Douluo Godly Choice System

Chapter 1318: , Nine Lives Civet

Just as the two were talking, the people of the Demon League gradually gathered around, and two of them took the lead, waving their weapons gently, and came to Luna.

"It looks like Saint Luna, are you planning to break up for the rest of the Demon League?" one of them said, "It's really touching. Such a great mind really deserves the title of Saintess."

Luna said calmly: "Feng Jue, Feng Ao, don't think about the two of you, with me here, I will never let you shoot at others again."

Feng Jue and Feng Ao are the names of the two people in front of them. They are a pair of brothers, and their strength is in the Eight Rings of True God. It can be said that they are the backbone of the Demon League.

People with the power level of the eight rings of the True God, although not as rare as the Demon King, are definitely a very difficult realm to reach. In any force, they can be regarded as the most core members.

Even if there are two major organizations in the demon world like the Demon League and the Demon League, those whose strengths can reach the Eighth Ring of True God can be counted with two hands. The two people in front of them can be regarded as the most important in the Demon League. combat power.

The strength of the two is higher than that of Luna, but even so, Luna has been dealing with them until now, which has to make them marvel, and feel a sense of fear for this famous genius girl .

If Luna is allowed to grow up, in the future, she will definitely become a person who is not inferior to the three major leaders of the demon alliance, so if Luna can stay here forever now, it will probably be more meaningful than they occupy the south. .

So the two of them didn't plan to chase the other members of the fleeing demon alliance at all, and they didn't even let their subordinates leave here. Instead, they asked everyone to surround Luna to prevent Luna from escaping.

Luna naturally knows the other party's plan, but only in this way can the people of the demon alliance escape smoothly. Luna uses the risk of falling into crisis in exchange for the safety of others.

However, even so, Luna did not intend to sacrifice herself. After she used the civet cat to possess the body, the mind of the nine-life civet cat would take over for her and take control of this body, thereby gaining unimaginable power and getting rid of this time. predicament.

So under everyone's attention, a blood-red power gradually spread out from Luna's body, and Luna's body also changed under the wrapping of this power, and more cat characteristics appeared. .

At the same time, Luna's eyes also lost their sane look, and began to become violent and ferocious. This is what Luna buried deep in her heart. It belongs to the true power of the Nine Lives civet cat and belongs to the beasts. Wild power.

Seeing Luna's transformation, the brothers Feng Jue and Feng Ao could not help but be cautious. Naturally, they had also heard about the rumors of the Nine Lives Civet. At this time, Luna's strength was definitely higher than either of them.

However, the reason why the Demon League sent the two of them this time is because of this. Maybe they are alone, and neither of them is Luna's opponent, but when the two brothers join forces, Luna will have no chance of winning.

The storm-like attack was launched immediately among the three of them, and all the others quickly retreated involuntarily. Luna, who showed the strength of the nine-life civet, carried deadly power with each attack. Claw marks can easily tear the enemy into pieces, making Feng Jue and Feng Ao not dare to resist them head-on.

But although the explosive power and stamina of the Nine Lives Civet are beyond common sense, Feng Jue and Feng Ao are not afraid. After figuring out Luna's attack pattern, they launched their counterattack.

As two brothers, they cooperate with each other so that when one person is attacked, or when a counterattack is launched, one person's power is concentrated into one's own body, thereby achieving the effect of concentrated breakthrough.

With this, they can maximize their power at the moment of attack, and the combined power of the two can even approach the level of the Demon King.

So, Luna's attack was blocked like this, and after being counterattacked, she fell back to the ground, with an obvious wound on her body.

After all, the power of the nine-life civet cat can surpass a level, it is enough to shock, but it is impossible to resist such an attack that almost reaches the realm of the devil.

Once they succeeded, the two did not give Luna time to breathe, but they attacked Luna from two directions, and Luna had to resist the attacks from both sides at the same time.

But just after the attack for a while, the two repeated their old tricks and concentrated their power on one of them again, causing damage to Luna with overwhelming power.

Luna screamed and flew out sideways. There was a scar on her waist again. Luna couldn't completely stop the attack of the two.

This is also because the two are brothers and they have enough tacit understanding with each other, so when they transmit their power, others have no way to see through, and there is no way to resist at the right time.

For example, in order to resist the attacks of both sides at the same time, Luna must divide her strength into 50 to 50, so as to resist the opponent's 50 to 50.

However, the opponent was able to concentrate his strength without a trace at all, reaching a 100 to 50 advantage, thus causing damage to Luna.

After several attacks, several wounds have been added to Luna's body. This is because Luna's wild intuition as a nine-life civet is playing a role to protect Luna. Otherwise, any attack by the two is enough. Make Luna incapacitated.

Because of this, Luna's tenacity surprised both of them for a while. Their abilities allowed them to even resist the attack of the Demon King, but they couldn't defeat Luna. How could it not be shocking.

"Looks like, we can't beat you without using the real trump card." Feng Jue said, "In that case, let's let you understand and let you see our true abilities."

Then Feng Jue and Feng Ao made a very strange move under everyone's attention. The figures of the two sides overlapped each other, and finally they overlapped together, forming a brand new figure.

The figure opened his mouth to speak, but the voices of two people overlapped: "Get ready, take the call, the storm is silent!"

After speaking, the man stretched out his hands, and a breeze immediately came from his hands and blew towards Luna.

Although this seems to be just a very ordinary breeze, since it is the unique trick of the two, how could it be so simple, Luna's sensitive intuition immediately felt the crisis.

This breeze is composed of countless wind blades, each of which is powerful enough to seriously injure Luna, and in this breeze, there are thousands of such wind blades.

If it is really caught up by this breeze, then even with the powerful recovery ability of the Nine Lives Civet, it is impossible to heal such an injury at all, and Luna will lose all the ability to move, even whether she can save her own life. Hard to say.

So in the face of such an attack, Luna knew that she could not collide with it head-on, so she immediately started running around, avoiding the attack of the breeze, but the breeze was chasing Luna, always chasing after Luna. Behind Luna, Luna was almost included.

What's more deadly is that there are many people from the Demon League around here. They are also using their own attacks to affect Luna. Finally, Luna made a mistake, and she was about to be swayed by this group of prestige. catch up.

At this moment, Niu Guli, who had been by the side, suddenly rushed out, a collision, directly knocked Luna away, and instead of Luna, he was wrapped in the breeze.

Suddenly, a powerful wind blade erupted, and Niu Guli was about to be smashed into tens of thousands of pieces. This kind of powerful attack, as long as Niu Guli hits a blow, there is no possibility of survival at all.

Looking at this situation, Luna shouted miserably, "Don't!"

The two brothers Feng Jue and Feng Ao showed cruel smiles at this time, and they were able to solve a demon alliance person by the way, which was also a good choice for them.

But at this moment, something that shocked everyone happened. I saw Niu Guli, who was wrapped by thousands of wind blades, was not hurt at all after being attacked by the wind blades!

Because at this time, a layer of golden light appeared on the surface of Niu Guli's body, forming a thin film covering Niu Guli's body, protecting him in it.

After all the wind blades hit these golden rays of light, they made a "tinkling" sound, and then just like a real knife, they broke, shattered and disappeared in the air.

This sudden change caught everyone off guard. Feng Jue and Feng Ao were the first to react. It was obvious that someone had intervened in their battle, and the opponent was quite strong, so they immediately looked around on alert. And said loudly: "Who is it? Come out to me quickly!"

It wasn't any words that responded to the two, but a storm-like attack that was more beneficial than words!

Tens of thousands of sharp golden arrows formed an impermeable rain of swords that fell from the sky, arriving in front of the two almost instantly and attacking them.

The two hurriedly resisted this arrow rain and attacked, unable to maintain their skills and fit state, and immediately re-divided into two people, only to escape this terrifying attack.

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