Douluo Godly Choice System

Chapter 1275: , To obtain information XinShuHaiGE.CoM

After this, Chu Ling and others left the tavern, and Qi Ling also had a relatively direct understanding of their strength.

"What, these guys, it doesn't seem like a great thing!" Xiao Jiu said very confidently after a few people left.

But Escano said at this time: "I think we shouldn't underestimate them too much! Especially those two who didn't shoot, maybe even more difficult to deal with."

Qi Ling couldn't help but nodded. The two of them hadn't seen him before, indicating that they should be people in the demon world before, and since they can join Chu Ling's team, it means that they should also have a considerable degree of strength.

More importantly, Qi Ling's view is the same as that of Escano. The strength of these two people is above the true god's fifth ring. Coupled with their experience, they should be quite difficult opponents to deal with.

"Oh? What's the matter? Qi Ling, looking at your embarrassed look, have you encountered any difficulties?" At this moment, a voice came from beside Qi Ling, which surprised Qi Ling. Because of this voice, Qi Ling is also very familiar.

He looked to the side and said in surprise: "Kuang San? Why did you appear here?"

"Huh? It's okay, I've been here since just now, and then I watched you and Chu Ling pinch each other, it was so funny." Tokisaki Kuangzo said with a smile at this time.

Seeing the sudden appearance of Kuang San Tosaki, Qi Ling also felt a headache, because this guy was even more difficult to deal with than Chu Ling and the others, and he didn't know her details and origins until now.

"Huh? Luna, long time no see, and these two lovely little girls, how are you guys." Kuang San was not idle when Qi Ling was in a daze, but went to say hello to Luna. .

Luna and Sigma also greeted Kuangsan, while Xiao Jiu asked next to Qi Ling: "Qi Ling, this guy seems to be very difficult to deal with, do you know her?"

"I know, and I got you right, she is really difficult to deal with, and I have nothing to do with her." Qi Ling said frankly.

"Really, Mr. Qi Ling, you praise people like this, you really don’t know how to say it," Kuang San said with a smile, "People are not so terrible anymore, I'm just a weak girl, how can I do it? Something like that."

Qi Ling felt that the corners of his mouth were twitching, and he had never seen a weak girl like you who murdered without blinking. If you could be considered weak, the murderer would also be considered gentle.

However, Kuangsan is better, that is, her ability to gather intelligence is first-rate, so Qi Ling asked: "Well, let’s not talk nonsense, Kuangsan, you should know a lot about this game. Is the information? Can't you share the information with us?"

"Oh, of course, but Mr. Qi Ling, you should also know that we are no longer partners, so of course I can't provide you with this information for free." Kuangsan smiled.

"Well, it's reasonable, you can tell, what kind of conditions are needed to provide this information to me?" Qi Ling asked.

"Oh, it's very simple. Our team will have some lack of strength in the game, so I hope to get your help from Mr. Qi Ling." Kuang San said.

"Of course, I won't cause you a lot of trouble. It's just that when we are catching prey, I would like to ask you Mr. Qi Ling to help us guard against other people's attacks. That's it. Do you think it's okay?"

This condition was reasonable, and Qi Ling agreed after thinking about it. After all, intelligence is the most important thing, and it can even determine the direction of the entire game.

"Ah, since you have agreed to Qi Ling's first move, let me introduce my partner to Mr. Qi Ling first." Kuang San said, waving in one direction, "Shixiang, come here!"

After Tokisaki Kuangzo finished speaking, a girl walked over slowly. She had purple hair. Although she was very cute, she showed an impatient look and said, "Kuangsan, you are called What am I doing? Let's get ready for the game as soon as possible."

"Don't worry, Shixiang, there are some things that are more important than the competition." Kuangsan smiled, "This is Qi Ling that I often talk about with you. Didn't you also say that you really want to know him?"

Hearing Qi Ling's name, a **** came to Shixiang's eyes instantly, and Qi Ling said with interest: "Are you Qi Ling?"

"Ah, yes, I am..."

Just halfway through Qi Ling's words, Shixiang suddenly pulled out a purple epee from nowhere, and immediately slashed towards Qi Ling.

At this moment of crisis, Qi Ling immediately summoned the Demon God Halberd to block the blow, but in a hurry, naturally there was no way to compare with the opponent's rights. He was pressed down by the opponent's epee on his shoulders, almost to Cut yourself.

The other party suddenly got into trouble, Qi Ling's side did not react, and then he was about to make a move, but Shixiang had already retracted his epee, and said with a cold snort, "Humph! There are two times, and I have not been disappointed."

"Damn it, you woman, what the **** are you doing to my teacher!" Xiao Jiu was angry and pounced on it, but Qi Ling stopped him.

In the attack just now, although the opponent used all his strength, it didn't mean to hurt himself, it was just a tentative attack. Otherwise, he would definitely be injured in such a sneak attack.

This also shows that the other party has at least no malice in wanting to start a war, so Qi Ling said: "Well, have you tested my strength? Would you like to try again?"

"No, for the rest, let's wait until the game starts." Shixiang said.

At this time, Shizaki Kuangzo said hurriedly: "Oh, Shixiang, don't be so impulsive! Qi Ling, I'm sorry, Shixiang is such a character, as an apologize, I will give you a few more pieces of information."

"First of all, the more important thing is about the teams participating in this competition. So far, the registration for this competition is almost over. Therefore, the specific personnel of the competition can be roughly determined. It is about 50 teams. ."

"And among so many teams, there are naturally strong and weak, and it is impossible for all of them to be so strong. So according to my intelligence, there are only 12 teams that need attention, and I am basically certain that the final champion will be Born out of these 12 teams."

Qi Ling recognized Tosaki Kakuzo's intelligence ability very much. Since she could make such a judgment, she should have a considerable degree of basis and high credibility.

"In that case, let's talk about who these 12 teams are." Qi Ling asked.

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