, what Xiao Wu said is indeed the truth, and I think this should be our only way." At this moment, the high priest of the elves also rushed here, Qi Ling and others said.

Later, after the high priest explained to everyone, everyone knew their plan, because the power they used mainly was actually the power of the domain that Xiao Wu could use after gaining the approval of the forest goddess—the forest domain!

The ability of this domain can maximize its effect in the forest of the elves, and more importantly, the forest domain of Xiao Wu, for the elves or the orcs, the dragons, and the giants, is in the sun. The races living below all have a very positive auxiliary effect.

But at the same time, for these underground races, there is an extremely strong weakening, and even make them feel physical discomfort, there is no way to stay here for a long time.

After all, for any species, instantaneous changes in the environment in which they live will make them feel very uncomfortable. It is like bringing creatures from an extremely cold place to an extremely hot place. It may not take much time for them. I will die.

For these creatures in the underground army, Xiao Wu's forest domain possesses such power. Although it may not be able to cause much damage to them, it can at least reduce their fighting spirit and restore their sober state.

For this battle, it is enough to be able to do such a thing, because the reason why these underground troops are so crazy now is actually because their spirit is in an abnormal state of excitement.

And as long as this abnormal state of excitement is eliminated, then they will recognize the disadvantages they are facing now, admit their failures, and leave from here.

"But, although I don't want to say it, Xiao Wu, do you have the ability to expand your forest domain to the entire battlefield?" Qi Ling couldn't help but frown.

After all, even Qi Ling himself, the Demon God Realm he was using could not cover such a large area, but if this is not done, there would be no way to end this war.

And the high priest went on to say: "This is why we have to find you first, Qi Ling. It is not enough to rely on Xiao Wu's power alone, but just add the fairy forest and the power of everyone. , Then it is enough to meet this condition."

According to the high priest, there actually existed an altar in this forest of elves. It was the most important place in the forest of elves. It was also the place where they needed to activate the magical enchantment before.

As long as Xiao Wu's forest domain was launched in this place, Xiao Wu's power could be spread throughout the Fairy Forest like the previous enchantment, thus reaching every corner of the battlefield.

"But to do so, we still have a condition that must be fulfilled." The high priest said embarrassingly at this time.

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