Douluo Godly Choice System

Chapter 1286: , A powerful 7-level warcraft xinShuHaiGe.CoM

Whether Luna and the others were in trouble, Qi Ling didn't know, but Qi Ling and the others soon encountered an unexpected thing, and they even almost killed them.

Several people were walking in the forest, and suddenly they heard the sound of a tiger roar, which came from not far away. The powerful power contained in the sound made them instantly change their faces.

Qi Ling has a dragon soul body guard. Although he will not be suppressed by any aura, he still feels a sense of depression. It is the most direct shock of power, which is enough to show that the owner of this voice has super power. As everyone imagined.

Even Tokazaki Kakuzo, who has always been calm and unhurried, couldn't help but change his face. Qi Ling said, "Qi Ling, do you feel it?"

Qi Ling nodded and said: "This feeling should be a level 7 monster, and the voice is full of breath, in an excellent state, and the strength is quite strong."

After hearing Qi Ling's words, Bena couldn't help but say: "Level 7 monster? Wow, I haven't seen a Level 7 monster since I came here! Qi Ling, do we want to try and see if we can catch this guy? Live! It must be ours to win the championship!"

Looking at Shixiang on the side, he was also eager to try. He seemed to have the same idea as Bena. Qi Ling couldn't help but smile and said, "Please, don't you two say it as simple as that, OK? That's just a 7 Grade Monster, it's no joke!"

"But, didn't we still catch a level 6 monster yesterday? Although the level 7 monster is strong, it shouldn't be impossible, right?" Bena said unwillingly.

Shixiang also raised his arm at this time and made a move to show his strength, which made Qi Ling feel that the two girls had found a consensus in this regard.

But in any case, Qi Ling knows the power of Level 7 Warcraft, and it is impossible to capture them with their current lineup! Don't look at the difference between level 6 and level 7, but that is a real qualitative change and cannot be ignored.

If Qi Ling and the others were able to capture a 7th-level monster, it would undoubtedly mean that they were able to deal with the masters of Xiluo's level, but unfortunately, after converting the power of the monster into Xiluo's power, Qi Ling I don't think there is any chance of winning.

To put it simply, whether it is a monster or a human, from level 6 to level 7, from the sixth ring of the true **** to the seventh ring of the true god, it is a very huge qualitative change, and only when you reach that state can you speak.

However, although Qi Ling explained the stakes here to a few people, looking at the two people's unbelief in evil, Qi Ling knew that they would not give up unless they really saw a 7th-level beast. At that time, I am afraid it will be too late.

But unfortunately, things are often so impermanent. The more you don’t want to happen to it, sometimes the more unavoidable it is! Just when Qi Ling planned to take a few people to avoid this ferocious 7th-level beast, and find another way, suddenly, the bush shuddered, and several figures rushed out of the woods directly.

When Qi Ling and others saw these people, both of them were shocked at the same time, and subconsciously said: "It's you!"

It's no wonder that Qi Ling had this reaction, because the person who appeared in front of Qi Ling was the first seed team of the Magic League, that is, the team of the last champion, the night monster.

At this time, the night monster and the others looked embarrassed. They were all traces of a hard fight. There were blood stains on their bodies that had not been killed. One of them was even one-armed.

What surprised Qi Inspiration even more was that the Night Demon Squad was a five-person team, but at this moment, they clearly had only four people. Reminiscent of their miserable situation at this time, the other person was mostly horrible. Up.

And at this moment, in the forest, the powerful roar of tigers came again, and the trees around the shaking shivered, as if even trees without feelings were afraid of this powerful monster.

"Damn it, this beast has been chasing here, and he's still chasing it!" Hearing this voice, one of the night demon squad's faces paled, "Don't you eliminate us all, it won't stop. ?!"

The night demon raised his hand to signal his subordinates not to speak. The most important thing is not to reveal their situation to Qi Ling. The less his enemies know, the better for him of course.

But unfortunately, according to the information now obtained, Qi Ling can already understand what happened to them. Most of the time, as he had guessed, they were chased by the 7th-level beast all the way to this point.

Moreover, Qi Ling guessed that the night demon and others were likely to take the initiative to capture this level 7 beast, because they also knew that the teams participating in the competition this time were very powerful. If they just capture a level 6 beast, it would be impossible. Ensure victory.

But obviously they underestimated the power of level 7 monsters, so they ended up like this. Qi Ling couldn't help feeling a moment of fear in his heart, if it really made Bena and Shixiang move to find this level 7 monster, then at this time Embarrassed, it may be Qi Ling and the others.

The night demon didn’t say anything to Qi Ling, he immediately left here and continued to flee, and this was what Qi Ling could think of. The best result was to let them lead this beast away to ensure that he had 4 people. Security.

But Qi Ling never expected that he still underestimated Bena's dedication to this 7th-level monster. At this time, Bena stood up and said to the night demon, "Hey! Stop, you are chasing you, is it that one? Level 7 monster?"

Qi Ling immediately looked at Bena with a look of horror, you girl, what are you planning to do now? After seeing the tragic situation of the night demon and others, you still plan to do something with this monster, right?

The night demon heard Bena's words, but stopped and said with a sneer, "Huh, why, are you also interested in seventh-level beasts? Or don't have such illusions. You are not its opponents at all, you will only be for nothing. It's just to die."

Bena said in disbelief: "I haven't seen it yet. How do you know that we are not its opponent? You can't just think that we will be like you just because you are not competitive!"

The night demon was suddenly laughed by Bena: "What are you talking about? We are not up to date? Well, in this case, if you have to see how powerful a 7th-level beast is, I won't stop you!"

Qi Ling blocked it at this time: "Beina, don't be impulsive, we don't know anything about level 7 monsters. It would be too reckless to act like this."

But at this moment, Ye Yao's face changed, and he said with a sneer: "Huh, Qi Ling, you don't have to worry about it anymore. Now you can see the 7th-level beasts you want to see."

After the night demon said this, the bush in front of everyone shook for a while, and a huge white tiger came out of the bush, staring coldly at the people in front of him.

This tiger seems to be no different from ordinary tigers except for its relatively large size, but in fact, this is also because the tiger itself is already good enough, as a battle, it does not need any evolution.

And if you want to judge the power of a monster in the devil world, the most fundamental method is to judge the total amount and richness of the demon energy that the monster possesses. At this time, the white tiger is full of demon energy. As the sky obscures the sun, the crowd can't breathe.

And now that it has been overtaken by it, the night demon simply stopped. It seems that after thinking about it, other thoughts have occurred in his heart. Qi Ling waited and said with a smile: "Huh, now it's okay, even if you want It's impossible to stay out of the matter!"

"Now this Pluto Tiger has identified you as our partners. We are now grasshoppers on a rope, so you will soon be able to see how strong this guy is."

Qi Ling couldn't help but frowned, and could only say that the night demon was a kind of conspiracy at all. Since they didn't escape in the first time, now they can't let Qi Ling go to communicate with this Hades Tiger.

But after discovering that the number of enemies in front of him had doubled, the Pluto Tiger seemed to be furious. For these guys who dared to invade their territory, it did not intend to let anyone go, so it would pursue it so firmly.

Afterwards, the Hades Tiger roared again. The powerful force carried in the sound wave almost knocked everyone down, making everyone look surprised. Just a simple roar actually possessed such power. It's hard to imagine how strong he is.

But now in this situation, it is better to sit and wait for death, so it is better to let go, so Bena and Shixiang immediately entered a fighting state, waving their weapons, and rushing towards the Hades Tiger.

As far as the visual appearance is concerned, the visual impact of the seemingly supple fur of the Pluto Tiger is of course far inferior to the armor-like scales of the wild dragon, and it does not make people feel that it has such a strong defensive ability. .

But with this thought, after Bena and Shixiang’s weapons attacked the Hades Palace, the faces of the two immediately became surprised, because their weapons slashed on the fur, and they did not cause any harm. Not even one of the hair is broken.

And Qi Ling's face couldn't help but make it hard to look, so this happens, the reason is very simple, it is crushed by magic! When the magic gap between the two parties reaches a certain level, then your attack will not cause any harm to the other party at all.

This is just like the level suppression caused by the level gap in online games. After reaching a certain gap, your attack will not only be impossible to break, but will even be completely ignored by the opponent.

Bena and Shixiang couldn't help but retreat. For this kind of enemy, their attack hasn't produced any effect at all. How should they fight against this kind of enemy?

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