Douluo Godly Choice System

Chapter 1259: , The challenger xinShuHaiGe.CoM

Early in the morning, Jiang Chen came out of his room and went to ask Alice about some things. What surprised Qi inspiration was that no matter where he went, someone was watching him whispering, as if he was all night. He has become a star here.

Although Qi Ling had already gained a considerable degree of popularity before, after all, as a descendant of the Demon God, it wouldn't work if he didn't think of being famous.

But in yesterday's game that made the whole fairyland jump, all the talents officially met Qi Ling, and Qi Ling had a preliminary understanding.

"Oh, it's not a good thing to be famous. I thought there would be a girl who is pregnant and send me a love letter." Qi Ling muttered to himself very depressed as he walked.

But at this moment, suddenly a soft body rushed into Qi Ling's arms, leaving behind a fragrance and a letter, and immediately disappeared.

Qi Ling looked at the letter in his hand with a dazed expression, and said to himself: "No way? Could it be that I really got it right?"

When he came to Alice’s room, the most dishonest third-in-chief was holding a bunch of grapes in his hand, feeding them one by one into his mouth, while Bibi Dong was sitting aside, seeming to be looking at some text.

Before Bibi Dong was invited by Bai Qian, he went to Bai Qian’s "Qingqiu" as a guest. After that, Bai Qian also sincerely admired Bibi Dong’s talents, so I especially asked Bibi Dong for one thing— Help Alice to deal with various things in "Wonderland".

Think of Alice's character, think of it when it comes out, it is impossible to handle these things so well, and sometimes she will just leave all the work on a whim, and go out to play alone.

Bai Qian had always been helping Alice before, dealing with the things here. Now that Bibi Dong is here, Bai Qian can naturally make Bai Qian a lot easier, so she doesn't have to worry about both sides at the same time.

After Qi Ling walked in, Luna brought Qi Ling a cup of tea. Xiluo and Sigma were on the sidelines, not knowing what they were talking about, making Sigma look curious, and there seemed to be light flashing in her eyes.

Seeing Qi Ling, Alice immediately said with a smile: "Hehe, Qi Ling, you are finally here. I thought you would be stuck in the middle of the road today and can't come here."

"It shouldn't be such an exaggeration, right? I didn't seem to have done anything excessive." Qi Ling said helplessly.

"Hee hee, isn't it too much to make the whole wonderland so much? But I thought that after yesterday’s events, someone would definitely like you and couldn’t help sending you a love letter. I didn’t expect... .... What are you holding in your hand?" Alice asked curiously at this time.

This guy, instinct is too accurate, right? Qi Ling said helplessly: "Well, it's a letter sent to me this morning. I haven't had time to read the content."

Hearing this, several people in the room stopped their movements at the same time, and then looked at the nature in Qi Ling's hands together. Xiluo even directly covered her mouth and said in surprise: "Gosh, is this a love letter? Qi Ling, someone wrote you a love letter!"

"Don't talk nonsense, although this is a letter sent to me by a girl, it is not necessarily a love letter..." Qi Ling also felt that what he said was very unconvincing. It seemed that this should be a love letter no matter what you think. Right?

As a result, several people immediately leaned forward to the table curiously, staring closely at the envelope in Qi Ling's hand, even including Bibi Dong, looking at the letter with great attention.

Qi Ling felt that if he didn't open this letter here and then told them the content inside, I'm afraid I won't be able to get out of this room today, so he had no choice but to say: "Okay, okay, I'll take you. I will open this letter now, okay?"

Pulling the letter paper out of the envelope, decided to open it in front of a few people, and then frowned, because on the top of the letter, there were three large characters-"Challenge"!

Basically, these three words can already summarize the content of this letter. It is the owner of this letter who wants to challenge Qi Ling, hoping that Qi Ling can come to any place at any time and carry out a meeting. A fair challenge.

In fact, at the beginning, Qi Ling was a little proud when he felt that he received the love letter, but he didn't expect that the reversal came so fast, that he actually received a challenge letter!

As for Alice and others, they have already laughed out loud, and Alice even said: "Haha, let me just say, how can I make you pick up such a bargain! You have to deal with this challenge, Qi Ling. "

And Xiluo leaned forward at this time, took a look at the name of the challenger, and then said in surprise: "Oh? No, how could it be this guy?"

Qi Ling curiously asked: "Huh? What's wrong, Xiluo, is there something wrong with this person?"

"Ah, this..." Xiluo hesitated and said, "Qi Ling, didn't you see what that guy looked like when you received this letter?"

Qi Ling thought for a while and said: "It's really not there. This guy seemed to put down the letter and left immediately. I didn't even see how she appeared. I think it must be a fast person."

"Well, yes, that is indeed a fast person, you..."

Xiluo was about to continue to say something, and lovely Lisi interrupted at this moment: "Hehe, okay, Xiluo, don't say anything later."

"Qi Ling, I will give you a day off today. You don't need to do anything, just accept this challenge. Remember, you can only win, you can't lose!"

Seeing Alice's weird expression, Qi Ling felt that there should be some hidden secrets in it, but this was mostly Alice's bad thoughts, wanting to see herself as ugly.

If this is the case, then the identity of this person should not be simple, since Alice and Xiluo both know her, 80% of them should be in the demon league.

In desperation, Qi Ling had to follow the challenge book and came to a forest, where he shouted: "I've already come, show up soon!"

As soon as the voice fell, Qi Ling only heard a sound of breaking through the air, and then several hidden weapons seemed to fly towards him. Fortunately, Qi Ling was already prepared to block all these hidden weapons with the Demon God's Halberd.

And after that, a figure also appeared from the woods, jumped from the air to Qi Ling, and said with his hands on his hips: "You are the Qi Ling? I have been waiting for you for a long time, but you finally showed up. I thought you weren't. Dare to come!"

Qi Ling looked at the uninvited guest in front of him. It should be the challenger who challenged him. This is a girl with short white hair. What makes people care about is that there is a pair of white foxes on the girl's head. Ear.

Qi Ling was very sure that he had never seen this girl anywhere, and had not had any intersection with the other party. He couldn't help but said in confusion, "This woman, we should have never met before. Why do you have any reason to be right? Should I challenge?"

"Of course there is a reason! Originally, this demon god's position should belong to me, but it was taken away by you, which is really unwilling!" the girl said plausibly.

"So, Qi Ling, I am going to challenge you now. If you lose, you must hand over the position of the Demon God!"

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