Douluo Godly Choice System

Chapter 1273: , A strong opponent

"Oh? That's it, then I want to ask, have the players of the Momeng come to participate in the competition?" Qi Ling asked.

"Momeng? Of course there is. How can they miss such a game." The staff said. "There are four teams from the Momeng participating in the competition. Two of them are their key teams. One is the last time they won the championship. The hunting team, and the other one is a hunting team composed of their newcomers."

A hunting team of newcomers? Qi Ling couldn't help thinking secretly. If he remembered correctly, Qian Jiyin and Chu Ling had joined the Demon League before and after, so this team is likely to be formed with these two people as the center.

As for the other team, since it was the last champion team, it must be very strong, and it may even be a team composed of people with the strength of the five rings of the true gods, which should not be underestimated.

But as for the detailed information of the two teams, Qi Ling can't know it. This is related to the fairness of the game. Even these staff cannot disclose it like Qi Ling.

"Well, it seems that this game is more interesting than I thought." Qi Ling smiled, "Can we enter the forest now and start the game?"

"Not yet, this player." The staff said, "The official start of the game is in the evening. At the same time, at the evening of the last day, the game will end on time. The duration of the game is three days in total. ."

"As for the time between now and the start of the game, you can go to nearby villages and towns to provide some supplies. You should know that within three days after the start of the game, you are not allowed to enter or leave the forest."

What the staff member said is not unreasonable. Even food, clothing and housing can be obtained in the forest, but since all the players have not entered the forest, most of them should be in the villages and towns. Going there to collect some information is also good for the game.

Soon, a few people entered the town. It seemed to be more prosperous than before. There were many people who hadn't seen walking around in the street, and they were probably all players preparing to participate in the competition.

These people are all kinds of people, and it is impossible to tell from the appearance what kind of ability they have. Although it is certain that everyone is below the true god's fifth ring strength, there may not be strong players among them.

Most of these people are in groups and gathered in one place to discuss things. Obviously, everyone has no idea about the upcoming game. They are looking at each other, just to get more information.

"It's really a grand event, Xiao Jiu, since you have participated in the competition before, you should be able to recognize those experienced veterans? Such people should be the opponents we need the most attention."

After all, although these people who have just entered the Demon Realm, there are indeed people who can possess powerful strength in a very short period of time, but that is a minority after all, and only the top talents like Qi Ling can do it. .

Most of the people participating in the competition are still based on the previous players. Even if they don't have such high talents, they can gain enough strength through the accumulation of time.

"Of course, teacher, don't underestimate me, but my memory is very good!" Xiao Jiufen said triumphantly, "Among these people, many of them are contestants who fish in troubled waters. They are truly capable. Not many."

"People who need attention, there is the Johnny Silverhand squad over there. They are professional hunting squads. The traps they set up are hardly recognized by anyone, and they are powerful and very difficult to deal with."

"There is also the Phelps team over there. They are good at hiding. In such a forest, even if you pass by them, there is no way to find them, let alone those monsters."

"Ah, that's Duluf, teacher, don't think he is so short, but maybe his explosiveness is the strongest among these people, I am afraid that only Luna will be better than him! Because in the last match , He solved a level six monster with just one blow, which is quite amazing."

Listening to Xiao Jiu's introduction to these contestants, Qi Ling could also tell that she really knew her opponent very well and helped Qi Ling a lot.

When Xiao Jiu continued to introduce Qi Ling, suddenly, Xiao Jiu's expression changed, like a kitten with blown up fur, and looked angrily in one direction.

Not only Xiao Jiu, but even the other players around him, their faces became serious, and they all looked in one direction at the same time. In that room, a small team was slowly approaching.

Obviously, this team must have a long history. Qi Ling whispered to Xiao Jiu: "Is this team the team that won the last game?"

Xiao Jiu nodded and said, "Yes, teacher, you must be careful of these guys! Especially the one who takes the lead, he is called Ye Yao. Although he is only the strength level of the true **** five rings, he is said to have died in his hands. Many people are of the true God's six-ring strength level, and they are quite difficult to deal with."

Hearing Xiao Jiu’s warning, Qi Ling couldn’t help but pay more attention to the night demon. This is a somewhat feminine man, with medium-length hair slanted to one side, and special makeup on his eyes, even on his ears. , Still staring at a row of silver earrings.

But although this guy’s appearance is like this, it does not give people a sissy feeling, on the contrary, it makes people feel very cold. This seems to have become a feature in the magic league. Everyone is gloomy. He looked like a poisonous snake.

At this time, the night demon obviously saw Xiao Jiu, so he brought his team over and said to Xiao Jiu with a smile: "Yeah? Isn't this Xiao Jiu? You still come to participate in the competition this year?"

"It was a pity the last game, but this is how things are in the world. Nothing is destined. And if I remember correctly, those players who participated in the last game should have broken through? This time, is it you who led the team? Are you here?"

When Xiao Jiu faced the night monster, he kept blowing his hair like a kitten. He was about to say something, but was stopped by Qi Ling, and then said to the night monster, "Sorry, it is not Xiao Jiu who is leading the team this time. , But me."

"You?" The night demon listened to Qi Ling's words, looked up and down Qi Ling, and said thoughtfully, "Oh, I've heard of you, you are the descendant of that Demon God, a brilliant newcomer, right? "

"It seems like Qian Ji Yin and Chu Ling are the same newcomers who came in. It's really surprising. In such a short period of time, you already have this kind of power? Pulling out the seedlings to encourage growth, but you will have to pay it back sooner or later."

Qi Ling smiled and said, "You don't need to worry about it anymore. I have gained such power only by taking advantage of the trend, and I haven't taken any extreme measures."

"It can be seen that you are indeed very strong, and I am looking forward to playing against you in the forest."

As Qi Ling said, he stretched out his hand to the night demon. For such a self-respecting person, speaking with strength is always the best way to greet him.

Looking at Qi Ling's hand extended, he also stretched out his hand very disdainfully and shook it towards Qi Ling. Obviously, he also wanted to use this method to give Qi Ling a start. After all, in his opinion, how much power can someone who is not as good as his own?

But the moment his hand touched Qi Ling, the night demon instantly changed his face, an unimaginable force that came from his hand, making him instantly feel the pain.

The two maintained this posture of shaking hands, seeming to be evenly divided. In fact, Ye Yao knew that because of his underestimation of the enemy at the beginning, he suffered a big loss, and now the situation is completely under Qi Ling's control.

"I heard Xiao Jiu say that you showed great power in the last match, which made people really admire it." Qi Ling continued to exert his strength and said lightly, "I didn't expect it to be able to see such an opponent. It excites me."

While the night monster clenched his teeth and insisted, he said cruelly: "Huh! You know, there are no rules in this game. Many people just died in the forest unexplainably, you too. Be careful!"

"Hahaha, thank you for your advice, Brother Ye Yao is really an enthusiastic person." Qi Ling said with a smile.

Ye Yao snorted coldly, and his arm instantly exerted force, pulling his hand back. If this continues, under Qi Ling's control, it will only become more and more difficult for him to exert his strength, and even make a fool of himself in public.

After this, the night demon finally felt that the man in front of him was not an easy man to deal with, so if he said deeply, "Qi Ling, right? I remember your name, and I am looking forward to it. You met in the forest!"

After saying this, the Night Demon team left here and walked out of the town. It seemed that they were clearly prepared, but they didn't know where they were going after leaving the town.

"Follow them, since we are in the town, let's go to the tavern first." Qi Ling said with a smile, "Escarno, we have already tested strength before, but I don't know how much your drink is. ?"

Escano also laughed at this time: "Hahaha, Qi Ling, maybe I will be slightly inferior to you in terms of strength, but in terms of drinking, I haven't been afraid of anyone yet!"

"It just so happens that I am familiar with the taverns in this town. I know that there is a tavern wine, which is definitely top-grade and good quality. I promise to satisfy you."

Sigma on the side asked curiously: "What is wine? Is it good?"

Qi Ling said as he walked: "Hehe, Sigma, children can't drink. You can enjoy this kind of fun when you grow up."

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