Douluo Godly Choice System

Chapter 1278: , The mystery of one hit kills

Regarding this sniper team, according to Tokazaki Kuzou, apart from hunting monsters, they usually do long-range sniper missions, and the target is naturally people.

It is said that a lot of people with the strength of the True God Six Rings have died under their guns. They have never missed the task they accepted with this special weapon.

So although I don't know what the other party's purpose is, since the other party has not made any contact with himself, they have already assumed an attacking posture. Obviously, the other party has no plans to negotiate and has absolute confidence in his own strength.

After Qi Ling came to a position, he knew that if he didn't reveal any flaws in this way, the opponent, as a sniper, would definitely have plenty of patience.

So Qi Ling pretended to lower his head, in fact, he deliberately sold a flaw to them, so as to keep his sight away from the plane and make it more convenient for them to attack.

As expected, after he deliberately exposed the flaw, the opponent immediately launched an attack. Qi Ling could clearly feel that from his left, a strong force was tearing through the space, aiming right. It's my heart.

However, after feeling this, Qi Ling was also secretly happy. He was right. The opponent was indeed aiming at his own heart. This part was also the key, and it was less likely to attract the opponent's attention than aiming at the head.

But even so, even if Qi Ling was ready, he didn't dare to let the opponent's attack hit him like this, so after confirming that the opponent had launched an attack, Qi Ling also activated his abilities in an instant.

"Guardian of the Holy Dragon!"

One of Qi Ling's strongest defensive skills, immediately activated at this time, solidifying the surrounding space into one, blocking external objects from entering his body.

This trick seems a bit tasteless in normal battles, and there is not much room for this trick to play, but it seems very easy to use in this kind of defense against long-range attacks.

But before Qi Ling breathed a sigh of relief, his spirit immediately tightened again, because the opponent's attack was so powerful that it was far beyond Qi Ling's imagination. After he blocked the surrounding space, he actually penetrated the enclosed space all the way, almost breaking through his own. Defensively, came to yourself.

Fortunately, when this attack was about 10 centimeters away from him, his power finally ran out, and finally stopped, without successfully attacking Qi Ling.

But at this moment, Qi Ling's face changed drastically, because he felt that although this attack had stopped, after this attack, the next attack was actually followed, and it was just along the route of the breakthrough. , Continue to attack Qi Ling.

The remaining defense of the Holy Dragon Guardian was no longer enough to withstand this attack, so after breaking through the remaining obstacles, it directly hit the heart-guard on Qi Ling's chest.

"Dang!" With a crisp sound, Qi Ling's body was shocked, and the powerful impact made Qi Ling secretly unsuccessful in his heart, but it simply resisted this attack.

But then, at this moment of life and death, Qi Ling's feeling of becoming extremely keen, he immediately perceives it, after this attack, there is a follow-up attack immediately!

It was another violent collision, and under this complete attack, the breastplate that had resisted an attack just now was completely shattered.

At the same time, the fatal crisis in Qi Ling's heart became stronger, because since the opponent is 5 people, it is very likely that their attacks will be 5 consecutive shots.

Every attack is so deadly, so even if several attacks are blocked, as long as there is one hit, it is their victory.

At such a critical moment, Qi Ling couldn't use teleport or empty cicada at all. This ability to change his position could only take the other two attacks.

An attack directly hit the ribs of Qi Ling's chest. After smashing Qi Ling's two ribs, he no longer had the power to move on. After all, what they had crushed were the dragon bones!

But the last bullet shot directly into Qi Ling's chest without any hindrance at this time, and after shooting in, a strange force burst out immediately, destroying Qi Ling's heart.

This fatal attack only happened for an instant. When everyone reacted, Qi Ling had already covered his chest and fell to the ground, a large amount of blood flowing out of his chest.

"Qi Ling!" "Dad!" "Mr. Qi Ling!"

Everyone exclaimed, and immediately rushed forward to check Qi Ling's situation, and then they saw the terrible injury on Qi Ling's chest.

"Mr. Qi Ling, Mr. Qi Ling, how are you?!" Luna said anxiously, and then took the cat bell from her neck to give Qi Ling treatment.

At this time, Qi Ling coughed twice, spit out a mouthful of blood, and said weakly: "It's really a miscalculation. I really didn't expect that the mystery of their so-called one-stroke killing was that they fired five shots in one attack, so Only then can it be done with one blow."

"Mr. Qi Ling, then you..." Luna said worriedly.

Qi Ling smiled miserably, and said, "Ah, their attack was indeed powerful. My heart was completely destroyed. Now it is a mass of rotten flesh. If I change it to someone else, it should already be in a state of mortal death."

"Unfortunately, they were unlucky and met me. It has been a long time since the blood demon's ability has been tried. Although it can regenerate flesh and blood, the power consumed is indeed extremely huge."

That's right, Qi Ling's reliance is precisely the blood demon emperor's regeneration ability. It can be said that this is the blood demon emperor's most domineering ability, and it is also the guarantee that this guy can be arrogant for so long, but has been safe and sound.

The blood demon's super recovery ability allows Qi Ling to continue to flow according to the original route even if Qi Ling's heart is crushed, without being greatly affected.

At the same time, the powerful power contained in the blood of the Gorefiend will repair Qi Ling's heart while continuing to operate. After the repair is completed, Qi Ling will return to a normal state.

This process probably lasts for about a day, and within this day, Qi Ling will be in a very weak state, with less than 30% of the remaining strength, unable to fight with people normally.

After knowing that Qi Ling was okay, everyone was relieved, and Xiao Jiu said angrily at this time: "Damn, these guys are too much, Qi Ling, where are they! I'm going to avenge you! "

Qi Ling said helplessly: "Don't be silly, even a second-rate sniper knows that after an attack, you can't stay in place and you must move right away."

"Now we have lost the best opportunity to track them down, which can be considered as good luck for them. If we want to recover this debt, we can only wait for the next opportunity."

Although the people were not reconciled, since Qi Ling said this, they could only put this matter aside for the time being, and if they had the opportunity in the future, they must be good-looking.

"Qi Ling, you have suffered such a serious injury now, or let's take a day off and wait until tomorrow to look for prey." Xiao Jiu said to Qi Ling.

Escano also said: "Yes, Qi Ling, the most important thing is to heal your injury now, otherwise, even if we catch the prey, we can't protect our prey under so many opponents."

Qi Ling shook his head and said: "No, in that case, we would have missed too much time! And now I am not unable to act, I just can't use my full strength, normal search can still be carried out."

"So even if we do not carry out actual hunting operations today, we must at least explore this area to find our own goals, even if we can get a little more information, it is worth it."

Under Qi Ling's insistence, everyone continued to explore. Everyone hoped that they could find the Two-Finger Demon Ape within today, or find other valuable monsters, as a secondary choice.

But shortly after moving on, Luna's ears moved suddenly, and then Qi Ling said, "Mr. Qi Ling, there seems to be a fighting sound in front of me. It seems that a fierce battle has taken place."

Qi Ling calmed down and listened carefully, and she realized that what Luna said was indeed true, and judging from the momentum created by both sides, it was a very fierce battle, and the strength of both sides of the battle was quite impressive. .

Although Qi Ling didn't want to take a trip to this muddy water, at this time, if you didn't check the intelligence of the opponents, if he met them next, the situation would be very bad.

After all, in such a game, it is neither a friend nor an enemy, but unfortunately, Qi Ling does not have many friends.

So after discussion, everyone moved forward to the place where the sound of fighting came from, and soon came to the vicinity of the battlefield. Under the premise of ensuring that they were exposed, they quietly looked at the two sides of the battle.

As soon as he saw the situation on the battlefield clearly, Qi Ling was immediately surprised, because one of the parties in the battle was actually Chu Ling and others, and the five of them were playing their own strengths and fighting each other inextricably.

Naturally, the strength of Chu Ling's team needless to say. Even if Qi Ling confronts them head-on, he may not be sure of winning. It is one of the favorites to win the championship.

And the team that can evenly split with them must be very difficult, so Qi Ling immediately looked at the other party. It didn't matter if he saw it, Qi Ling immediately subconsciously yelled out two words: "Bena?!"

Qi Ling was not the only person who was surprised, including Luna, who also made a puzzled voice at this time. At the same time, the two looked at each other to confirm the other's discovery. Among those people, one of them was Dou. Heir of God, Bena!

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